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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Computer Science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Are you asking about the If-Then statement in computer programming? If "CONDITION" is TRUE Then "DO THIS" Example: x = 18 if x == 18 Display "X is equal to 18" Once again I am not sure if you are talking about programming but if so in the example I assigned 18 to the variable "x" and then used the If-Then statement to check the variable. In the If-Then statement it checks the condition "x == 18" which is basically asking "Is x equal to 18?" if the condition is TRUE then it does the following 'Display "X is equal to 18" but if x is not equal to 18 then it is simply ignored. All the following examples are TRUE so the If-Then statement will run the Display statement. I wrote how the conditions are read in the Display output. Example with AND: x = 18 y = 7 if x == 18 AND y == 7 Display "X is 18 and y is 7" Example with OR: x = 18 if x== 7 OR x == 18 Display "X is 7 or 18" Example with NOT: x = 18 if x != 18 Display "X is not equal to 18"
  2. So I am currently working on an associates for Computer Programming and am knocking out some of my basics to give me a head start when I finally transfer to a college and go towards my Computer Science Major. I am curious though as to which is or which are the best colleges for Computer Science? If I type this into google I get a lot of online colleges and ads. I was wondering what you guys thought or have heard? Which college is the one people usually consider good colleges to graduate from as a Computer Science Major? Currently, I am working on transferring to University of Houston once my associates is done at a community college.
  3. Yes, actually array sorting was about three chapters ago. It covered different methods, sequential sorting, bubble sorting etc. Array sorting is not my favorite so i might try to cover that in more depth. My class actually covers psuedocode and that is actually a great idea. I will try to jump back to previous chapters during my off time to make my own psuedocode for examples I forgot solutions to. I appreciate the advice along with the site recommendations. Thanks guys
  4. I know there is an "education" section but I felt this was more towards computer science specifically. I currently just started my path towards a Computer Science degree and actually am going towards an Associates of Applied Science first which involves, from what I know, more programming and actually what I am going for is called "Programming Specialist". Computer Science takes a lot of Mathematics and though it is tough it usually is more simple to study for because you can grab a problem from the book and work it out. If that is not enough for you then you can look at or reference another 50 problems regarding that same concept. Because of this the Mathematics part of Computer Science isn't what I worry about when it comes to studying. I was wondering if anyone had or knows of a technique I can use when it comes to studying for a test in my programming classes. I know it's a weird question because basically you'd probably tell me to review the chapter but for an example: When it comes to my Algebra class I simply grab our exam reviews, work out every problem at least 3 times and more randomly through out the week for the ones I find more difficult, and then I am done. I usually get A's or B's but when it comes to programming I am stuck towards B's and low B's and can't figure out what I can do to study. Do I just study key terms? What's the best way to study concepts? Thanks for the help in advance and sorry for the long post
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