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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Mokele, I think the operative word is "skew".
  2. Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th in it.
  3. A capon is a castrated rooster.
  4. Yeah, looks like it's back firing.......... putt putt putt.
  5. Ohio- It is illegal to sell beer while wearing a Santa Claus suit, even if you are a dog.
  6. Yeah, Reid, Kennedy, Pelosi, the usual suspects.....Seems like it's now common knowledge that Bush manipulated the CIA into providing info that Mr Saddam had WMD's. The Dems seem to forget that that several CIA equivalents from foriegn countries corroborated said evidence, not to mention Kerry and other notable Dems.
  7. The thing that's interesting bascule, is that "misinterpretation" is a product of what people want to believe.........I too, am guilty.
  8. Bush said this............. He didn't say he forgot anything: And there's no doubt that the Dems are trying to re-write history.
  9. Hmmm, I suppose if you had a 20 megawatt radar transmitter in your yard (paid for by someone else), and you had enough mu-metal around you to keep from frying your balls, you might be able to salvage some useful energy.
  10. In the old cars, their ignition system contained a set of points, a capacitor, a coil and a distributor. When starting the engine, the 12V was fed to the rotating opening/closing points which delivered a square wave to the coil. The coil was an autotransformer (step up transformer) which generated say 5 KV (not 40 KV), this was distributed to the spark plugs.
  11. Maybe your fridge need a shot of refrigerant...freon or whatever. Anyway, I don't see a problem shutting down the freezer (if it can be done). If the freezer is on top, put a couple of pieces of foam insulation in it to help insulate the fridge.
  12. Douglas


    Who? Me??
  13. Douglas


    I thought that only happened when you pushed the pedal to the metal.
  14. probably not much, if you could nudge it by 2026, but if you nudge in 2035, it would probably need a good nudge.
  15. If terrorism is defined as a roadside bomb that blows up a school bus, or strapping a bomb on a child to be detonated in a crowded restaurant, then ask yourself if you'd like to live under a regime that employed these tactics. On the other hand, guerrilla warfare is acceptable...as I define it.
  16. Bush is spending 7 billion on preparations for a pandemic. The FEW vaccines are for a current strain of the flu.
  17. I completely agree. As I see it' date=' Jackson [i']et al[/i], for decades, been giving the Blacks heavy doses of "whitey owes you", "whitey discriminates", whitey disenfranchises", "don't emulate whitey", "black republicans are uncle toms"....on and on. I see it as destroying the morale and spirit. On the other hand, you have Black people like Bill Cosby, Jesse Lee Peterson, Shelby Steele....and more, who want to instill pride, desire, ambition, only to be largely ignored by the MSM and liberal blacks.
  18. I thought about this for a minute, then grudgingly agreed.
  19. Absolutely, and who's teaching them this stuff (acting white) ? It's not the whites, and it not Bill Cosby and the blacks on his team. It's been 40 years now. Or screwed by the Republicans
  20. I thought this was pretty humorous.
  21. Yeah John, currently there's a Black republican, Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele, who's running for the US senate. Seems like he's fair game for critisizing, demonizing, ostracizing, uncle tom-izing by the black liberal democrats and a few whites. It's the same shit as what the school kids are doing, 'cept it's been done by adults.
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