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seriously disabled

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Everything posted by seriously disabled

  1. If you want to write a formal specification of a program written in C++ or Java, then how can you know the logic of the C++ program you've written? I searched the Internet for books which rigorously teach the subjects of semantics of programming languages and formal specification and I couldn't find any and the three I did find are not rigorous and are quite out of date. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI'll phrase my question differently. Let's say I wrote a program in C++. How do I create a formal specification of the program I've written? Two popular specification languages are the Z notation and VDM (Vienna Development Method). So if I wrote my program in C++, does it mean I have to translate the C++ program to Z notation or VDM? But how do I do that? Do I need to know the semantics of C++ in order to do this? I searched the net for books which teach the semantics of C++ but couldn't find any.
  2. But what does it mean the dual of a dual vector space? And what does the [math]j_p[/math] mean here?
  3. What does the double asterisk mean here and what does [math]j_p[/math] mean ? [math]j_p : L^p(\mu) \overset{\kappa_q}{\to} L^q(\mu)^* \overset{\,\,(\kappa_p^{-1})^*}{\longrightarrow} L^p(\mu)^{**}[/math] This is taken from here.
  4. I just glanced at the book Representation Theory: A First Course by William Fulton and in the book there is the symbol [math]\mathfrak{S}_{\lambda}[/math]. What does this symbol mean? [math]\mathfrak{S}_{d}[/math] means symmetric group but what does [math]\mathfrak{S}_{\lambda}[/math] mean?
  5. I think it means: VDDH = voltage drain drain high VDDL = voltage drain drain low VSSH = voltage source source high VSSL = voltage source source low
  6. This is in the context of liquid crystal display drivers.
  7. What do these symbols mean in electronics? [math]V_{DDH}[/math] [math]V_{DDL}[/math] [math]V_{SSH}[/math] [math]V_{SSL}[/math]
  8. If I understand correctly, liquid crystal displays use the Digital Video Interface (DVI). The DVI interface uses a digital protocol in which the desired illumination of pixels is transmitted as binary data. My question is: When the digital signal enters the back of the liquid crystal monitor via the cable, what happens then? How does the binary signal tell the monitor which voltage to apply to the liquid crystals in order to produce the desired colors?
  9. But what is the new behavior? Also is this research field belonging to solid state physics?
  10. But what methods are there for surpassing the 1 nm barrier? Will nanoelectronics cut it or is nanoelectronics only useful down to 1 nanometer?
  11. What future technology will allow us to make computer chips smaller than 1 nm?
  12. According to Wikipedia, a field emission display (FED) is a next-generation flat panel display technology that uses large-area field electron sources to provide electrons that strike colored phosphor to produce a color image. An FED display replaces the single electron gun of a conventional CRT with a grid of individual nanoscopic electron guns. The emitters were originally built out of tiny molybdenum cones known as Spindt tips, but most recent FED research has focused on using carbon nanotubes instead. A high voltage-gradient field is created between the emitters and a fine metal mesh suspended just above them, which pulls electrons off the tips of the emitters. This is a highly non-linear emission process; small changes in voltage will cause the number of electrons being emitted to quickly saturate. The non-linearity of the process means that the grid of elements can be individually addressed without an active matrix – only the emitters located at the crossing points of the powered cathode and gate lines will have enough power to produce a visible spot This line in bold I didn't understand. Could someone clarify me what it means? What are gate lines?
  13. I was reading up on cryogenic systems in the Large Hadron Collider and they mention a 'white book', also called The Large Hadron Collider Accelerator Project, eds. Y. Baconnier, G. Brianti, Ph. Lebrun, A. Mathewson and R. Perin, CERN/AC/93-03 (LHC) Report (1993). The problem is I looked everywhere on the net and couldn't find this report. Do you know where I can find it?
  14. No because blue, green and yellow are the fundamental colors of light. They are called primary colors. Light with a wavelength of 570–580 nm is yellow, light with a wavelength of roughly 440–490 nm is blue and light with a wavelength of roughly 520–570 nanometres is green. White light is the effect of combining the visible colors of light in equal proportions.
  15. No what I meant is what if there are 3 or 4 electromagnetic waves of the color green entering the eye simultaneously? If this is the case, what will we see then?
  16. But that wasn't my question. My question was whether the color green is many electromagnetic waves of a certain wavelength or only one electromagnetic wave of this wavelength?
  17. No. What I meant is whether the color green is only one electromagnetic wave or many electromagnetic waves together. If it's many waves, does the color get brighter?
  18. When we see the color green (green is 490 nm - 560 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum), is it many electromagnetic waves or only one wave?
  19. That's what I was about to ask. How does the computer know how the keyboard looks like? It doesn't have eyes and vision so how exactly does it do that?
  20. In Howstuffworks it's written that a keyboard is a lot like a miniature computer. It has its own processor and circuitry that carries information to and from that processor. A large part of this circuitry makes up the key matrix. When the processor finds a circuit that is closed, by pressing the "a" key for example, it compares the location of that circuit on the key matrix to the character map in its read-only memory (ROM). Then, it sends the "a" key to the computer. My question is: How does the character map inside the keyboard's processor work in detail? Could someone give us a detailed explanation on the character map inside the keyboard's processor?
  21. Collinear holographies will be used in holographic versatile disks which will be able to hold up to 6TB (terabytes) of information, although the current maximum is 500GB. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_Versatile_Disc
  22. I apologize and yes next time I will not bring God or any other topic which isn't physics (or science) related up for discussion on this board, I promise!
  23. Still but we don't actually see the waves of visible light, we only see colors so the explanation that colors are really made of electromagnetic waves sounds fishy to me.
  24. So if we got down to 380 to 750 nm which are the wavelengths of visible light, then could we see the waves?
  25. But why do our eyes interpret the waves as colours?
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