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Everything posted by boris_73

  1. i would also like to say it has scorched the floor i put it on so i am going to have a hard time explaining that to my parents when they get back of holiday
  2. did you melt the potassium nitrate/sugar mix because it works better when its melted, also use icing sugar that seems to work very well
  3. god damit, sorry im a little tired today and many things are going wrong Edit: sorry does anybody know the atomic weight of iodine Edit 2: its ok i have found it its 127
  4. how long will this mixture keep, because i could just put it away and if i ever wanted it its there, but what i dont want it to do is go off in my house then i would be pis**d Edit: so would my parent's but they only have about 6 months left of me maybe a bit more
  5. boris_73


    i was referring to making chlorates there is the method of getting them from bleech and you said it works but then you said you have found an easier way i was asking what is the easier way for making chlorates, i was a bit lost when you mentiond the other things
  6. oh right thank you
  7. LOL, I dont know which is worse the humiliation or the suspicion
  8. boris_73


    oh yes that has just reminded my dont buy potassium nitrate from http://www.gardenchemicals.co.uk i payed £9.50 for 500g plus postage so about £12 for 500g of potassium nitrate instead get it of http://www.labpakchemicals.co.uk for about £3 for 500g that way you can get 3 times as much you have to include postage thats why it's not four times as much, Anyway YT how well does the bleach method work IE how much crystals will you get and how easy is the NaNO3 and KCL method i am guessing you get a bit more then the amount of NaNO3 you use
  9. LOL, i would'nt want to i am still trying to figure out where i can set of the rest with out causing suspicion
  10. boris_73


    what is your easier method then YT because i would like to make some for the experience
  11. ah yes that would help sorry 100g of iodine, and dont worry i am not going to make a huge batch like that is just that i am thinking of buying some iodine 100g for £5.90
  12. if anybody has ever thought about making smoke bombs i advise you not too unless you live in a big open area, i have just made a smoke bomb today infact 10 minutes ago, i got the recipe from unitednuclear i thought this might be a bit of fun to do, so i got out the icing sugar potassium nitrate heated it ect, and i poured it in to a cardboard tube i filled it to the top, but there was some left over about 5g worth which dried quickly so i decide to light to see what it looks like and while i am doing that the other one can dry firstly small amounts of smoke are given off then alot and i mean alot, thick dense smoke, which blew back into my house( the back door was open bad mistake) setting the fire alarms of in my kitchen, the smoke travelled all the way through my dining room into the living room luckly by the time it got to my living room the smoke was about as thick as when you burn toast now then this is where my problem comes in i have about 45g of this stuff in a cardboard tube and if the 5g is anything to go by i am going to have a major problem when i light the big one, so i advise people not to make it. it would be good on halloween or paintballing ect but not for any day in the week because it will cause huge suspicion
  13. how much Ammonium Tri Iodide would you get from 100g would it still be 100g
  14. does anybody know the weight of iodine per gram
  15. boris_73


    yes i do enjoy making my own chemicals but when the cost making it out weigh the costs buying it ill just buy it
  16. boris_73


    there is an easier method buy it 500g for £7.00 Edit: £5.90 from http://www.labpakchemicals.co.uk
  17. Thank you for that very nice remark Edit: i suppose i should be very cautious of anybody with a gun Edit 2: i should be cautious of anybody with a gun in the first place in england, because nobody should own a gun except for a shotgun
  18. heres a link to prove its a myth and it does'nt matter where you live the water can flow clockwise or anti-clockwise http://www.snopes.com/science/coriolis.htm
  19. boris_73


    you should not add sulphur to any chlorates it makes the mixture unstable
  20. or sometimes if you are lucky snow, but i dont think it will be that lucky for you
  21. some parts i disagree, if it becomes icy then salters will come and salt the road to prevent it being icy, and they have containers where people can put salt down if they feel it is dangerously slipery but yes in some case's we are unprepared for bad wether conditions that may be because we dont have that many
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