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Motor Daddy

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Everything posted by Motor Daddy

  1. Because that is what you would have to do to have a duration of 12:00:00-12:00:00. ALL motion in the universe would have to STOP.
  2. Because time is a duration, continuously "flowing." You can't stop time.
  3. While the error may be too small to be measured by our very limited measuring devices, the concept is completely wrong. There is no "point in time."
  4. Yeah, I know you do it all the time, that is the problem. There is no "point in time."
  5. There is no such thing as "a point in time." You can NOT stop time, Cap'n. No, we can't ignore it. That is like ignoring a .00000000000000000000001 second duration. That is unacceptable, Cap'n. Time does not stop.
  6. What is a point in time? Like, say, 12:00:00-12:00:00?
  7. Not by way of your explanation, though.
  8. If you are free falling, there is no specific "g", as it is continuously changing. If I am standing on my scale, what is my acceleration?
  9. So you are accelerating at 32.174 ft/sec^2 when you are standing on the scale? The FORCE is the amount of force required to STOP the acceleration. There is no acceleration at that point while standing on the scale. The acceleration is continuously increasing as you are "free falling" towards the Earth, because you are continuously getting closer to the Earth as you fall, so the acceleration increases. When the acceleration is zero, so is the force, according to Newton's F=ma.
  10. So if a train (or arrow, or Earth etc) is in motion, is it ever in a specific place?
  11. It's too bad Zephir is banned, I would really like to hear more of his theories.
  12. Leo P. Can you elaborate on this idea a little?
  13. A photograph of an object in motion does not show that object in any specific position. The photo shows the object is NOT in any one place at one "time." Your eyes just aren't good enough to see the "blur."
  14. Anybody have an answer yet?
  15. Can the math be correct and the concept be wrong?
  16. Who determines what "good" and "bad" are?
  17. What is "the real world?"
  18. Do you think if we find dark matter there will be something even smaller needed to fill the gaps?
  19. You mean they were joking?
  20. Great thread. Keep up the good work.
  21. Gee, Mooeypooey, and I thought we could be friends. It appears you have some pretty thin skin. Which thread are you speaking of? Is there something you disagree with? Did you run out of Hershey kisses to melt in your microwave?
  22. Mr. Skeptic, Either answer my questions or stay off my thread, you are trolling.
  23. You mean like the way some of the people on this board treat others ATM ideas? Should I post some quotes of people that get away with murder around here, and others that get banned for much less? Can you answer the question, with explanation?
  24. I'm not being hostile. I always hear, "show us the math," so I did. Now, when the math is plain to see, it doesn't interest anyone?
  25. Translated: I can't explain it.
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