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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. No Dave, I'm not saying that. O'Reilly clearly tends to lean to the right, though he supports a few liberal views, E.G. he does not support the death penalty etc. The fox news evening lineup starts with Brit Hume who is probably a moderate right wing. Followed by...Shep Shepard Smith is strictly a news caster. No overt leanings left or right. O'Reilly, as said above. Hannity and Colmes, one a righty, the other a lefty Greta Van Susterun.....Left wing, as she was on CNN and still is on Fox
  2. There was a post under the "electricity" topic about "lightning", which would come under a topic of "earth sciences"
  3. I'd like to see a sub topic the under the topic "General Sciences " named "Earth Sciences" to discuss things like tides, atmosphere, ozone, aurora borealis, weather, equation of time, ocean currents etc etc. I don't see it discussed here on this board.
  4. That's a good question, the article said it would take 14 years to get to Alpha Centauri.......I don't know if that included slowing down and stopping.
  5. I have both the TI and the Hp. I prefer the HP. They use "Reverse polish notation" (RPN) and in my opinion are easier to use and easier to program.
  6. What you're really asking here is.......does ionized air have less resistance than water, since lightning takes the path of least resistance. Do a google and type in "resistance of ionized air" or something like that. Then do a google and type in "resistance of distilled water"......I'm saying distilled because it's pretty specific.
  7. Douglas


    Are you sure you interpreted my previous post correctly ?
  8. Keep in mind that the air in the path of the lighting is ionized. Ionized air has a much lower resistance than the air we breath
  9. I've measured the resistance of tap water, and as I recall, it was about 10 Kohms per inch. Water with a high mineral content and salt water would be less.
  10. Keep in mind that for lightning to hit the ground that the air is ionized, which reduces the resistance of air. The lightning would probably hit the can since it has less resistance than ionized air.
  11. I have infra red detectors inside my house (they sense the heat from your body) they're expensive and run off batteries that last about 1 year. If they're set up right, they're foolproof, no kid can get past them, unless they enter the house with 8 inches of insulation wrapped around them. I think my outdoor motion detectors work like doppler radar (similar to what the police use for speeders (motion)). they're cheap (not the police one's). They have a light sensor so they don't work in the day, that can be defeated by placing elecrical tape over the sensor. But, the problem with these, is that the leaves rustling in the trees can set them off. These detectors have a sensitivity adjustment (the infra red don't). A kid might be able walk up to your shed if he/she is walking very very slow. They also have the light transmitter/receiver type, similar to the garage door type. Not sure of the price. They're the photon detector type. You put the light transmitter at point "A" and the receiver at point "B", if the light beam is broken, a hand grenade go off. On second thought, your land mine idea is probably the best. How many kids in your neighborhood ?
  12. Douglas


    I don't think we're at the top of the genetic roster. I can visualize that the universe is a molecule, The galaxies are the electrons, the stars are the atoms and the planets are the quarks. We're in a laboratory of a higher order of beings (much larger than us) the scientists are working on a bomb of which we'll be a part of......sentence ending with a preposition (not allowed)
  13. Douglas


    If the universe is a sphere, and it's growing larger every second, then there may be an infinity. However, if there's enough mass/gravity in the universe, it may collapse into a huge black hole, meaning that there is no infinity. Just a singularity waiting for the next big bang, then we start from zero and head for infinity again Or, maybe infinity is the opposite of half life. It never gets to zero
  14. Banned Partial Birth Abortion Signed two income tax cuts Changed the tone in the White House, restoring HONOR and DIGNITY to the presidency. Challenged the United Nations to live up to their responsibilities Strengthen the National Health Service Corps Prescription drug benefits More health care choices: New Health Savings Accounts: Homeland Security Is urging federal liability reform to eliminate frivolous lawsuits His leadership resulted in Republican gains in the House and Senate Traditional Values, Compassion & Volunteerism By Executive Order (EO), reversed Clinton's policy of not requiring parental consent for abortions under the Medical Privacy Act. Supports permanent elimination of the death tax. In process of permanently eliminating IRS marriage penalty. Increased small business incentives to expand and to hire new people. Initiated discussion on privatizing Social Security and individual investment accounts. Killed Clinton's "ergonomic" rules that OSHA was about to implement; rules would have shut down every home business in America Passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals to account as a result of corporate scandals. Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains. Reduced and is working to ultimately eliminate the estate tax for family farms and ranches. Provided $20 million to states to help people with disabilities work from home Increased the annual contribution limit on Education IRA's from $500 to $2,000 per child. Make permanent the $5,000 adoption tax credit and provide $1 billion over five years to increase the credit to $10,000. Grant a complete tax exemption for prepaid or college tuition savings plans. Signed the No Child Left Behind Act Killed the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty
  15. Both the Repub's and Dem's are considering raising the retirement age. You were not specific about which SS plan you liked, and why
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