Matter and energy are the same thing. Get your facts straight. And that remark about the universe is completely irrelivent, off topic, and I said nothing about the universe anyway. I am in no mood to deal with idiocy.
That is complete bullsh*t. It violates the law of conservation. Matter can niether be created nor destroyed. And, since E=MC^2, Matter=Energy=Matter. Therefore, there is no energy without fuel.
Could trash be burned, and then the co2 and ash compressed into diamonds?
And then, if it worked, the compression chambers could be made of said diamonds for superior efficiency of compression. I know I must have made a logical flaw. Otherwise someone would have thought of this. It's just so simple.
You seem to forget that even with all nessacery vitamins and nutrients, your body still needs to digest something. That pill would need to be taken with a couple mouthfulls of grass.
No, no, no. First, heating magnets demagnatises them.
Second,DO NOT stick metal in a toaster. Side effects may include death, near death, burns, death, heart damage, brain damage and death.
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