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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Douglas

    Class War

  2. Quite a few, here's what I found.
  3. I read Will's column and listened to Ann Coulter. Coulter sees her as an unqualified crony. I'd like to see the senate repubs turn against Bush on this one.
  4. Not sure what you're getting at here. Are you talking about executive privilage or something related? As for Miers, I'm disappointed in Bush's selection. I would have loved him to select Janice Rogers Brown as the next associate judge on the supreme court.
  5. Phi, I wish I knew the answer to that, but I suspect a lot of money. Interesting you mentioned Lockheed and BAE. I used to work in the electronics sector of Lockheed Martin. LMC electronics was to get the avionics contract for JSF no matter who won the main contract. Shortly after I left Lockheed, BAE bought out the entire electronics sector of Lockheed.......so they got the contract.
  6. Do you have any data to support the above (highlighted) statement ? The bigger question is....how much does it cost the taxpayer for a person to die ? For example: A smoker may die at age 65 with minimal health care and no burden on the social security system. A non smoker may die at the age of 90, with minimal health care, but 10 years in a publicly funded nursing home and 25 years on the public dole via the SS system.
  7. They're doing that to some extent (at least more than they used to). An example would be the new "joint strike fighter", designed to meet the needs of the airforce, navy and marines.
  8. Wouldn't it be better to present the military expendatures as a percentage of revenues ? This would make for a more objective look at whats going on when comparing with others.
  9. How about zinc ? It's supposed to help prevent colds, if so, I'd assume it builds up the immune system................No?
  10. Actually, it's intended to reduce the amount of British tourists in Florida.....
  11. As I see it, Bennet was simply citing Levitt's book (which is old hat now), and he made it abundantly clear that the idea was abhorrent. The Dems have beaten Bush to a pulp over Katrina, and Rove to a pulp over Valerie Wilson/Plame, so Bennet just happens to be handy right now. Anyway, Levitt is probably right, however, I'd amplify a bit and say that if you aborted all teen pregnancies, and all pregnancies of unwed woman on welfare, the crime rate would go down. Of course, we'd lose a lot of productive people too............Guess you'd have to do a cost/benefit analysis.
  12. Bud, I'm sure you hit the nail right on the head...........staunchly conservative media... .....
  13. It seems to me, that if you double the size of an aircraft, that you may have to double the takeoff speed required for liftoff..............No?
  14. Not sure I understand. Can you amplify??
  15. Yeah, it's interesting stuff. Bush has to deal with the Iran Nonproliferation Act which prohibits the U.S. from paying the Russians for their participation in ISS. Congress may be reluctant to change this policy. Apparently Bush considers Putin to be his good buddy, I wonder how that will play out.
  16. I don't see it as a red herring.
  17. The last I checked, the Prez doesn't have a line item veto. Anyway, Bush is spending too much. Fortunately, as the "incurable optimist" pointed out, revenues are up in spite of the the tax cut...........it must piss off the lefties.
  18. It's interesting about the sleazy side of politics, kind've reminds me of the Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, Mayor Daly, Mafia heist and rigging of the 1960 presidential election in Chicago town. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a mini series on the Suncruz/Boulis/Abramoff connection. Thanks for the info..............
  19. Area 19 is Nellis AFB. Yes, they participate in Black programs, but not of the same nature as area 51. Nellis is more in to the surveillance business.
  20. We'll see. Delay claims he's being rail-roaded, but James Traficant claimed the same thing till they marched him off to jail.
  21. Daymare, it wasn't an argument, just a statement.
  22. In what way has Delay opposed gay rights?
  23. How do they measure the sin index? Is it similar to the pollen count....PPM?
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