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Everything posted by Aspirin

  1. so to around 100 degrees C or less?
  2. so now i just evaporate the water and i get KCLO3/O4
  3. Ok I desolved some match heads in water then heated it up. I've fltered it 3 times and now i have a redish liquid. Is this it?
  4. Greetings I've been reading a few posts down about separating KClO3/O4 from match heads. i get it all except for this part 4. Boil it some more, until the potassium chlorate/perchlorate starts to form i dont get it. Will the boiling create some big blob of this stuff or what. Thnx LP Aspirin
  5. I've been trying to make my own but i just cant find a FUC**** motor to turn my barrel Now i allmost lost all hope. LP Aspirin
  6. OK Thnx btw You any other store than United nuclear which sells Ball mills. LP Aspirin
  7. How do you make it. I've tried dozens of diferent formulas. Maybe it would be better if i did it in a ball mill but i don't have it. On UN they say that 75-15-10 is the most common formula for BP but then on another site they say 60-20-20 (KNO3-Charcoal-Sulfur) Which one do you use? LP
  8. I Have it in stock LP
  9. The new one burns off a bit faster than the original one. The flame is very similar. No big diferences here. LP Aspirin
  10. I Tried only with Charcoal. And with sugar it works a bit better than with only charcoal. LP Aspirin
  11. Hey I've been experimenting for quite a while with BP. And finally came across this formula: 60% Kno3 20% Sugar 10% Charcoal 10% Sulfur If you have the time and the necessary materials to make it, Please try it and post your thoughts here. (enjoy and be carefull) Thnx LP Aspirin
  12. I get my at Mikro+Polo. LP Apirin
  13. to bad they don't ship chemicals to Europe oh well. LP Aspirin
  14. Thnx very much for the link.... I found tons of other interesting stuff there. Thnx again for your help all LP Aspirin
  15. Thnx for the advice. I'll try Kclo3 as soon as i get some. LP Aspirin
  16. Thnx for the advice. Btw: How does re-crystallisation work. As i said i'm a newbie at this stuff. LP Aspirin
  17. Hey Recently got in stuff like explosives smoke bombs and such. So please tell me the ratio for smoke bombs. how much sugar and KNO3 Thnx LP Aspirin
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