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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. I always consider opposing views, but the above posts have been nonsense. Lets try social security. Whose plan do you like best?
  2. Where can I find these memo's? They must be on the internet.
  3. And how does that make it a lie?
  4. Bush did not LIE. He was fed info from the U.S., British and Russian intellegence. He may have been misled, but he did not lie.
  5. Thales, you got to be joking. Everyone knows that the Clinton economy wasn't produced by Clinton, It was the computer boom, the internet boom and the .Com boom. Wake up.
  6. your entire post is hogwash, full of innuendoes. "read my lips, no taxes". This is a lie?.........Yikes Give me an example of where bush lied on Iraq.............bet you can't
  7. I'm saying that Bush served in the National guard and that his unit was not called up, which is the reason he never served in Vietnam. Also, the liberal media calls him stupid, of course, they called Ford, Reagan and Bush Sr stupid too. You can't be too stupid to fly an F-102 Also......
  8. Thales, you seem to be getting your news from the liberal press. According to them Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr and now Bush Jr are stupid. He also was a pilot of the F-102 Delta Dagger, one of the most dangerous aircraft in the USAF to land. I'm going to save your post, since I plan to debunk every thing in it.
  9. Some cosmologists claim that the universe is expanding at nearly the speed of light, this implies that the sphere is getting larger. It's like chasing your own tail. Also, time stops at the speed of light, how does that figure in this hypothesis ? If anything.
  10. Only a mindless fool would make a statement like that. Lets see who likes Bush..............and who doesn't
  11. You must be reading this in the London press...or TV, It's all BS Bush was in the Air National Guard, he flew an F-102 Delta Dagger, which was one of the most dangerous aircraft to land, it became very unstable at lower speeds. Furthermore, almost everyone in the country respects Kerry's service in Vietnam, including all the politicians. There are some fringe people that are out to get him.
  12. Lightning always seeks ground (earth), and it always seeks the path of least resistance. If you're standing next to a tree in your bare feet the lightning will hit you, if you're standing next to a tree on a two foot rubber pad, the lightning will hit the tree. Thus, you're safer in the pool. The lightning will hit the ground before it hits the water, because water has resistance.
  13. Douglas


  14. I agree, we don't zoom in on an object as it is today, we see it as it was 2 million years ago. Just as when we look at the sun, we see the sun as it was 8 minutes ago.
  15. Douglas

    Ion Engine

    I read an article in Discovery magazine where they talked about methods of propulsion for long distant travel (Alpha Centauri 4 light years). They discounted Anti matter and others. Settled on a hydrogen maser method of propulsion. Since there's very little Hydrogen in space, they needed, perhaps an ion engine to reach a velocity where they could deploy a huge hydrogen collection device, then it would take 7 years to reach ½ the speed of light. The one way trip to alpha centauri would take 14 years.
  16. Time stops at the speed of light
  17. I've never heard of astronautical engineering !!!
  18. Do you have a problem with Bush? If so, why?
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