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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Which is why the 1st 25K or more would be tax exempt.
  2. Uhmm, that's exactly what the tax brackets are.
  3. I voted for Steve Forbes in the Y2K primaries. So, yes, I'm in favor of a flat tax. I see it as a simplification of the tax code and a fairer distribution of tax responsibilities. I view the progressive tax system as a redistribution of wealth, which I'm against. As I recall, Forbes was pushing a 16% flat tax back in the '96 prez race, in which he made allowances for the working poor by allowing the first 25 or 35 thousand dollars to be tax exempt.
  4. Yes, and above the arctic circle is where the effects of the length of day would be most pronounced.
  5. I'm not certain. The earth is like a huge capacitor with a slow charge and discharge time, and though the solstice's are on or about June 21st and Dec 21st, the earth may not be fully charged or discharged in terms of heat and cold until the 1st week of August and the 1st week of February.
  6. How old were the shoes when you noticed they were starting to yellow??
  7. As referenced to the Southern hemisphere summer.........so everyone understands.
  8. Actually, the light is more intense, at my latitude, the sun gets to about 70 degrees above the horizon in June and 23 degrees above in Dec........ In June, the sun has less atmosphere to plow through, thus hotter.
  9. True, and if you look at our closest star, about 4 light years from here, the earth will have rotated on it's axis 1460 times before the light reaches us.
  10. Good article. I doubt there would have been that much outrage had Howard Dean said the same.
  11. Euthanasia: What happens if you have 1 million USD life insurance??
  12. That would be Robert Stack.
  13. Yeah, I too, support Jessica's law, and 12 years of age seems about right. over 13, you get into grey areas. I'm not sure how Jessica's law applies to woman pedophiles, I guess I'd be inclined to give the judge a little discretion. As for the 2500 foot rule, I think it's ridiculous, I can't figure out if it's politically motivated or simple hysteria.
  14. Yes, I like his Social Security plan. I like his plan to drill for oil in Anwar. I like his tort reform plan. I dislike his non-handling of the the illegal alien flood.....up 23% since Y2K
  15. O'reilly is trying to get the Jessica law passed nation wide. I live in NH, and the Manchester Union Leader (perhaps one of the most conservative MSN papers in the union) has been peeing on O'reilly, basically telling him to butt out. Do you back O'reilly on this??
  16. Are you an extremist if you say........."I swear on a stack of bibles"??
  17. Douglas


    I liked the gal who had 1718 and the poor dude that followed had nada.
  18. Douglas


  19. I just heard on TV that in 1997, George Stephanopoulos suggested to Clinton that he have saddam hussein assassinated. Not sure if his remark was insane though.
  20. I'd say, take out Kim Jong-il first. Pat Robertson is probably saying exactly what the CIA is thinking.
  21. I think the Eskimos rubbed noses.
  22. Good question. The first thing Adam said to Eve was....."Stand back, I don't know how big this thing gets". But not sure if he knew what to do with it.
  23. I think Bascule was just letting us know that the conservative pissing on Kosovo, is as bad as the liberal pissing on Iraq.
  24. Yes, the earth is not yet Nirvana....
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