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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. How do you square hemochromatosis, with the large intake of vitamin C ? Interesting non doner list.
  2. Yes, I guess a lot of people take it for that reason.
  3. I take the pill form. I don't know what the half life of ascorbic acid is. However, it has a "use by" date, not sure what that really means. If you're taking massive doses of Vit C, I guess the only choice is ascorbic acid. The RDA for vit C is 60 Mg. I just checked the OJ in my fridge, it says 120% RDA, or around 72 Mg per 8 oz glass. Celeste takes 20,000 Mg, which is about 278 glasses of my Orange juice per day......that's a lot of peeing in a day.... Makes one wonder if the loss of potency of ascorbic is less than the loss of C in the OJ due to the fast through-put
  4. Errr Celeste, the only thing I know about chemistry is that ascorbic acid is Vit C and acetylsalicylic acid is aspirin. I started taking Vit C after a friend of mine told me that he had made a miraculous recovery from some debilitating disease (like lupis, I forgot), after taking massive doses of vit C for some period of time.
  5. Yeah, good point, I guess Kedas should go to a barber that still practices blood letting....
  6. I've read that the red blood cells replace themselves about every 3 months (I think). Not sure if that helps cleanse the blood. Anyway, I also read that if you go on a 3 day diet of fresh juices (not pasteurized) like carrot, beet, Kale, apple etc that it will cleanse your entire system, blood, liver being two of the most important. I have a juicer at home, never tried the 3 day thing, but every 6 months or so I make fresh juice everyday for about 2 weeks. Among my favorites are wheatgrass and carrots. If you're on a health kick, you might want to "google" the benifits of wheatgrass.
  7. I've taken 1000 Mg a day for decades. I've read that I should take 2000 Mg per day. Since I've taken it for so long, I really don't know what it's doing for me, but I know I'm healthy. 20 grams a day seems a little excessive, but hey, if it works for you, keep it up. And yes, I think C really works.
  8. Well, Arafat won a share of the peace prize a decade or so ago. Not sure what his qualifications were.
  9. But what if the parachute is above you?
  10. I'm probably missing something, but I view your schematic as short across a battery.
  11. If you said "guerrilla warfare" was a valid war tactic, I buy it. It can be more effective than "terrorist warfare" and without the disgrace of purposely killing innocent people.
  12. Douglas

    grey matter

    Difficulty in planning and learning. Motivation. control of behavior
  13. Well, there seems to be some evidence that Quantum's claim is true. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article317493.ece
  14. When I worked for Lockheed electronics, I used to receive a bunch of technical publications on design engineering. One of them was "RF design", which had plenty of informative technical articles. I just googled "RF design" and found that it's $55.00 per year. Anyway, the point being that "google" may not give you the answer you want, but will point you in a direction where you might find the info.
  15. Interesting: A couple of days ago, I saw on TV that the Japanese have developed a new mobile (cell) phone where they use the finger as the speaker. They said that the finger (used as a transducer/speaker) was much clearer than a speaker and it had the advantage of blocking extraneous interference from outside noise sources.
  16. "unqualified" is a much better word......my mistake.
  17. I would think it was more of a wake up call for the way the administration has been procrastinating on defining "torture". As for the Miers "pissed off" crowd, I think the Repubs view Miers as another incompetant crony similar to FEMA's Brown.
  18. Thanks guys, I'll check the "remember me" button and give it a shot.
  19. Three times, over the past few days, while replying to a post and hitting the submit butting, I have found that I had been logged out, and of course, my post not submitted. Has this happened to anyone else ? Is there a timer on how long you can reply to a post?
  20. In one case, the innocents killed are victims of collateral damage, in the other case, the innocents killed are the target.
  21. As I see it, most of us are "middle of the roaders" up to some point. At that point one swerves either left or right, at which time one becomes an ideologue. That is to say, at this point, there are only two answers...yes or no. The middle of the road means "I don't care" For example, I can tolerate 1st trimester abortions, I cannot tolerate partial birth abortions.......thus I become an ideologue to the person who tolerates them.
  22. In theory, I agree. In reality I disagree. Ginzberg's lack of conservative ideology was enough for the Repubs to not confirm, just as Bork's conservative ideology was enough to have him tarred, featherd and put on the the first boxcar out of town. The Repubs are in the drivers seat, and the conservatives want a bonafide, well known red blooded right winger.....(not a religeous nut) Abortion is not the whole issue, issues like judges being soft on pedophiles, or allowing the state to take your property or allowing children to frivolously sue their parents or just plain far left liberalism in general.
  23. No to the above, and I'll inclue loud music 24/7. I might add that it makes no sense to torture anyone unless valuable info can be obtained.
  24. Talking about questioning potential judges, I read a good one from Ann Coulter via Michelle Malkin........... Malkins blog
  25. Since I'm not sure of their (the bill) definition of torture, I'd like to read the fine print.
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