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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Can I assume you're a member of the lower left quadrant ?
  2. Kirby, I'll agree with you on this........just recently there was a thread on this forum concerning an innocent man restraining a child (innocently), resulting in him having to register as a sex offender. Yes, unfortunately there *is* hysteria, which at times result in ill conceived laws and ridiculous notions like zero tolerance.
  3. T=RC, as I recall, it takes about 2pi*t to charge a capacitor. There is no power supply or battery that can be damaged by putting a capacitor directly across the terminals. The supply will current limit for 1 time constant, but so what?
  4. I agree that many politicians use the "save the children" routine as justification for enacting laws that are only vaguely related to children. I doubt that pedophiles use adult porn to "tempt children", though some politicians may use that as an excuse to ban adult porn.........When I say adult porn, I mean exactly that.........porn with participants over 18. Kiddie porn is illegal (to my knowledge), anyone selling kiddie porn should be jailed, and anyone buying kiddie porn should be registered as a sex offender.
  5. Rape is an assault with a weapon....
  6. The capacitor is an open ckt, it doesn't matter if you charge it through the internal resistance of the supply or a 1 megohm resister.
  7. It's probably best to keep pedophilia out of the discussion, since it's a monstrous act of violence against defenseless children, and must be dealt with severelyStatutory rape of young woman is a different story, especially the "I thought she was 18" type. These are usually consensual, so the sentences IMO should be lighter. Statutory rape of young men should IMO be a misdemeanor. Regular rape of a man raping a woman could be handled as aggrivated assault, and rape of a woman raping a man should not be procecuted. Of course that's not PC
  8. I think that applies to woman, probably not to men, at least not me. I think if I had had the good fortune to be statutorally raped by the two attractive teachers who are currently on trial here in the U.S., I'd have been one happy kid........and I sure wouldn't have pressed charges.
  9. How about changing that to......a few ?...
  10. I think 1.4 s is excessively long. I think .75 s would be more accurate. My reaction time, from the time I see..say....a red light, to the time I can flick a switch is around .24 s
  11. If you want to attach pictures from your hard drive, Just hit the "reply" button, scroll down a bit to "additional options", then click on "manage attachments"
  12. A freind of mine who had bought his tickets in the internet, then tried to get his boarding pass (on the internet), was denied for that very same reason.
  13. I got a chuckle out of the -140 dBc, This was a topic of conversation, the minus sign is used by many people, however, since dBc means relative to the carrier, some say the minus sign should be stripped off.
  14. I thought Kirby made an interesting observation and a fair point when he made this statement........... Indeed, rape could be classified as aggravated assault. I would have thought that during the unisex generation, when woman were burning bra's, and brandishing M16's, they would have demanded that rape laws be repealed.
  15. I read one of the cesium clock articles, trying to glean some phase noise info from it. We used to use rubidium clocks in some of the surveillance electronics developed for the navy. Low phase noise was our prime concern. We often wondered how a rubidium compared with a cesium in terms of phase noise, which reflects stability.
  16. Bring along a couple of dozen mongooses to help check their locomotion.
  17. Here are the top 100 conservative idiots in the U.S. http://www.democraticunderground.com/top10/03/100.html Here are Bernard Goldberg's 100 people screwing up America http://www.mydd.com/story/2005/7/6/16128/65032
  18. But what if dissatisfaction = the sum of satisfaction + 1 Roe Vs Wade may fall may be an example. What type of justice is............. Banning smoking in public buildings ? Banning smoking in private establishments ?
  19. Some people think that slapping a kid on the rump is torture, and making them clean their room is slavery.
  20. Douglas

    LED help

    Hey YT, it takes some balls to plug 100+ LED's into 240 VAC. I wouldn't have done it.
  21. Douglas

    LED help

    I don't know of any application where one would or could use AC to power an LED.
  22. That's a good point, back in the 40's and 50's people used to paint the dials of watches with radium....maybe someone painted a rock. Also, basements can have radon, which is radioactive and known to cause lung cancer.
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