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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. ouydbf - ontario union of yak dentistry biannual frolic
  2. fjhy - filthy jackets have yogurt
  3. I wasn't actually telling anyone to go home. My letters were ghyt, and the first thing I thought of was Go Home You Twit. gmh= God makes hamburgers
  4. ghyt= Go home you twit.
  5. I agree, let's make a game of it. How about, each post is what you think of the person who posted before you. Negative comments okay, but no flaming.
  6. Nevermore


    And a dash of tasty lye.
  7. Oh my god! Why the hell was this not in the news??? This should be front page, breaking news, headline, and instead I'm getting f*cking entertainment reviews? This is so wrong, words fail me. Doesn't federal law override this though?
  8. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=encephalitis
  9. Finger nails help us pick up small objects. As for toe nails, they are probably just the evolutionary remnants of claws.
  10. en-seff-uh-lite-iss
  11. Funny. Though, the Onion is a Satirical Newspaper. E.g., not true.
  12. Nevermore


    http://mrl.nyu.edu/~jhan/ftirtouch/multitouchreel.mpg :eek:
  13. I think he means a spring scale.
  14. Well, it's not a design thing. I have a scion xb and don't have the same problem. Whatever this is, it's specific to your car.
  15. I do agree with Servian about those damn psudoscientists
  16. Go straight to jail do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars
  17. I take it you don't like the government. An understanding of history is essential for recognising when somthing bad is about to go down. Take a look at the fall of Rome, the rule of Eva Peron in Argentina, and the holocaust. Compare them to today. Scary, huh? Without knowing any history, people repeat failures and mistakes. History is like memory. The collective memory of the whole human race. If you fall off you bike, you remember that you were trying to drink a coke while riding, and don't repeat the mistake. If the human race elects Hitler, we remember that we were willing to sacrifice liberty for security, and don't repeat the mistake. If you were to experiment with radium, and had not learned about Marie Curie, you could repeat her mistakes and die.
  18. A set of Scales More than 1.
  19. My mother grew up on a gaot farm, and knew someone who had fainting goats. They are selectivly breed by humans. For that^^ reason. Poeple think they are cute. Personaly I think it's cruel to inbreed goats juts to gaaaww at them falling down. But that's just my opinion.
  20. HOLY SH*T!!!!!! :eek: I guess that's the answer to the op! Wow!
  21. Heat and sparks, hence, no *cold* fusion.
  22. All to often a good post is overlooked.
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