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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. great great grandparents. and no, I have not seen it, it is long gone. However, it did indeed glow bright green.
  2. My great-great grand parents had a glowing green rock in their basement, and they got cancer. What do you think this rock is, besides radioactive?
  3. There is an overwhelming presence of new members with no intellectuall posts at all, spewing nothing but IM/l33t while contributing nothing to this site. What can we do about this?
  4. Thanks!
  5. My birthday is coming up, (I'll be 14), and my parents have asked me to make a birthday list, I intend to ask for a lump of gallium. Where can it be bought?
  6. Is there any known way to import brainwaves to a brain? I know this is a nÄive question, and I'm normaly quite good with medical science, but I coudn't find an answer.
  7. I don't know which part of that to correct first...
  8. It's somply human nature, along with subcounciously using the golden ratio and phi in everything we build.
  9. Okay. Get well soon, and good luck with the law suit.
  10. Go Glider! Go Glider! Heheheh
  11. Is it anywhere near as bad in the UK?
  12. The bush administration has been fabricating news stories. Here's a google news link to the same story. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/03/13/MNGFEBOM6D1.DTL
  13. Are you trying to cheat through med school?
  14. Nevermore

    Holy Sh*t!

    http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/politics/13covert.html Oh. My. God. We can no longer trust our government at all.
  15. At 1:15 am. 0.2082
  16. It is perfectly leagal to access a site you have been banned from.
  17. It's much simpler to look at the fact that the big bang occored at one point, and from this fact it can be inferred that the center of the universe. This is where your logic comes into play; the opposite direction of the tragectory of any galaxy, star, or other celestial body starting from the point of said celestial body will take you to the center of the universe. So, in layman's terms, if you get next to a star, and go the opposite direction, you'll eventually find yourself at the center of the universe. P.S. Bacterial worms have already been found on mars.
  18. Actually, "out of body experiences", if you must call them that, are quite common in times of trauma. These experiences are called dissassociation.
  19. nope, still leagal.
  20. Is mod a job, like with a salary?
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