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  • Quark

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  1. I just need to know if it possible that a medication was taken for 7 years, after stopped, but still have traces in system (obvoiusly after so many years), is it possible to have high-sensitivity to it and still feel effects of it, where anywhere there's traces of it, (I have a skin desease and it reacts to it). It's important to mention this was large amounts of dust (it was a crumbly sol-tab medication) and at there were at least 20 boxes of it stored in drawers with remaining crumbles of dust of it, and it got cleared away but it seems like, the dust spread everywhere. I have always been ultra-sensitve, the most smallest thing affects me, so I don't doubt this is possible, but I would like some medical back-up for it. Thank you!
  2. I just need to know if it possible that a medication was taken for 7 years, after stopped, but still have it in system, to have high-sensitivity to it, where anywhere there's traces of it, it still affects me (I have a skin desease and it reacts whenever I around objects that were around this medication - again, I need to mention this was large amounts of dust and boxes of it, and it got cleared away but it seems like, the dust spread everywhere instead.) I have always been ultra-sensitve, the most smallest thing affects me, so I don't doubt this is possible, but I would like some scientific back-up for it. Thank you!!
  3. Hmm I can't determine "Potency" since I'm not a chemist, but I know it was a VERY STRONG mood inducing medication, similar to drugs, so for the situation of having had spread so much in dust, and someone being highly sensitve, this is the relevant question.
  4. As far as potency, the medication has a 3 year shelf life, as far as amount, there was dust particles everyhwere, but question is, as far as particles in-visible to the eye in relation to hipersensitvity, is there a possiblity for effect?? if it was a mood altering drug? And I guess, the question is also relative to the fact the this person still has it in the his organism, andif in contact in microscopic particles, can that trigger another affect or have an effect?
  5. Thank you so much....washed professionally, as in how? Are there special methods or machines? Oh, and can they get on non-porous objects as well? And stay there for the time remaining of the medication shelf-life?
  6. Well, the medication was in a dissolve in mouth form, and it was always cut in half, and so it would "crumble" much. In addition, the boxes (at least 20 boxes) with much medication dust residue were stored in the room for a long time, at LEAST a year. So this is how the dust came to be. So is this possible?
  7. Yes I did post this, but this was a more throurough explanation.....and the substance was not cocaine, but was of the mood inducing type.....any thoughts? btw, if it was cocain o similar substance, would that have revelance?
  8. This is the scenario: At least a 2 dozen boxes of crumbled medication (it was a very brittle presentation (soluble in the mouth) was contained in a room- there was lots of dust of this medication everywhere. It was cleaned and thrown away but......can the dust left behind, in non-visible to the eye from SO MUCH medication, stay somehow penetrated in the environment or objects in came in contact with? And still produce some for of effect on highly sensitive people?
  9. Thank you! -- but what if in the case that there were a least a 2 dozen boxes of crumbled medication (it was a very brittle presentation (soluble in the mouth) in other words, lots of dust of this medication everywhere......can the dust from it some how, in microscopic form, stay somehow penetrated in the objects in came in contact with? and still produce some for of effect on highly sensitive people?
  10. Is it possible for a medication to leave "nano"-particles (smallest sized particle invisible to the eye) penetrated in objects? And if contact with them (the particles), somone who is hiper-sensitive in general and to that particular medication, still feel some residue effects??? Please someone highly knowledgable on this topic solve this mystery!
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