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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. I selected safe mode, pressed enter, a bunch of stuff came up for about 10 seconds, then the machine shut down, leaving the original error message. so I can't get into safe mode. Thanks for the help.....any other ideas???
  2. I can't get into safe mode, when I try, I get the black screen with...disk..rdisk..partition..windows32......etc, it then shuts down with the same error message as before
  3. Interesting, you must've had a super high impedance voltmeter to measure the voltage.
  4. Ooh that's interesting, you mean that the peace prize and the literature prize are set aside for advancing agenda's ?
  5. Yeah John, It's the Spike Lee's, H. Dean, M. Moore, J. Jackson, C. Rangel, A. Sharpton's of the world that keep telling Blacks that republicans are racist. How do you fight these people?
  6. I have the same problem as Aronathas, except my error codes are: STOP: c000021a and STATUS OF: 0xc000026c. When I try what Equuleus suggested (hitting space key while booting), I don't get any options. From snooping around in the knowledge base, I pretty much know what the problem is, but can't boot so I can fix it. Anyone know how I can boot-up? I'm running XP-SP2 Thanks
  7. Douglas

    Life in Hell

    Good one Martin
  8. Whoa, whoa, whoa Bud. Methinks you just stuffed the bold words in my mouth. I was merely pointing out a few people who think Bush dislikes Blacks. not realizing that you were talking specifically about Spike Lee. I agree, Lee didn't say "republican gov't" and he didn't say Bush dislikes Blacks.
  9. Another Bushism....That story has been debunked by Snopes' Urban legend. I can't believe people believe this stuff....unless they *really* want to believe it. Hmmm, I didn't know the bible whippers were neocons. For some reason, I thought they were always conservative.
  10. Copy your post and place it in "general Discussion" Then ask the moderators to delete this post.
  11. C'mon Bud, Kanye West said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people, they've been given permission to go down there and shoot us". Charlie Rangel claims that George Bush is the modern day Bull Connor. CNSNews.com) - In an open letter to President Bush posted on his Web site, liberal filmmaker and anti-war activist Michael Moore suggests that a delay in rescuing stranded residents of New Orleans was based on race and class. Howard Dean says......"The truth is the president of the United States used the same device that Slobodan Milosevic used in Serbia. When you appeal to homophobia, when you appeal to sexism, when you appeal to racism, that is extraordinarily damaging to the country," Add to that the thousands of blogs that claim Bush is a racist.
  12. They're probably alien rods, they're supposed to be bountiful here on earth, and can only be seen in a photograph. Does he have any pictures of crop circles?....
  13. He must be mistaken, every incident of that nature is race related, just ask Sharpton and Jackson.... Back to Spike Lee........
  14. I think it's more likely that it loses it's charge through it's own insulating material.
  15. I guess that means a Republican United States government.
  16. How about ...."welcome to Birmingham Alabama", you now need a pickup truck....
  17. Well, the large pharmaceuticals aren't interested (no money there). And nobody will do it as a freebie.I noticed that Bayer is pushing their aspirin as a blood thinner to prevent strokes, and I think Zycam uses Zinc as their base ingredient for cold prevention. But for the most part, you're on your own in determining what these vitamins and herbs do for you. I didn't know these existed, I'm going to check them out.....Thanks. Interesting observation, and probably true. I've notice that psyllium husks have a duel purpose of preventing both constipation and diarrhea.
  18. Guilty as charged.... and my apologies to Kedas....
  19. My guess would be that the probes are made of metal such that when contact is made, they equalize the charge prior to pumping fuel.
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