Hi there,
I think this information may help you out, since I didn't bother to read any of the posts that clearly debunked HHO fuel.
Have you ever heard of HHO fuel that has got to be the best way to save on gas prices.?
? Imagine the savings. It will cost you about $160, or two tanks of gas to install an HHO
conversion kit (sorry about the format, I just copy/pasted from other sites I spam on a daily basis).
Hydrogen Car Kit - Save Money and Improve MPG Massively (massively = not at all)
Hydrogen car kit empowers your car to run on water and avoid oil as fuel (except as noted in the very next sentence). A vehicle however
will not be able to run on water alone. There needs to be a mixture of gasoline and water to
enable it to run smoothly (which is really no help at all)
Even the Water Fuel Conversion Kits - How Using Water As Fuel Helps Cut Your Gas Consumption (by burning the kits, of course)
Recently,there is increased awareness among many drivers of a technology that uses plain
water tosupplement the cars' gasoline consumption (awareness = desperation). In the past, it was always a bad thing to mix water with your gasoline, but it's OK now that I can make money from your gullibility. Called a water fuel conversion kit, it is
a simpleadd-on to your current car engine that uses your car battery to carry out an
electrolysis on water to produce Hydroxy gas (HHO, which has been thoroughly debunked by chemists and engineers all over the world)). This Hydroxy gas is used to supplement
the burning ofgasoline in the car's engine. Please stop laughing.
Hydrogen generator kit for car can be better than gasoline or oil additives to raise my bank balance. When you make or do it on your own, you can save money on gas but will save lots
of dollars on the kit and reproduce the system for other automobiles on your own.
saving money should be what everyonr thinks off and I have done this by using all ideas from
my free Ebook - http://www.howstupidcanpeoplebe.net
I purchased the available eBooks that teach you how to run your car on water and installed
one on my "chevy 350 small block," it's pretty easy to fool the gullible.