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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=9043&
  2. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) The individual feels compelled to do certain actions over and over, or terrible things (eg. the death of a family member) will occure. These actions are called Rituals The individual knows that these rituals and the consequences of not completeing them are completely false, but feels compelled to do them anyway. Said rituals are different for each person. The individual may also talk to themselves in their head, and well into a conversation before they know that their doing it. Obsessive Compulsive Dissorder is related to Anxiaty dissorder, depression, PTSD, and torret's syndrom.
  3. I'll will report it.
  4. Hoho, I know a kid who is, as you would put it "disciplened." He is abused and beaten, and as a result, is the most emotionally screwed up kid I have ever met. He lives in a violent cycle. His parents beat him He secludes into a deep depression. Being depressed, he does poorly in school. For doing poorly in school, his parents beat him. Discipline should never be physical. There are plenty of other meathods of punishment. What about being grounded? Or not being allowed to watch TV? No video games for a week? ect.
  5. Yes, that is true. The pelvis is mostly one big bone, but it has several other bones.
  6. Windows freezes up alot and is slow, but easy to use and understand. Linux doesn't freez, and is open source, but requires a bit more computer savy.
  7. No, stealing a chocolate bar does not authorize that. I doubt anything does. Children are fragile people. You know, there are meathods of punishment other than beatings. What about being grounded? Or having extra chores?
  8. Abuse should never, in any way, ever be allowed. Abuse causes permanent damage, both physical and mental. There are no pro's to abuse. Ever. Not to be rude, but it sickens me that you are a proponant of abuse.
  9. Nevermore


    Well, the Pope is dead. Poor old man. He died of sepsis caused by a UTI.
  10. Many, many changes in sleep patterns occure during the teen years. I would not be suprised if what you heard is correct.
  11. Because Nixon has been discredited.
  12. Well, that works for phobias and OCD, but Bettina's problem is overactive empathy. Might I suggest a can of red bull or Mountain dew when you find yourself in an empathy episode? I find that I am less empathic when caffinated. Probably has to do with caffine inducing a mild fight or flight/adrenaline reaction.
  13. Nobody said anything about ESP!!!!!!
  14. I'd like a part, I don't care what the details are.
  15. add it to a very large .mpq file, put the mpq in a hidden folder, and password protect the mpq
  16. Well, mercury is a shiny silver color, and kind of hard to miss. And I believe that phosphurous glows when it contacts oxygen. On a slightly related note, holding a laptop in your lap can steralise men.
  17. Maybe you need someone to confide in, someone who will listen, someone with whom you can talk about eachothers' emotions with.
  18. That sounds alot like PTSD. Have you had any other traumatic experiences? Or have you ever, if and when you're experiencing terrible things, felt like you were outside you body? Also, unless it's too painfull to say, were you actually there when Jessica was killed? You say you saw it in color, which is slightly ambiguous. Concerned, Nevermore
  19. That is exactly why I am being homeschooled untill I move to a better school district.
  20. I think so. However that doesn't mean that we can be carless with the enviornment.
  21. Bettina, I know exactly how you feel. I suffer from OCD, and thus terrible thougts or emotions are triggered in me because of what happens to others. For instance, my neighbor, David, often throws pinecones and sticks into goose nests. When I found this out, I spent the rest of my day being the mother goose, watching my eggs die right beside me. I could not escape the empathetic mindset. And for what it's worth, I now involentaraly weep for Jessica.
  22. Thanks!
  23. What program can I use to open a .mpq file?
  24. Phillistine has now come to mean an idiot.
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