DH, here is my appreciation for your advice!
How to find square root of a number
Sqrt(b) ?
find (a) such that (a*a) is close to (b)
For example: if b=178, (a) can be 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13……
Let V = a + b/a
Let Z = (V+4*b/V+16*b*V/(V*V+4*b)+64*b*V*(V*V+4*b)/(POWER((V*V+4*b),2)+16*b*V*V))
You will see Sqrt(b) = Z/32 + 8*b/Z [with either (a) that you chose]
Is it powerful?
DH, there is no body here but you and me. Why are you here, just curiosity?
I think that I have something that I would like to contribute. But I don't know how to start. I need to talk to some one who is an expert about this. And you seem like the one that I am looking for. Will you willing to discuss about this subject. If you do, here is my email: dog92707@yahoo.com