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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Political correctness within the bounds of common sense (MY common sense) is simply being polite and courteous. As for XPC (extreme political correctness), it's probably easier to blame the left than to blame the right. Given some choices, I'd blame XPC on the NEA over the NRA, the NY times over the Washington times, Dick Durbin over Dick Lugar. Perhaps some others can share their thoughts on why XPC is out of control.
  2. In my opinion, at this stage in the game, there's only one option....stay the course.
  3. And who's agenda is it to push this PC madness on us ?Any ideas?
  4. Actually, that comet is the return of Hale-Bopp, there's a spaceship hiding behind it.
  5. My next door neighbor used to make dandelion wine.
  6. This has been tried, The fuel is tough to remove. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/03/AR2005060301452.html
  7. Swansont, "cruel and unusual" does not apply to innocent victims of ridiculous laws. It only applies to terrorists who are forced to listen to loud music day and night, exposing them to heat and cold and allowing them to shit their pants....(if they're wearing pants). YT...."the law is an Ass".....Yes, at times it is. The question is...who passes these types of bizarre laws? How do we expose them and get them out of office? Yeah Pangloss, zero tolerance, how about 'zero tolerance' after the application of a little common sense. Has anybody thought of that? It's all about ass cover.....zero tolerance ?, Ok, pitch 'em out, my ass is covered, screw the person that just got screwed.
  8. The ruling may be consistent with Illinois law, but think of the stupidity of the law. It says that if a relative, friend, or neighbor restrains the child/young adult for any reason (like doing something dumb), they are automatically a sex offender.
  9. Severian, you're talking a very small segment of the population, probably not much more than the number of people that support alkaida. I think the IRA was funded through NORAID, I don't understand why the American gov't did not shut them down and throw them in jail.
  10. It'll probably be protected as well as your Visa/Mastercard, voter registration card, drivers license, library card, SS number card, AARP card, prescription card, medical card, life insurance policy, stocks and bonds, medical records, military records, telephone #, etc.
  11. Can't speak for the U.K., but the U.S. has 10 million or more illegal aliens in this country, among which, there's probably more than a few terrorists.We need a "who's who" system, whether it be I.D. cards or a mandatory passport.
  12. I disagree, communism was a potential threat, terrorists are an existing and present menace. Terrorists have been attacking the U.S. for decades, starting with hijackings, aircraft bombings, embassy bombings, barracks bombings, hostage takings, ship bombings culminating in the downing of the twin towers. These terrorists have to be stopped and all 1st world countries should join the coalition forces in defeating this menace.
  13. yes, the flag is a symbol, burning the flag is an affront to some people, not all people. Banners or symbols like the swastika or the star of David or the hammer and sickle may be offensive and insulting to some people not all people. I would prefer to see an amendment to the constitution stating that ENGLISH IS THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE.
  14. I think the proposed amendment is ridiculous. If they start with flag burning amendments, it'll progress to hate banner amendments, then offensive language amendments.
  15. Good point about the relative power of the attack dogs. I suppose "talk radio" would go to the conservatives, but TV and the papers would go to the liberals.
  16. I think Rove's statements were directed to liberals in general and moveon.org in particular.
  17. I think the European (including the U.K.) mainstream media dishes out a heavy dose of liberalism, including anti americanism. I'm just not sure if there's an effective conservative counter balance to sources like the anti american BBC.
  18. Yes, Rove points out what I believe to be obvious and he gets shit upon by the Dems, yet Durbin points out what's not so obvious and he gets a free pass.
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