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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. which ones ?? Out of curiosity. I've heard the BBC is anti Israeli as well as anti American.
  2. Whatever you do, make sure it's easily readable. I've left websites because the color schemes made it impossible to read. The colors on this website are just fine.......look around and find something appealing and readable.
  3. yeah, it's not a bad idea, but remember, the moon has to be slowed down, by reducing the EMF, and it will have to enter the new orbit at the right angle, and for it to be geosychronous, it'll be at about 42,000 km from the center of earth. That's a pretty long bridge, but perhaps with this proposed new nano (something) space elevator it'll happen.
  4. Ok, I'll buy that. Would it be Kentucky blue grass or penn red fescue?
  5. I'd vote for IMM as either a "resident expert" or a "moderator". I think she'd do a terrific job.
  6. Well, the grass would be in the form of another pill. The next step toward a pill society would be to develop synthetic water, one capsule = 8 oz of spring water, this would be especially good for the woman, who seem to have to pee all the time. Then we move on to capsulized booze, think of how nice it would be to order up your favorite drink (in my case, a dry martini, straight up, with a twist) in capsule form.....no more dribbling booze down your chin.
  7. That's true, I've heard that a good dump is 1/4 of an orgasm.
  8. To get the pill down to a reasonable size, they need to develop a powerhouse synthetic substance that is equivalent to 2000 calories of a combination of fat, carbohydrate and protien. You may not need fiber, since the intestines may absorb the entire pill. This would save on toilet paper.
  9. Maybe multiculturalism only works under authoritarian rule....as in Tito's Yugoslavia. *************************************************
  10. A good example of multiculturism at work.
  11. Thank you for the response. I have 2 cables to the cdrom drive, a ribbon cable and a power cable with the same connectors as on the HDD. I have 4 jumpers on the HDD.....CS, SLAVE, MASTER, PM2. It was set to the CS position. Do I leave it in that position??? .........Thanks
  12. I re-installed windows on a new HDD. I notice that my old HDD has the same connectors as my cdrom drive. can I temporarily connect my old HDD to the cdrom connectors to try to retrieve some files....that is, it will become the D: drive. Thanks for any help
  13. Yes j'dona, good site.......thanks
  14. absolutely, and I'm sure there *is* no recordable sound, However, it's possible that some people have a self resonance at 60 to 80 Hz and the effect is transmitted to their body via a medium other that sound.
  15. Some people say everything has a self resonant frequency.
  16. Back in the ol' days they had the most potent sexual arousing stimulent in the universe .."spanish fly". There's many a harrowing tale about this powerful aphrodisiac....woman impaled on floorboard gearshifts and even worse. The legends of the effects of "spanish fly" were world wide, and left many a horney youngster agape......wishing, wishing, wishing, he had just a pinch of this remarkable stuff. But alas, spanish fly has been relegated to the dustbin of urban legend.
  17. With the amount of golden oldies in the St Pete area, I'd be guessing that homicide by auto would be much greater than homicide by gun.
  18. I've taken numerous polygraphs (not crime related) and passed them all. However, I don't trust them. My 1st polygraph, I went through all the questions, only to be chewed out by the guy administering the test, because I had my leg crossed and I was very slightly moving my foot. I decided then that polygraphs were not reliable. I was told by NSA people that a person can be trained to pass a polygraph. BTW, all questions that I answerd were yes or no questions
  19. I think I'd prefer Michelle Malkin with Coulter as her running mate.
  20. What issues?...beside abortion
  21. Madeline Albright !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeks. Didn't she used to be a man??? For the Pollster.........I'd vote for Condi over Hillary.
  22. Interesting video of a WWII pilot found frozen. Click 4th video from the left on the fan http://www.comcast.net/providers/fan/popup.html?v=43197906&pl=43211451.xml&config=%2Fconfig%2Fcommon%2Ffan%2Fhome%2Exml
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