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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. To stop bugs from getting in?
  2. http://www.military.com/soldiertech/0,14632,Soldiertech_060518_camo,,00.html?ESRC=soldiertech.nl I want to make sweet, sweet love to this wondeful machine.
  3. I get a shiver down my spine when I listen to these. The Beatles - Let it be Asheru - The Boondocks themesong Nickel Back - Hero
  4. Heh, I get that alot. I like my hair though.
  5. http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/now-you-see-me-133-invisibility-cloak-in-design/2006/05/26/1148524886085.html
  6. Oh, I forgot to explain about the gas mask and hearing protection. I was using a lawnmover with a mind of it's own.
  7. It depends on what the stab wound hits. Anywhere from 30 seconds, if it hits the aorta, or indefinitly, if it hits no major blood vessles. But, on average, I'd say a few hours.
  8. Here's me.
  9. *Smash an ice cube* Now that I've broken the ice, want to go back to my place?
  10. Please don't make fun of people just because they disagree with you.
  11. "Hey, what's up?"
  12. Saddam.
  13. Did you know he wrote a romance novel, too?
  14. The projectile in the video is moving far too fast to be a post-crash plane. Also, where is the dirt? They said that flight 77 bounced on the lawn. This video shows a small UFO (in the purly scientific sence) moving perfectly paralell to the ground, very quickly, kicking up no dirt, and leaving no dirt trail in the lawn. Also, don't you think it's odd that the pentagon refuses to release the footage from the hotel and gas station? Jet fuel's still not hot enough to melt steel.
  15. To post that your post button must be working. And why'd you put this in education?
  16. Blind people don't see black, they just plain don't see. The whole world looks to them like the back of your head looks to you: You can't see it at all, there is an absance of stimulis/responce there, and the result is a total lack of vision. So, since a total lack of stimuli doesn't result in black, but in nothingness, we can infer that there is a nerotransmiter for black. Of course, that's just my two cents.
  17. Um... I seriously doubt a mixture of OTC drinks will cause hallucination. They're basicly all the same thing with different types of flavor syrup. Any hallucinations, unlikly though they may be, would probably be caused by a caffine OD anyway. Oh yeah, and can a mod compare his IP to hw help? You know, that nutmeg guy.
  18. Well, some people fit the criteria with which the administration decides who's life to ruin, and thus would rather not have the government reading our email and listening to our phone calls. ::cough:: my family ::cough::
  19. I disagree with that action, Pangloss. This is a "What do you think" thread. Not a "ZOMG UFOs" thread.
  20. Autoimmune disorders mess up the body's ability to descern between self and foregn objects.
  21. Nevermore


  22. Gucking Freat! I love how he compared the 32 percent of the country that supports Bush to backwash.
  23. Nevermore


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