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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Egyptian Pyramids (the building of) 6 years on a feasability study 5 years to draw up the plans 4 years of squabbling on the location 10 years to get zoning approval 8 years to relocate the endangered cockroach 15 years to be blessed by the environmental protection agency....if ever. and more.............
  2. Actually, if you check food items like cider vinegar, nutmeg, cinnamon, wheatgrass etc, you'll find that they are remedies for certain things.
  3. Try http://www.onlineconversion.com/area.htm Scroll down to square ..........
  4. AzurePhoenix, Try these sites http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;315353 http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q315346 http://www.installsite.org/pages/en/msifaq/error/1719.htm http://consumer.installshield.com/kb.asp?id=Q110722 http://www.anetforums.com/posts.aspx?ThreadIndex=9857
  5. The Govenor of Louisiana had called for the evacuation of New Orleans prior to the storm making landfall. People were expected to evacuate on their own, though I've heard that 1 in 6 people in N.O. do not own a car. nonsense. Nobody was shot for stealing food, water or 42" plasma TV's. There were some who stole guns and rifles, which was when the problems started. Actually, most people refused to evacuate, and had the levees/dykes not been breeched, there was probably no real need to evacuate. Most of the damage due to the winds was in Mississippi. Depends on who you talk to. Al Sharpton, a Black activist, claims that if the community were mostly White, the evacuation would have been much faster. A Black rapper claimed (on TV) that Bush doesn't care about Blacks. Perhaps, Bush recalled 300 soldiers from Iraq. Some people are calling for the firing of all top level echelon in FEMA for botching the job.FEMA = Federal Emergency Management Agency, the agency most responsible for disasters.
  6. Good find John. A 36K exemption sounds fair to me.
  7. Yeah, seems like reducing the tax would help. Price controls won't work, I think Nixon tried it in the early '70s, and Carter may have paid for that mistake in the late '70s.
  8. Bring along a pooper scooper and a baggie.
  9. Not really, you can always wear a gas mask.
  10. Do you happen to know how long Metafrizzics is banned for??
  11. I drove by a gas station this am, the price of regular was $3.69, coming back this pm, the price was $3.29.
  12. I'm chucklin'.. ....
  13. I guess that means that under the scenario described above, we'd be flying out of orbit after 8 minutes??? Yes??
  14. Oh, c'mon John, you have a point, but don't you think this guy was manipulating the stats to fit his agenda ??
  15. Words and Music by W. R. Williams.....Composer of "America To-Day"
  16. Meaning that we'd be heddin' for parts unknown?
  17. Oh God yeah, if Ruth Bader G bit the dust, the wailing wall would look like Niagra Falls.
  18. Yes, it's income tax based on taxable income. I can't remember all the details of Forbes flat tax plan, but as I recall, the rich would be paying much more in terms of dollars. Keep in mind that under the flat tax plan, Nixon wouldn't have been able to write off $6000 for a donation of his personal underwear to a historical society. Theresa Heinz Kerry wouldn't be able to write off $1,000,000 for depreciation on her 10 million dollar mansion. And the best part being that people making under $25000 would pay no taxes at all. I think this guy is cooking the books Please notice that this guy combined the payroll tax (FICA) of both the employee and the employer to arrive at his figure of 18%. Now if that isn't cheating, I don't know what cheating is....
  19. Yeah, I think you're right.
  20. They'll probably give up the portion of the West bank that they did NOT re-occupy in 2000-2002.
  21. Sandra Day O'conner retired, I'd be guessing that William Rehnquist will too. No need to assassinate anyone.
  22. It's *is* a progressively continous function. For example.........single person....taxable income.... in 2001 $0 to $27,050................................15% $27,050 to $65,550.........................$4,057.50 + 27.5% of the amount over $27,050 $65,550 to $136,750.......................$ 14,645.0 + 30.5% of the amount over $65,550 $136,750 to $297,350......................$ 36,361.0 + 35.5% of the amount over $136,750 $136,750..........................................
  23. Does gravity travel at the speed of light??
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