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seriously disabled

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Everything posted by seriously disabled

  1. No. What I meant is that we can only see the COLORS of visible light. But if these colors are really made of waves of different frequencies, why can't we see the waves themselves and not just the colors?
  2. But why can we see only the colors of visible light? Why can't we see the waves of visible light themselves?
  3. White light is a mixture of all the different frequencys of light but it can be seperated by a prism. What I want to know is: How does a prism seperate white light into its components?
  4. But how did they discover that these bits are just different wavelength regimes?
  5. Since we can only see visible light, how was the electromagnetic spectrum discovered? How were X-rays, gamma rays, microwaves and radio waves discovered?
  6. Oh nice. Now you made it clear to me. Thanks!
  7. So how should I think of this?
  8. I still don't get what the physical meaning of cubic second is.
  9. I know but what does it mean?
  10. What is second cubed s^3 as in the wikipedia article? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volt
  11. In Howstuffworks they write that memory cells alone would be worthless without some way to get information in and out of them. So the memory cells have a whole support infrastructure of other specialized circuits. These circuits perform functions such as: • Identifying each row and column (row address select and column address select) • Keeping track of the refresh sequence (counter) • Reading and restoring the signal from a cell (sense amplifier) • Telling a cell whether it should take a charge or not (write enable) http://computer.howstuffworks.com/ram1.htm What they don't explain is what a sense amplifier and write enable are. Could anyone explain me in more detail what is a sense amplifier and what is a write enable?
  12. Thanks unforunately I see Wikipedia doesn't have the information I'm looking for and the papers in the references have complex mathematical equations which I don't understand. My method to calculate the lowest temperature in the troposphere is much simpler. It is known that the environmental lapse rate in the troposphere is 6.5 °C. So from this we can deduce that if the troposphere extends to a height of say 12 km at latitude 45° N and the temperature at the ground at this latitude during winter is say -15°C, the temperature at 12 km altitude may drop to -93°C (from the lapse rate) and that may be the lowest temperature at the earth atmosphere. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWikipedia further adds that temperatures decrease at middle latitudes from an average of 15°C at sea level to about -55°C at the beginning of the tropopause. At the poles, the troposphere is thinner and the temperature only decreases to -45°C, while at the equator the temperature at the top of the troposphere can reach -75°C.[citation needed] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troposphere
  13. Sources on the Internet say that the lowest air temperature recorded on earth is in Vostok station in Antarctica: −89.2 °C was recorded there. The −89.2 °C was recorded in Vostok station which is at an elevation of 3,488meters above sea level. However I'm not really sure that's the lowest temperature in the troposphere since at the top of the troposphere temperature may be even lower. My question is: Does anyone know what the lowest temperature recorded in the top of the troposphere or in the tropopause is?
  14. And the minorty which are naturally dark, why are they naturally dark?
  15. I don't know why, that's why I was asking. Most plastic is made from petroleum and is then heated in high-temperature furnaces and then it soldifies. According to Wikipedia Petroleum is usually black or dark brown so I just thought plastic is black because it's made from petroleum.
  16. Plastic is almost everywhere ranging from plastic chairs, plastic wires, plastic pens, plastic loudspeakers etc etc. So many things are made of black plastic. My question is: Why is plastic black? Is it because it contains carbon?
  17. But aren't photons supposed to be smaller than molecules? Aren't photons point-particles without a size?
  18. If everything is made of molecules and molecules can be reduced to atoms then why can't we see molecules with the naked eye?
  19. How do file formats work and how do you create new file formats? I couldn't find books which discuss file formats. There are many books on computer architecture/organization, data structures, compilers etc but I couldn't find any books which teach the basics of file formats and how to create file formats. So if anyone could recommend any, this would be highly appreciated.
  20. Oops I forgot to add spintronics which is a new field which could produce new and faster computers. Spintronics, semiconductors, nonvolatile memories, quantum computers are all based on nothing else but physics. Lasers also have many applications and are used in industry and materials processing. Lasers are used for cutting, welding, marking and for measurements.
  21. Don't get wrong I like physics and I'm especially fascinated by lasers, electronics and semiconductor devices and cryogenics. However I have the feeling that congitive linguistics (cognitive linguistics is the study of language as a cognitive or mental process), linguistics and cognitive psychology are closer to the truth because these three fields I mention deal with cognitive processes or with the mind as opposed to physics and chemistry which deal with matter, its strucutre and energy. So we basically have the mind or the cognitive versus matter and energy. Which one of them is more real is the billion dollars question.
  22. I currently use Torque and Blender to design my game and I have a problem: How do I import the scene or figure I constructed in Blender to the Torque Game Engine and the other way around, what I constructed in Torque to Blender?
  23. For those of you interested in computer chess you need to check this stuff out... Hardware expert Lukas Cimiotti (nick "Kullberg" in the forum) built the ultimate chess computer system, a cluster consisting of four Nehalem dual socket Intel Xeon W5580 (=8 cores each) computers 2.93 - 3.33 GHz and 5 Nehalem quads 4.2 GHz. The cluster uses a private version of Rybka (Rybka 3 is currently the strongest chess software in the market), which, besides of supporting clusters, is stronger than Rybka 3. So far the cluster lost only one game (of 24) against a human + computer team! Link: http://rybkaforum.net/cgi-bin/rybkaforum/topic_show.pl?pid=170376
  24. What about MilkShape 3D, do you recommend it?
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