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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. Nevermore


    Growing crystals. So, this won't cut up my lungs or anything?
  2. Nevermore


    Yes. Yes they are. So then, about the health risks...
  3. Nevermore


    Me and my kool ass self melted some bismuth, and poured it into water. This created some bismuth dust, and bismuth trioxide. How much should I worry about lung damage/death?
  4. Um... there are no portals like that in the real world. .:Edit:. That we can employ. .:/Edit:.
  5. Playing the hitler card should be illegal. He's not doing it to save the embryos. Bush believes that people with terminal diseases have them as a punishment from god. He's not trying to help zygotes, he's trying to punish the sinful.
  6. Bettina's right. Everything would look like lines of varying height to a flatlander. I found the animation very useful for demonstrating how the dimensions work.
  7. Wow, totally NSFW link. Read those user comments.
  8. Nevermore


    Be sure to check out Highland park if you get a chance. It's a wonderfull town.
  9. If you receive an e-mail with a subject line of "Badtimes," delete it immediately WITHOUT reading it. This is the most dangerous e-mail virus yet. It will re-write your hard drive. Not only that, but it will scramble any disks that are even close to your computer. It will recalibrate your refrigerator's coolness setting so all your ice cream melts and milk curdles. It will demagnetize the strips on all your credit cards, reprogram your ATM access code, screw up the tracking on your VCR and use subspace field harmonics to scratch any CDs you try to play. It will give your ex-boy/girlfriend your new phone number. It will mix antifreeze into your fish tank. It will drink all your beer and leave its dirty socks on the coffee table when there's company coming over. It will hide your car keys when you are late for work and interfere with your car radio so that you hear only static while stuck in traffic. Badtimes will make you fall in love with a hardened criminal. It will give you nightmares about circus midgets. It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with Rogaine, all while dating your current boy/girlfriend behind your back and billing their dates and rendezvous to your Visa card. Badtimes will give you Dutch Elm disease. It will leave the toilet seat up and leave the hairdryer plugged in dangerously close to a full bathtub it will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and pillows, and refill your skim milk with whole. It is insidious and subtle. It is dangerous and terrifying to behold. It is also a rather interesting shade of mauve. These are just a few signs. Be very, very afraid.
  10. Nevermore


    Where are you going? Great lakes?
  11. I bought some citric acid yesterday, and have yet to find a use for it. Other than culinary applications, what can I do with it?
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Pangloss, maybe you should change your signiture.
  14. Great enough to seperate them.
  15. My grandmother says the oboe makes you crazy. Are you crazy, JustStuit?
  16. Nevermore

    Halo 1 on PC

    Yeah, I play Halo. I'm Skullivan.
  17. 10. Saint Billy Bob 9. Saint Mordachi 8. Saint Fabio 7. Saint Rocky 6. Saint Cher 5. Saint Shaq 4. Saint phallus-face 3. Saint Bob 2. Saint Brandi 1. Saint Schmitty Warbenmenjenkinyenson Next list: 10 extreme sports that never caught on
  18. You watch Fox news channel?!
  19. psudoscientific fecal matter
  20. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/search.php?searchid=176481
  21. 10. Jessica alba naked 9. How remove fork ear 8. rabies in infants 7. what do sentient toast 6. Bomb al-quida Bush anthrax 5. hot kindergartener on kindergartener action 4. Angelina Jolie naked 3. pneumatic drill stuck in scrotum 2. remove platypus anus 1. Natalie Portman naked Ten signs your new roommate is a homosexual narcoleptic cow in a man costume
  22. Ohhhhhhh. So you can have as many spaital dimentions as you want, and after that it's temporal?
  23. I can hear up to 21k. Did anyone else notice that 19 and 20 sounded quiter and lower pitched than 18?
  24. Right. Oh, and time is the 4th dimention.
  25. He was joking. Oh, and read this; http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6206
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