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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. Personally, I don't see how executing a minor is any different then executing an adult. The invisible barrier of age 18 is an artificcial construct.
  2. Another thing is knowledgable people are seen as nerds, and dissmissed very quickly as uncool treckies.
  3. YT, quick question: Do they make amoxycillian taste as good in the u.k as they do in the u.s?
  4. I strongly dissagree, the genes of 5-9 hundred yeas usualy have little affect on you. Bettina would probably still be herself, but slightly different. ie: blonde or red instead of brown hair.
  5. Mine is an egyption scarab. Simply because they are cool.
  6. I'm into science to spite my teachers who said I'd never amount to anything.
  7. No, what about her Uncles, aunts, cousins, ect.? Your parents, or grandparents, or greatgrandparents ect. need to be killed in order for you to not be born.
  8. I'd be happy to host the daily dl's. I have plenty of extra time and prossesing power. Just tell me where to upload to.
  9. So, are you saying that if I break my arm, my chances of somthing good happening increase? I think not. Luck has no mass, therefore no physics can apply to it.
  10. Weird, the same thing happened to me. But I was sure it was a sonic boom. Pressure waves and everything. I was nowhere near an airport.
  11. hyperventalating maybe?
  12. I think it's more likely that the tribesmen saw the animals running for higher ground, and decided to follow suit.
  13. no, you mean matter
  14. acidic, and oxyclean does nothing to it.
  15. Have you hit your head lately?
  16. nevermind
  17. This should be moved to biology
  18. No, when we die physical and chemical changes occur turning us into dirt.
  19. 1/infinity > 0
  20. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/04/0401_0401_shapeoflife1.html
  21. Wasn't there a study that showed that all modern fauna is descended from the sea sponge?
  22. Rarely is the question asked; Is our children learning? -George W. Bush
  23. Other kids did see, but Mr. Abbott was very nice to all of the school faculty and parents. And it was his word against that of children. Also, I strongly dissagree about people being inclined to believe kids, in my life, the opposite has become apparent. In any case, everyone believed Mr. Abbott was to sweet to harm a fly.
  24. Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness is here as soon as light is not. Therefore, the speed of darkness is 186,000 miles per soncond.
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