no it oxidixzes everything in an electric arc, like when they make [ce]F_{2}O[/ce] in a lab(though its pretty hard)or thats what i belive, since i learn that theres only two ox. states to fluorine(1+ and 0)
thats why im not going to get some, im going for the safer altenative sodium. still works for most applications, and has no peroxide/superoxide layer to worry about(at least not an unstable one)
i dont understand your answer verode and where it came from, if your answering the post that whould not work because ammonia is a covalent conpound not an ionic conpound.
yes the dot usually meeans(in english speaking countries) that theres a digit or a series of digits smaller than one if there behind the "." such as in 3.456 first one whould be a
^ ^
whole number were as the later one would be a number smaller than one. also this seams to be more of a mathamitics/chemistry question. mostly
I think that that sfn community should set up a mass-election for the '08-'12 presidentual canidate with members with posts counts above 4,000. thank you if this is done. it would be neat to compare us to sfn
i presonlly love chemistry, i learn it very quickly and retane that knoledge, for me its always biology i dont like, just that theres nothing you can do with it that doesnt, or hasnt been done before under normal circunstances
This race for president has somehow become a race to become vice president sine there have been 1 attempt and and 1 plan to assassinate Obama and most of us know McCain's going cold over the first year probably so, lets vote vice presidents!,im very sorry but just select the presidentual canidate thaat you belive has the best running mate, sorry.
just on comment, there is a new thoery that says thet quarks are made up of particles called "prion"s ant that there may be super-dense stars mae of them(much like nuetron stars)
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