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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. Mart, I said this on another post....log out, then log back in and click the "remember me" box.
  2. It's an interesting article, it sounds a bit like the transmission of spread spectrum signals, which are dispersed on transmission and compressed on receiving. Seems like he's using the plastic balls as an acoustic dispersive delay line, just can't see where the speed of light comes in.
  3. K is defined here http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Skepl3rd.htm
  4. Absolutely
  5. True, but I think that was implied. BTW, when I say "ball" I specifically mean basketball, which is where a large part of the evidence lies. Edited to add....I don't see it as a racial slur as some people do. I simply see it as a fact of life.........of which there are many.
  6. As YT said, you'll live. Have you ever tried Melatonin as a sleep aid? I've tried them, and they didn't work for me, but a friend of mine takes it daily (nightly) and says they're wonderful.
  7. Certainly capitalism played a role. But in terms of the space race (Ecoli's example), IMO, nationalism and patriotism played a more important role.
  8. ......................
  9. It's unfortunate that the Bill Cosby's of the world have not replaced the Jesse Jackson's of the world as the leaders of the Black community.
  10. You gotta be shitting me!!!
  11. Out of curiosity, is there a particular "scorched earth policy" that you're concerned about?? Wondering.......
  12. Put 'em on E-bay........you pay the postage.
  13. Because I sucked up a dead squirrel in the engine of my car.
  14. Anything that can reasonably be construed as a public health hazard, individual rights do NOT apply. This does not mean "2nd hand smoke", helmetless motorcyclists and similar violations of individual rights. Soooo Celeste, I'm on your team in terms of contageous diseases.
  15. President Bush is about to spend 7 billion in preparation for a possible pandemic. Some of the usual suspects like Kennedy and Pelosi claim it too little too late, others say it's an over reaction. There's also an issue on whether the Feds have complete responsibility, or if the States should chip in. Any thoughts?
  16. How about if you go to a rental store who has a powerfull vacumn with a 30 foot hose. My built in vacumn system (with 30 foot hose) is powerfull enough to suck and hold a small cat.
  17. I'd be guessing that the MSM likes to portray the republican base as religious lunatics. Of all the conservatives pundits I know in talk radio, only Alan Keyes and perhaps Bob Dornan could be considered "religious right".
  18. I don't like the phrase "acting too white", but if we take it for what it means, I'd suggest that more blacks "act too white".
  19. Not meaning to change the subject, but it's interesting about "the base". Some democrats refer to the republican base as the "religious right", but in the case of the Miers nomination, part of the "religious right" endorsed Miers (James Dobson for example). The bulk of the Miers opposition seemed to have come from the mainstream conservatives.
  20. Ok, Ok, Pangloss, you got me on that one, but reinforced my argument. That was '84, this is '05. Even the famous Jesse Jackson, baptist minister et al, had to switch to pro abortion in order to maintain some sort of status with the mainstream dems. Anyway, Alda will probably win the election.
  21. Yeah, Greenpeace has been known to spout a few lies along with some half truths. I suppose they started out with good intentions, but as the bureaucracy grew, they probably found the need to manufacture some anxieties.
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