NOT recommend a beta-2 blocker for heart failure if the patient had a history of smoking....
Beta blockers are for hypertension and not heart failure, also contraindicated for anyone with COPD. Ever hear of Natracor???
Ask one of your NYCC instructors to show you a subluxation in a cadaver or on an x-ray?? Then come back with this BS. Ask Dr. Raj to show you his License to practice medicine in the United States. He is an MD right???
Read up on cult indoctrinations and then think abou it in Dr. Russ Ebbets technique I class.
Not real doctors? I would match my knowledge (post graduation) against that of any MD, for any illness, and the right modality to treat the disease with
You are so far gone. MD's get all the anatomy you do, but in two semesters, not three tri-mesters. They rotate through all medical feilds, they complete 1 year of internship, and 2+ years of residency.... You will graduate never seeing anyone with an acute MI, hemmoragic bleed, no skin disorders, etc., etc., etc., AND YOU WILL THINK YOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE------ YOU ARE PROOF THAT THIS PROFESSION IS A FALLACY ---- WHY WAS HARVY LILLARD -D.D. PALMER EXPERIENCE NEVER N - E - V - E - R REPLICATED????????