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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Hehehe
  2. ditto
  3. What party did Barak belong to? He seemed to be the Israeli peacenik. And how about Netanyahu, is he a Likud? Anyway, yes, if Sharon's new party is centrist, seems like that's in the direction of peace.
  4. Concerning the Jessica Lunsford case and others.............. I'm with you Bettina, and I don't have to dehumanize anyone by conjuring images of monsters, devils or evil spirits to convince myself to execute them tout de suite. I don't try to persuade myself that they can be rehabilitated, I'd pull the switch without hesitation. The good part is........I would not be ashamed, conscience-stricken, saddened or mournful. There's evil in this world, many of them in the form of John Couey (Jessica's killer) and to the victims of the John Couey's of the world, I would say....rest in peace, John Couey will harm no more. For those soft on crime, Please....don't bore me with "revenge" stuff
  5. I *just* knew it...those damn Republicans
  6. Would you have these former residents stay at the Residence Inn in Atlanta, till the Residence Inn in New Orleans is ready, then come back and get a job?
  7. Yes, you're right, I was looking at it in terms of ...rate of consumption.
  8. I don't think so............ one is 50W/sec the other 1/50W/sec
  9. How about if we replace the "cup" with the word "T I M E". It seems to me if you're doing serial processing, and if the 2nd set of data that represents the "I" has malfunctioned, the processing will stop, and the brain will just recognize "T ? ? ?" If the brain is doing parallel processing, and the data containing the "I" has malfunctioned, the brain will recognize "T ? M E". Since the brain is capable of filling in missing data, it will know that the word is "T I M E".
  10. If you ferment them for a month, you'll get more money for them.
  11. Gotta keep them there Pangloss, Bush can't afford any more victims till after next November. Good fodder for a democrat commercial in '06......Bush kicks them when they're down. Remember what Vincente Fox said........
  12. Oh, but Allan Colmes, when defending the hypocrits, claims that the antagonists got "different" intelligence than Bush got.......meaning that the Bush "intelligence" revealed that there were No WMD's.
  13. Where I come from, Indians from India are called East Indians, and Indians in the U.S. are called American indians.
  14. Sandi, interesting photos. The 3rd from the left looks like they ran into some preserved dinosaur intestines. Thanks for posting
  15. It seems to me that your latter diagram is series/parallel processing. How about if there were four arrows from the cup to the circles and four arrows from the circles to the square??
  16. They fixed the Hubble telescope.
  17. Douglas

    Vitamin C

    That could be, from what i've heard, they put beer in translucent bottles to keep it from going bad,
  18. Go to google and type in "wheatgrass", it's not digestable (in humans), but when juiced and drank, it's one of the most powerful vegetables known. It's said to contain every element knowh to mankind. Ann Whigmore <sp> wrote a book on the stuff, she claimed it cured her of cancer. The more you read about wheatgrass, the more amazing it seems to be. I used to juice the stuff, drank 2 OZ per day, but got tired of buying it.
  19. Yes, the Omaha steaks Co sells meat and burgers through the mail. I've given them as gifts a few times. I've also bought wheatgrass thru the mail, both are well packed with dry ice in a styrofoam box.
  20. How about ....take two aspirin, and call me in the morning"
  21. Douglas

    Vitamin C

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