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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. stylexp
  2. Sparticals. They are the theoretical opposite to particals. In the theory of super symetry, every particle has an anti-particle to match it. Those are sparticles. We know this to be true in some cases, but things such as gravitons' sparticles continue to elude us.
  3. When you drink from a straw, you are drinking liquid that has not yet been exposed to the air, and thus not had a chance to lose co2 bubbles.
  4. I, too owe much to this site. Much of my current scientific knowledge came from SFN.
  5. Starvation results in anemia, without the nessacery iron, your red blood cells do not carry oxygen as well, and thus, your brain does not recieve enough oxygen, resulting in light-headedness. In essence, you are choking yourself.
  6. Polyfrag, anorexia not only eats your muscles and brain, but it often causes nervous and stress disorders. Stress disorders are not fun! This may sound like the type of 'bullshit drivel' (as you so sophisticly put it.) that you were talking about. But anorexia can, and quite possibly will, kill you painfully.
  7. 4520 sq feet. W00t!
  8. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Am I the only one who was reminded of the REM song by the title?
  9. Old cups, a rather large fish fossile, a bottle of zoloft, some blank dvds, and papers of an unknown origin.
  10. Everest is not the highest Mountain, K2 is higher. By about 30 feet I believe.
  11. It's George Washington Chraist as opposed to my usual scarab.
  12. It distracted from the intelecual discussion anyway. If you want games go to http://www.2flashgames.com http://www.gamesofgondor.com http://www.flashplayer.com http://www.gamegarage.co.uk and there are many others.
  13. The planets are large enough so that thier own gravity is enough to pull them into a sphear. Much like a supermassive star's gravity can crunch it into a neutron star.
  14. I saw it. McCain is what republican used to mean. Sigh. He is a good man.
  15. The accepted theory is that is was a drug overdose. But it could have been anyone. She was a powerful person.
  16. I saw that coming. Hehe.
  17. I resent that. I'm in the 98th percentile of stranderdised tests for english.
  18. W will NOT do your homework for you. We can halp if you are confused, but we won't answer your questions. Begone.
  19. They have them naturally. Epsecialy tomatoes, pomagranites, and apples.
  20. The CDC would send in people in space suits to treat him, and question him as to how he could have cought it. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/disease/faq.asp
  21. I can't stand the feeling of my fingernails scratching steel. My mom can't stand the sound of 2 pieces of styrofoam scraping against eachother.
  22. I live near 4 or 5 assisted living places, and I can tell you, old people are not as bad at driving as people say. They are worse. Far, far worse.
  23. Nevermore


    Is there any way to find out if you are on the fbi's blacklist?
  24. Response to caffine?
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