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Everything posted by PogoC7

  1. Yea, I think I know were one is on Mars. Near the spector Delta tri-rainman mountains. *the secreat is INSIDE*
  2. Time travle to the future and past can exsit. If you think of different dimentions them time travel is possible. Future time travel is not to much of a disscusion subject cause it has been proved. Traveling to the past is were people become sceptical. People say that Time travel to the past can not be done because you can kill you grandfather. If you kill him, you never excisted, so you could not have gone back in time to kill him. This is understandable. But if you were in a different dimention then you could kill him, although; you would be stuck in that time of place, so you wouldn't excist in the time when you traveled back in time. Or another thoery is that, you travel back in time, but no matter how hard you tried, you could not alter the present. You would not be a physical force in that time.
  3. *Nothing to add information wise.* I watched a good show on the science discorvery channel about Time travel. If I wasn't so lazy and about to go to taco bell I would write something, but im just asking if anyone saw the same show I saw. It was called "Understanding".
  4. Yes. One way would be to start pumping Carbon-Dioxide to create a atmoshepe is about five-hundred years. Another way we could colonize Mars would be if we lived under the surface. If Mars had volcanic activity at one point (and water). Then underground tunnels (large cave structures; can not thing of the real name. *like one's found in Tenneesse*) should be many and large as FUCK.
  5. I don't want to say this, but I must. *not cause I'm a believer* Matrix O yea, we have no idea about the "Real World"
  6. I hope my children will have the pleasure of using "The Internet 2" one day.
  7. I'm speaking about Nuclear Energy in general. Many countries today use nuclear weapons are Political gain. Nuclear war is only a threat from "motherfuckers".
  8. Having nukes is fine. It's like that one simpsons episode. Lisa convinces everyone in town to ban guns. Once the do, they need them to defend themselves. Now, am not saying that might need to use them (one should never be detonate), but allow countries who are responsible enought to know how to use nuclear energy. This being the U.S. Although, with cooperation; other countries my "use" nuclear energy. Thses countries must understand that; the U.S. not willing to risk nuclear war with anyone, but that the U.S. are the peace keeper of the "free" world. Like one famous American citizen once said. "Can't we all just get along". Brings a tear to my eye everytime.*Cry**Cry*
  9. How about cloning exstinct animals or even prehistoric one.
  10. Monkeys experiance depression when another falls off a tree and dies. They all stand around and moan. Then they eat it.
  11. Monkeys experiance depression when another falls off a tree and dies. They all stand around and moan. Then they eat it.
  12. Babies dressed as terrorists in Palistin. Distroy the youth!!!
  13. PogoC7


    Rambus rocks
  14. A decade of no political pressure. One of four thing can happen. Emunity - Saddam and top officials take a perminate vacation. War - Saddam gets his ass beat and DIES Resolution - Saddam starts to cooperate because he's reached the end of the rope. Junto - Some top Iraqii offical is sick Saddam's toying with his own country and overthrows Saddam (military takeover). After the last war; do the Iraqii soldiers want to fight another. Esspecially after they all surrendered or died. I might not be that fresh on our head, but the Gulf War is in theirs.
  15. PogoC7


    Silicon based computer systems. I don't think so. Nanoconductor technology. Now thats fast. Silicon can not handle the speeds desktop computers will eventually reach.
  16. The U.S. is not a war fighting country. They are a peace keeping country. Eventually, once the United States become more aggresive towards Iraq (in the next two weeks), Iraq will start showing more and more cooperation. I don't think we are going to war, but if we are; I'm happy I live here.
  17. It's about time people start using the interent in more creative way, then just using it. The internet in my opinion; is so full of junk and so cluttered that eventually security problems and over kill of too many good things in one place will lead to it's own demise. I'm not saying people stop using it, but people will not want to. I'm glad to see academy starting to use the internet in more specific ways. I've always thought the internet should be more personal to each person. This way security problems won't be as much a threat and we can get back to what everyone invisioned the internet would be. More information about INTERNET 2: http://www.internet2.edu/
  18. I've got to go to class, so I'll keep it short. Research has been done on this subject and people have said it's the most promising of alternitive energys. Automoblie companies have put millions of dollors in their own research on hydrogen engines. Bush is seeking to make hydrogen engines his formost concern in eco-politics. BMW already says they sell this cars with hydrogen engines. Economiclly, what would it take to transfer from a oil based civilization to an alternate energy source? What is the exact sciences behind hydrogen fuel cells? More Info: http://www.eren.doe.gov/RE/hydrogen_fuel_cells.html
  19. I see were your coming from. Originallity is relitive. If aliens landed on Earth and showed us how they convert their energy masses into light and travle trought space. That would be original. Too us.
  20. People protest the war and they don't even know whats going on. Over the years Punk music and revolution has become so main stream and diluted that most people oppoes the presidency on everything it does. Too many people today take the advice of Bono (U2; wondering when the anit-war song should be comeing out) or just think it's cool to go aginst the government. I am a real rebal, not a hollywood figure of one. I know Iraq is a threat and to all those people who cry about the blood shed which will come from the war. I just say, "Look at the last war". More civilians were killed by Saddam (the real evil). When people do not have the right to speak their minds; that is a violation of human and moral rights. P.S.*How can I post a new disscussion (one on hydrogen feul cells or government stimulas in Afganistan)*
  21. So your saying nothing is random. Pollen from a flower is airborn and it fertilizes another 10 miles away. That pollen grain somehow had a projection toward the other flower. I understand why the penny could be considered not random, but if thing don't happen just becuase; then why do they happen?
  22. Now we are introducing "God" to this disscusion. A man drops a penny from a plane. The penny is falling towards a city (Vatican). The pope is struck in the head and killed. Was the death ramdom, or did "God" mean for that to happen. *Much respect for the Pope*. It is intresting and the universe is so mysterious that I can't even grasp the idea of what ramdom can be. In todays world it seems that ramdom happens everyday. We conclude as the human race that someone or something is in control somewhat. I just hope my time leads to happiness.
  23. The Big Bang. Is that the beggining of a cycle. If so, isn't the energy released random. There might be another earth, but in the same location? With the same type of carbon beings.
  24. Saddam is like a caveman. I have a word work peopl elik ehim. I call them Yatis becuase all they do is ignore what they don't want to hear. He did put his own people at risk and he is now. On the iraq news (which is very censored) Saddam tells the peopl ethat the U.S. is just sittin gon the boarder and they are ready to attack any minute. He lies to his own people telling them that the French, Germans and Russians hate America. He tells them that America tells these countries they ae going to attack Iraq no matter what. The funny thing is that Iraq had weapons accounted for back in '92, but now those weapons are not accounted for. The weapons have gone missing and when pussy boy Blitz asks to see a site (esspecially in '92) they make the inspectors wait for hours before entering. The U.S. have said they have proff of these weapons and hopefully they will introduce the proff by next week.
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