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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. That's exactly what I was going to say. They'd have Bush impeached.
  2. Have you ever seen the stock market go down over a 40 or 45 year period ?(working life of the average person) Have I ever seen social security fail? YUP, when you die at 62. You don't get a dime. I'll take the Republican plan, part of SS goes into investments, which your kids keep when you kick the bucket.
  3. Hey budullewraagh, Clearly, the deficit goes up as the years go by, though Clinton *did* have a surplus. Your graph is something the democrats would advertise. The deficit doesn't mean crap. What's important, is the deficit as a percentage of the gross domestic product. Bush is running about 4%, about the same as Clinton in '93, and much less that Reagan around '84 at about 6%.
  4. Forgetting about Bush and Kerry, I prefer the Republican party's philosophy. In my opinion, the Republicans lean toward the independence of the American people, where the Democrats lean toward the people being reliant on the Gov't......I.E. Socialism.
  5. No, it's mine.
  6. Can you explain to me how this is a lie?
  7. Halliburton got more dough out of Clinton than they did out of Bush. Halliburton subcontracts a lot of their work out, so a lot of people get a piece of the pie.
  8. Douglas

    18th amendment

  9. I am ignorant do not know what culture is what is haiku
  10. Douglas

    18th amendment

    Probably would suck, but those guys had fun in the roaring twenties.
  11. The issue is exactly that. I assume you posted the article/issue to get opinions on it. Tell me, are you happy about it? Are you pissed about it? If you're pissed, you're unhappy.
  12. It seems to me, that both issues are the same and that Blikes and John's comments addressed both issues.
  13. Phi, I was going to download Spybots, but couldn't find "tea timer" that Sayonara talked about. Maybe I'll do it anyway. What I have done, is run Ad-aware, see how many hits it gets, then run disk cleanup, go back to Ad-aware, to find that more than half of the former hits are gone. But, if I go to internet options, delete the cookies and temp files, I don't get any hits on Ad-aware. I.E. it does the job of disk cleanup and Ad-aware.
  14. Bloodhound, several months ago, I was using about 145 megs of RAM with no windows open. I have not added anything to the start menu, but now I'm using about 200 megs with no windows open. Could this be spyware running in the background?
  15. Douglas

    1st Debate

    You mean that you didn't get a check in the mail for $300 or $600 ?
  16. Douglas


    The far left folks will tell you that children (via accidental deaths) will be killed by the thousands, suicides will skyrocket, inter family deaths will go thru the roof AND, guns have never saved a life.
  17. Douglas

    1st Debate

    Turns out, that the extra two weeks would have solved nothing. Here I thought that Bush gave everone a tax cut
  18. Lance, no, I was making a point. Anyway, getting back on topic. Your post was to YT2095. I'll answer, it's a little less than .001 ohms.
  19. YT2095: Ah, on second thought, the above example is too easy. This one is slightly harder. You have a frequency divider in a circuit following a local oscillator. The divider divides by two. It (the divider) has an internal flat white noise level of -130 dBm/hz. The oscillator output is +16 dBm, it has a single sideband noise level of -140 dBc/Hz at 200 KHz removed from the carrier. What is the resultant noise level out of the divider at Fo ± 200 KHz expressed in dBc/Hz ??
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