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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. I agree, he's a large wad of septic scum, but take it down a notch.
  2. YOU BASTARD! I have 3 cats, all of whom clearly love me. And not for food, because we are family. I love my cats with all my heart, and the love is mutual. You make a mockery of the term human.
  3. Move to the US, rich people pay no taxes here, and the dollar is so weak that your winning can be converted into billions!
  4. OH MY GOD! You sick, evil person! All living things deserve recognition as sentiant people. If your child wouldn't stop crying, would you duck tape their mouth shut? Let alone kill them! You're evil!
  5. There is absolutly no f**king way that there is a star inside earth! In order to form a star, you need temperarures in excess of 1000 C! If there was a star inside earth, we would all be dead from the heat. Also, mantle is a liquid, it could not support the weight of earth around a hollow space, and with the added gravitational pull of a star, this is even more impossible.
  6. http://www.science-frontiers.com/sf119/sf119p05.htm
  7. Okay, some medications: A- C- Zoloft: aka setraline. an SSRI. Used as an anti depressant and to treat PTSD, OCD, and other stress related dissorders. Works like freakin' magic. A- B(breifly)-Clindomyacin: An ultra heavy duty antibiotic. Given for staph infections. Taking is is not plesant, is comes in giant 500 mg horse pills, and gives you stomach pain from hell. A- B- Cipro: Similar to clindomyacin, given to cure psudomonis, a disease that newts get. Psodomonis is rare in humans. Also not plesant. C(breifly)-Riddilan: A legalized type of methamphetamine. given for ADD. IMO, Riddalin messes with you about as much as an axe to the skull. No way in hell am I taking that. Ever. Even if I had ADD. B-Depacote: Given to relieve the taker of epeleptic seziers. My sister takes it. Also works like freakin' magic. B-Trileptal: Another medication for epelepcy. Made my sister's seizures worse though. Wow, over the years, my family has taken alot of medicine. Medicines marked A I took. B my sister took. C my mom. My dad seems to be lucky.
  8. Nevermore


  9. Things did not turn out as you indicated falfalone.
  10. I'm a heratic. Level 6 - The City of Dis You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell. Wow.
  11. They were diagnosed by a doctor each time.
  12. Thats a bit over my head. Ask Sayo
  13. Well, that depends on how much of the universe you look at. Pick up a penny. It does not move in relation to your hand. You do not move in relation to the earth. (At the moment) The earth does move in relation to the solar system, but in an oval, not in a line. The milkey way moves only a little in relation to the cluster of galaxies it belongs to, and that is only aimless wandering due to gravity,However, the cluster of galaxies does move in relation to the other clusters. And the maga clusters move in relation to the other clusters. And the even larger clusters that contain the maga clusters move in relation to the other giga-clusters. ect.[math] \infty [/math] So the giga-clusters move, therefore the maga clusters move, therefore the clusters move, therefore the galaxies move. therefore our solar system moves, therefor the earth moves, therefore you move, therefore the penny moves. All of this movement is in the general direction of away from the site of the big bang. So, small picture, no. Big picture, yes.
  14. I meant Zoloft instead of prozac. Not both.
  15. A bit off topic: I had the chicken pox 7 times, and never seemed to produce antibodies for it. My immune system is perfectly healthy, and on several occasions has fought off infections so tough that the doctor was impressed.
  16. Oh, fluoxetine is Prozac. An anti depressant. Felling like someone else is a common complaint of Prozac. I strongly reccomend Zoloft instead. It gets the job done much better, and won't make you feel like someone else. I'm on Zoloft for Depression and OCD, it works perfectly.
  17. Well, what are the aformentioned pills? SSRI? 5-HTP? Somthing else?
  18. Hell no! Children Should look like who their DNA says they are. Not like the fantasy of an immiture parent. And just for the record I'm pro choice for abortion, this is different. This would bo wrong
  19. This is what makes the descendants of the plauge resistent to HIV. They have the [math] \delta[/math] 32 (Delta 32) mutation. This makes the cells' "ports" incompatable with the HIV virus. However, this does not do a 100% job.
  20. Nevermore


    1. Of course the Pope had his faults. 2. I'm not a catholic, I'm an atheist. 3. Um... I guess that's it.
  21. Nevermore


    Yes, but they're probably worms or micro-orgasnisms.
  22. Nevermore


    Pope John Paul II was different. He was compassionate and charitable.
  23. It happens all the time.
  24. You have already posted this question, and gotten a perfectly good answer.
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