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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Hillary? That remains to be seen. This election was enormously significant in which way the people want this country to go. Not only did a conservative win the presidentsy, they also took the House, Senate, the governorships, and states' legislators.
  2. Jeez, I thought I had a good "find" there. Maybe you should give me "your" list.
  3. I'm sorry you feel this way, if you change your mind, I think you'll find the Americans are exactly the same as they were on your last visit....if any.
  4. PANGLOSS: You summed it up pretty well. I voted for Bush, but I could've lived with Kerry, he wouldn've made any difference in my life. Bush will probably appoint at least 2 judges to the supreme court, I see that as a positive point. Tom Daschle has bit the dust, I'm jumping up and down about that. I had much more respect for Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and Barbara Boxer than I had for Daschle. BTW, take a look at this web site, being heavy into politics as you are, this site has info and maps of every election since 1789 Example.....1840 http://presidentelect.org/e1840.html
  5. When Bush was interviewed by Fox news, O'Reilly asked him how he would feel if the Iraqis elected an "ayatollah khomeini", Bush said (a paraphrase), If that's what they want, so be it.
  6. Good one Ophiolite I'm absobloodylootely glad I've been calling the Englander's, Brits, U.K'ers or Limey's
  7. I would agree with the above, so long as Zarqawi represents a reasonable portion of the Iraqis.....I.E. not just terrorists. BTW, was this forum "on line" in 2000 ? .... If so, was there this much discussion about the election?
  8. I'm not sure what "non combat related" means If a guy is going to starbucks for a cup of coffee and steps on a mine, is that non combat related? How about the accidents among the troops themselves. Sgt Guiltmore accidentally shoots Pvt freeburg 'cause he's voting for Kerry.
  9. I'm chuckling at that one, I'll pass it on to my friends in space systems. When I worked at surveillance systems, my forte was low sideband noise pll's, and high intercept compressive receivers. The job at space systems was kind've unique, the master clock was in one satellites, the other satellites had synchronizable clocks (I.E. you could move the frequency say...30 or 40 Hz) The problem was... that input was a digital code, instead of a sinusoid, thus, we scrapped the conventional PLL. We thought we'd try a sampling technique, but that would only work if the code repeated itself. The code appeared to be pseudo random, the project failed. If you can figure out how to phase lock a pseudo random code, you can go to work for Lockheed.
  10. WE....When I worked for Lockheed Martin's electronics sector, surveillance systems and space systems division. Space systems, where I first came across the term "mouse farts". If you came under budget on weight and space, they could add more mouse farts.
  11. I thought Kerry said we're not spending enough on defense!! Anybody notice the 1st segment on 60 minutes last night? It was a tale of woe, on how under-equipped our military is. Kind've like our military is fighting a war with one hand tied behind their backs.
  12. Mo-man14, I wasn't implying anything. I was asking a simple question. Since you didn't see a reason why F-9/11 should not be showed at a school (I agree), then I wondered if you felt the same about the boy scouts.
  13. ACLU says... from the October 20, 2004 edition CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR
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