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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Hmmm,....looks like the deck is stacked against me. My original statement was why I thought the French disliked the Americans (not why the Americans disliked the French)....This was cleverly manipulated (with incisive sarcasm) to *me* bashing the French. Seems like all of my so called "name calling" could easily be proved by reading his responses. I'll add one more name to my list, In my opinion, he's a "fraud", deceiving by misrepresenting. You may now delete this post, before he comes crying to you.
  2. Let's try again..........strawmaning and smoke screening, disingenuous blather. Your posts to Aardvark and me were a joke, let's add ...backtracking, dodging, motormouthing, caustic, crying, arrogance.........I could go on. BTW, did you happen to notice that this is a political forum? Now, if you wish, I'll take all of the above accusations, I'll look at your post's, identify each item, and jamb it down your throat....After that, you're allowed to cry to the administrators. Oh, I'm an engineer, not an english major.
  3. I saw Michael Moore on the O'reilly factor, after O'reilly ragged on him a bit, Moore said the film is political satire. If so, seems like you wouldn't want to rely on it to make an informed decision.
  4. Keep in mind that just recently, a teacher was told to take down the picture of the American flag and a picture of the president of the U.S. because it was too political.
  5. Yes, and I also, am thinking from the top of my head. I think that the polls showed Reagan and Mondale in a fairly close race in '84. Yet Reagan won by a landslide taking 48 states, I believe he lost Mass. and Minn. In '72, Nixon probably lost Ma also.
  6. Good question.... 1st of all, only 50% of the eligible voters actually vote. Of the remaining 50%, I'd guess that 20% vote for the party their grandfather voted for, 20% don't have a clue who they're voting for, 20% vote for the party that has the best commercials, 10% vote for whom they've been told to vote and 30% actually know the issues and know who they will vote for.
  7. Good try, well beyond strawmaning and smoke screening, disingenuous blather. not worth a reply. Well, a couple. Huh? Yikes
  8. You forgot one. Why are all the "pop-ups" on my computer... Kerry ad's It's a great leftwing conspiracy.
  9. My favorite conspiracy is the democrats getting the polls open for the presidential election 2 weeks early, in 30 states, so they can get more illegals and ex cons to voting booths. Batman can now vote for Kerry 14 times.
  10. Pangloss, I checked them out the other day (after I posted them here), it looked like a pretty good site. Did you register?
  11. Good job Pangloss........interesting amendments.
  12. Gee, in Beverly Hills, I'd expect Kerry to win by a landslide.
  13. Good one Pangloss. Between Jackson, Sharpton and Kweisi Mfume, the word "disenfranchised" has been used 10,000 times. I think the 3 of them do an incredible injustice to the black community. But, the blacks will be voting 90% for Kerry.
  14. I think "hate" is the wrong word (IMO)
  15. Ist of all, I don't see how most of your post relates to why the French dislike the Americans. 2nd, I know plenty about WWII as well as WWI.De Gaulle was a POW in WWI, NOT WWII Dunkirk has no bearing on my discussion. Don't stuff words in my mouth that I never said, like..."cowards" & "hate" Living in the 3rd Reich is a joke, we never got to France till '44, all that was left of the French army was the French resistance. quote from you....."the Americans still generally label them cowards."". ...That's wrong. (IMO) Quote from you......."The reason the French don't like the Americans is because despite what they lived through, and the sacrifice of almost all French males between 16 and 40 twice in a century, the Americans still generally label them cowards. "........Doesn't sound like a good reason to me. Quote from you.........."The worst the US suffered was Pearl Harbor and Midway, "...........has nothing to do with the topic.....though I might add that the war in the Pacific was brutal. Anyway, I gave my reasons for why I think the French dislike us, your reason was weak
  16. Sayonara.....I was throwing out what might potentially be on the card. I don't have strong feelings either way about the card, other than I got enough cards, I don't need any more.
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