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seriously disabled

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Everything posted by seriously disabled

  1. Why can't gravity be an electromagnetic force or maybe something to do with the chemical interaction between atoms and molecules? http://www.bigbangneverhappened.org/
  2. How does the mind know how to tell the difference between colors?
  3. I still don't really believe in God. I still see no evidence that there is a God who cares about me and who understands my emotions. So I find it highly unlikely that a God exists given the current dire circumstances on this planet. People are suffering here and God doesn't care. Or maybe he does care but there is nothing that he can do because his powers are limited. Lets face it. If there was a God who is able to understand human emotions and respond accordingly then the world would have been a much better place for everybody. If mean if God existed couldn't he just create another Earth and move some of us there by his own power? Or perhaps he could transfer our consciousness into a super-durable robotic body so we could live for millions of years without feeling any pain or other negative emotions?
  4. And this is exactly what Louis Savain says in "nasty little truth about spacetime physics". http://www.rebelscience.org/Crackpots/notorious.htm Time simply does not exist and neither does space. They are completely human constructions with no physical basis in nature. All that really exists in nature is the interaction between fundamental particles.
  5. "How NASA might build its very first warp drive." io9. We come from the future.. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013. <http://io9.com/5963263/how-nasa-will-build-its-very-first-warp-drive>. This sounds like a crackpot article to me. Empty space cannot expand because it is empty so what is there to really expand if it's just empty space?
  6. Yes I have plenty. See nasty little truth about spacetime physics: http://www.rebelscience.org/Crackpots/notorious.htm
  7. Unfortunately for me, the mathematics of general relativity is too complicated and (super)string theory is even more mathematically complicated than general relativity. I will probably never understand general relativity and superstring theory because the mathematics is just too difficult. Also in order to experimentally test superstring theory and competing quantum gravity theories we'll probably need a particle accelerator in the size of Jupiter. However I believe that maybe one day we'll figure out how to build one.
  8. Einstein was wrong in my opinion. Gravity is really caused by interactions between atoms and molecules and not by a fictitious curvature of spacetime. I guess that would also explain dark energy and dark matter.
  9. I'm starting to believe that Satan (also called the Devil) has much more control in the universe than God. And it actually makes sense. So many people are suffering and dying or in terrible pain. And that's exactly what Satan wants. Satan always wanted to oppress human souls and to take away our rights and he is so powerful that there is nothing we can do against him. So maybe Satan is actually more in charge of things in the world and not God. Just food for thought.
  10. But I don't think that my pain is psychological. It's definitely chemical. I don't think pain has anything to do with psychology but has everything to do with physics and chemistry. And after a long Internet search trying to find the physical causes of my sharp pain the only reliable source I could find is this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2852643/ From what I was taught is that when cells are injured ATP leaks out of the cell and readily binds to nerve endings causing the intense pain. This may also explain why the sharper the implement the less pain you feel because a sharper implement causes less trauma to the surrounding tissue therefore causing less ATP leakage and therefore less pain. Other chemicals can also bind to the nerve endings such NADH. The problem is that our lack of understanding of pain is delusional. We simply do not understand the causes of pain at all from the physics point of view. We have absolutely no understanding at all about what causes the horrible pain after being cut with a very sharp kitchen knife from the point of view of physics and why the experience of pain is so subjective. Pain is possibly the most unpleasant sensations our senses can detect. And because it is very unpleasant sensation, this would explain why we try to avoid pain whenever we can and as much as we can. Even though we typically fail to remember what pain feels like when we are not experiencing it, we certainly do not wish to experience pain. Despite pain's intense unpleasantness, it has to be appreciated for what it is. Namely, it is a mechanism that allows us to avoid dangerous situations, to prevent further damage, and to promote the healing process. Pain allows us to remove ourselves form dangerous situations, as we attempt to move away from noxious stimuli that cause pain. As we attempt to escape stimuli that cause pain after an initial insult on our body, pain can prevent further damage form occurring. Finally, pain promotes the healing process as we take great care to protect an injured body part form further damage as to minimize the experience of more pain.
  11. I tried to understand quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory on my own, learning just from books, without having to go to University to study it but the mathematical machinery is just too complicated for me to understand. So my impression is that unless you are very very good at math you have no chance of ever understanding quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory in this lifetime.
  12. I have an incredible fear of pain and of getting cut by something sharp, like a very sharp knife. So how can I treat my fear of being cut by a sharp knife? Is there something that can help me with it?
  13. We always tend to think that our life is important and special in the universe. And we also tend to think that the universe revolves around us. But scientific evidence shows that not only is there no God but that human life is really not so important as we tend to think it is and our lives really don't mean much (in terms of value) as we think they do.
  14. People disbelieve in God because there is no evidence that any God actually exists, except in the imagination of delusional men. Everything that I have seen and experienced so far indicates that human life really does not mean much in a universe that is completely indifferent to humanity and its doings.
  15. If everyone could have the extra-ordinary abilities of Superman for at least a day then I'll believe in God but until that happens, I have little reason to believe in God. Believing in God is also a lot like believing in Superman because Superman is also a God compared to a normal human being. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powers_and_abilities_of_Superman
  16. If everyone could pick one or two (except omnipotence of course as that would be cheating) superhuman abilities from the Comics universe. The Comics universe is an example of a Creationist universe where everyone can basically become a God. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_superhuman_features_and_abilities_in_fiction#Superpower_interaction
  17. Actually we are helpless in some sense. There are so many things in the universe that we cannot change, no matter how much we want to. Also disease, disability, pain, death, extreme poverty and natural disasters here on Earth will not happen to people if we were completely in control in the universe. So in a lot of ways, we are helpless.
  18. This argument is faulty for several reasons. It cannot be expected that we believe in things that we cannot see nor hear. If I can never see or hear something then I have good reasons to believe it isn't there. The same goes for God or Gods. There is no shred of proof that any Gods exist except in the imagination of errant men. People are naturally afraid of death so they invent Gods to comfort their panic fear of the finality of death. However that doesn't mean that any fabricated Gods actually exist in the real world. Death I'm afraid, is final, and no imaginary Gods are going to change that.
  19. Gravity is probably caused by the electrical interactions of all matter. And relativity is obviously bullshit.
  20. The best universe of course is a one where everyone can be a God and there is no hierarchy between Gods and non-Gods or between metahumans and non-metahumans. Everyone has the same amount of power to effect the universe and there is only equality and no hierarchy. Hierarchy and inequality is at the root of all evil, so is man's greed to rule the universe. This is why the best universe is a universe with no hierarchy and no Gods.
  21. Define "technology". That would not be technology in my opinion because we are talking about divine technology, not normal technology and the current technology we have is quite crappy in my opinion. Even if there ever was a God, I doubt that such a being will be able (or willing) to satisfy every greedy human wishes and desires. Also Star Trek is not the only Creationist universe I can think of. There are many other Creationist universes that I think of that are clearly superior to this universe in almost every way I can think such as the Star Wars universe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_(Star_Wars)) for example or the Culture universe or the Ringworld universe.
  22. I don't know for sure what would be proof but if some sort of miracle happened which allowed people to escape all forms of hardship, worry, pain and suffering and maybe even trascend flesh and blood form into some kind of better, much more invulnerable body like in Star Trek for example then this would perhaps be proof of a deity performing miracles.
  23. Sometimes I feel trapped by a world that I didn't choose to live in. So why are we forever stuck in limbo on the lowest planes of existence? Maybe it's because: 1) It's easier to believe a comfortable lie than a hard truth 2) "Conspiracy" is an overused word used by uninformed people to describe something that they are unfamiliar with. It's makes for an easy way to dismiss a topic that they would rather not know about 3) We were given senses so that we may be aware of and discover the world around us. However, the senses are often dismissed with the following statement… 4) "There is no scientific evidence to support that idea". This could be said of any new idea, technology, breakthrough, etc at any point in time just before it is discovered. We are not all knowing now, nor have we ever been at any point in time in the past. We move forward by opening our minds 5) Mainstream society is the largest, most influencial and most powerful cult on Earth. We are conditioned and manipulated by the media, entertainment industry, corporations and the government to accept a very narrow view of the world and to aggressively reject anything that lies outside of this zone of influence 6) We are trained to willingly accept/take substances that cloud our minds, inhibit our senses and destroy our bodies….prescription drugs, vaccines, recreational drugs, alcohol, fluorinated drinking water, Aspartame, Sucralose, GMO foods, MSG, the wireless grid, etc 7) The public education system is designed to train children to become good and obedient citizens, not intelligent free thinking beings 7+1) Do not stray from the flock. Do not become a black sheep. Those that stray from the cult (society) are punished. Those that don't make waves are rewarded 9) TV teaches children that it's cool to be stupid, and uncool to be intelligent. Stupid = popular, and intelligent = nerd 10) TV is the most effective mass conditioning/brainwashing tool ever created 11) "Social networking" is not at all social. It's an electronic virtual reality that teaches us to look inward rather that outward. It's a social engineering program and a data mining system that we eagerly feed. 12) We can't wait to buy the newest/latest personal tracking/spying device (cell phones, tablets, computers) from our corporate/government controllers 13) There is an army of covert agency trolls roaming the internet ready to hijack and discredit any news/facts/threads which threaten to bring people in touch with reality. 14) When the above is ineffective, the conditioned masses/minions of mainstream society take over…willingly acting as "agents" for their controllers. They actively resist of the unfamiliar (truth), while diligently fighting to discredit anything that falls outside their established & programmed view of the world (the comfort zone) <link removed by moderator> We prefer to keep links to other sites to a minimum unless they support an argument.
  24. Howard Phillips (H.P.) Lovecraft, while not a "good" author, was undebatably one of the most influential authors of the 20th century, and one whose writing has gained significance in the decades after his death. While he most certainly was a pulp author, this does not bear any relevance to his importance today. Cosmicism is the literary philosophy he developed and used by this author. Lovecraft was a writer of philosophically intense horror stories that involve occult phenomena like extra-terrestial possession and alien miscegenation, and the themes of his fiction over time contributed to the development of this philosophy. The philosophy of cosmicism states that there is no recognizable divine presence, such as a god, in the universe, and that humans are particularly insignificant in the larger scheme of intergalactic existence, and perhaps are just a small species projecting their own mental idolatries onto the vast cosmos, ever susceptible to being wiped from existence at any moment. This also suggested that the majority of undiscerning humanity are creatures with the same significance as insects and plants in a much greater struggle between greater forces which, due to humanity's small, visionless and unimportant nature, it cannot recognize. "Cosmic indifference" Though cosmicism appears deeply pessimistic, H.P. Lovecraft thought of himself as neither a pessimist nor an optimist but rather an "indifferentist," a theme expressed in his weird fiction. In Lovecraft's work, human beings are often subject to powerful beings and other cosmic forces, but these forces are not so much malevolent as they are completely indifferent toward humanity. This indifference is an important theme in cosmicism. The noted Lovecraft scholar S. T. Joshi points out that "Lovecraft constantly engaged in (more or less) genial debates on religion with several colleagues, notably the pious writer and teacher Maurice W. Moe. Lovecraft made no bones about being a strong and antireligious atheist; he considered religion not merely false but dangerous to social and political progress." As such, Lovecraft's cosmicism is not religious at all, but rather a version of his mechanistic materialism. Lovecraft thus embraced a philosophy of cosmic indifferentism. He believed in a meaningless, mechanical, and uncaring universe that human beings, with their naturally limited faculties, could never fully understand. His viewpoint made no allowance for religious beliefs which could not be supported scientifically. The incomprehensible, cosmic forces of his tales have as little regard for humanity as humans have for insects. Though hostile to religion, Lovecraft used various "gods" in his stories, particularly the Cthulhu related tales, to expound cosmicism. However, Lovecraft never conceived of them as supernatural; they are merely extraterrestrials who understand and obey a set of natural laws, which to the limited human comprehension seem like magic. These beings (the Great Old Ones, Outer Gods and others)—though dangerous to humankind—are neither good nor evil, and human notions of morality have no meaning for these beings. Indeed, they exist in cosmic realms far beyond human understanding. As a symbol, they represent the kind of universe that Lovecraft believed in, a universe in which humanity is an insignificant blot, fated to come and go, its appearance unnoticed and its passing unmourned. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism
  25. Yes it does stop me for the most part. My shocking realization that I am too insignificant and unimportant in this world is what stops me from forming my own ethical foundation to life. Of course I don't want to die because no one wants to die but the lack of an universal or at least Earthly meaning to life that everyone can agree on is really what scares me from forming my own.
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