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Everything posted by jdurg

  1. As with anything in life, moderation is key. A few miligrams of a toxic substance can be handled safely and easily, and disposed of without any potential for harm. A few grams of that same substance, however, can pose serious health and damage issues.
  2. I'll just state again that the stuff is pretty overrated. I think a good analogy for NI3 is to say that it's similar to beer. When you're told that you're not allowed to use it or have it, then it's the only thing you want to do. You'll do anything to get a hold of it. All you see are good things about it and you think that it's the greatest stuff on earth. Then once you finally do make contact with it, you realize that it's not nearly what it's cracked up to be. It's not as 'fun' and 'kewl' as everyone had made it out to be, and in reality you feel as if you've wasted your time with it. In addition, people seem to downplay the danger of it and just want more, more, more. Pretty soon, these people wind up in the ER thanks to too much of the stuff being used. Yes there are those who will never grow up and will always think that having a ton of it at once is AWESOME, but most people will wisen up and realize that it's nothing special and that there are better things out there to waste their time on.
  3. Hehe. Well when I was into the 'kewl l337-ness' of the compound I thought it was the neatest thing on earth and made gobs and gobs of it. After a while, it really loses its charm. The only fun thing I ever did with it was mix some glucose into the drying compound to attract bugs with it. It was kind of funny hearing the bugs get covered in the NI3, then flying away, then going pow.
  4. Because sugar is not a gas and doesn't dissolve due to very weak van der waals forces.
  5. Yes, it will work. I 100% guarantee it. Any oxidizer stronger than bromine will be able to oxidize the bromide ion back into liquid bromine. Chlorine will oxidize bromide to bromine and iodide to iodine. Bromine will oxidize iodide into iodine. Iodine can only oxidize astatide into astatine, but that's not a reaction you'll ever come across. As for getting bromide salts, if you have any pool/spa store near you, you can get everything you need. Hydrochloric acid, calcium hypochlorite, sodium bromide, and a few other things too.
  6. Here's an analogy for you. Let's say you're playing poker and someone raises your bet by a large margin. You look at your cards and decide that the amount of money you could lose is not worth the amount you could win. As a result, you fold. Now did you fold because you're a spineless cowards who is afraid of losing? Did you fold because the troubles that calling may bring just aren't worth it? In the case of the losing leader backing down from the fight, it's not always becasue he's afraid. The VAST majority of the time it's just because the fight is no longer worth it. He gives in and realizes that he would have to do too much work to get a minimal benefit. As a result, he stops. He 'folds his hand' so to speak. He's not afraid. He just doesn't have the ability to continue on. That's not fear. That's using one's brain. If you quit playing a certain sport because you suck at it, you're not quitting because you're afraid. You're quitting because you suck and the results aren't worth the effort. Not fighting because you can no longer compete (War) is a LOT different than not fighting because you're afraid to do anything (Terrorism).
  7. Let's just say that I'm happy to have only seen them and not 'experienced' them in a first hand account. Small quantities of virtually ALL of that stuff is more than enough for my tastes. Uranium metal is restricted, but only if certain amounts are exceeded. All the Uranium I posess is depleted uranium in which the easily fissile U-235 has been depleted. It's radioactive, but mildly so. (A sample of Uranium ore that weighs the same amount is far more radioactive due to other radioactive isotopes in there). Uranyl nitrate is used in certain analytical labs for multiple reasons. It's pretty nasty because of the radioactivity and because of the chemotoxicity of uranium metal. The stuff is still neat to look at. A VERY bright yellow/green color. For antimony, I've got plenty of it. I could probably make compounds if I wanted to, but right now I've got about a pound of the stuff.
  8. Where do I begin? I guess the first thing I'll say is that RyanJ, the chemical you listed as Hg(OCN)2 is more commonly known as mercury fulminate; a primary explosive which is viciously nasty in terms of explosiveness and toxicity. As for the dangerous chemicals I've worked with, let me now begin: 1): NI3.NH3. Synthesized this stuff on numerous occasions and have been very fortuneate to have not hurt myself. Did create some pretty big holes in the earth which kind of shocked me. 2): Br2. Bromine is some insidiously nasty stuff. 3): Cl2. Chlorine is probably nasty just like bromine is. 4): Uranium metal/Uranyl Nitrate. Two radioactive materials with the nitrate being incredibly toxic stuff. The uranium is safely stored away and isn't a big problem, but it is pretty shocking when I think about it. 5): Arsine gas. Had a bit of a leak during a Toxicology lab. Smells like rotted garlic. Quickly moved the offending vessel into the fume hood. 6): Nitroglycerine. Let's just say that the stuff is every bit as tempermental as it's made out to be. 7): Picric Acid. Got to see the bomb squad remove 40 year old jars of biological specimens preserved in picric acid. The crystals had dried out and covered the inside of the jars. They made quite the loud sound when they were detonated. 8): Concentrated HClO4. 9): Osmium Tetroxide. Heavy little liquid. 10): 5 year old chunk of potassium metal HEAVILY corroded and covered in oxides/peroxides/superoxides. Professor put it in a huge tub of oil then proceeded to cut into the metal with long shears. Tub of oil proceeded to catch fire pretty dramatically.
  9. Virtually ALL gases are more soluble in cold water than hot water. That's why we keep soda pop in the fridge. This is because gases dissolve as a result of very weak intermolecular forces between the gas and the water. Remember, electrons are NOT static creatures. They are constantly moving around the gas molecules resulting in partial charges forming here and there. These partial charges allow the gas to gain momentary attractions to the water molecules and allows it to dissolve in the water. At low temperatures, the water molecules aren't moving around as much so the gas molecules are constantly surrounded by the charged water molecules. In higher temperature water, the water molecules move around at a MUCH greater rate which cuts back on the amount of time the gas molecule is 'stabilized' by the polar water molecules. As a result, the solubility is not nearly as great.
  10. Every chemical reaction is electrochemistry. Chemical reactions are the movement of electrons from one atom/molecule to another. So no matter what it is, whether it's the burning of methane or the rusting of iron, it's an electrochemical equation. For the rusting of iron, the oxygen gas that is dissolved in the water pulls electrons away from Fe forming Fe(2+) and O(2-). (So one oxygen molecule needs two iron atoms to form the two oxide anions). Water naturally dissociates into H+ and OH- ions, so those free oxygen atoms will become attracted to the H+ ions and form water. This leaves OH- ions in solution which bind to the Fe(2+) ions forming iron hydroxide. In solution, this leaves you with iron hydroxide. However, if the water is evaporated away, the iron hydroxide rearranges itself and forms iron-oxide with molecules of water trapped inside the crystal structure. This is what we call rust.
  11. NI3 just doesn't get the respect it deserves. Based upon the physics of its detonation, it is a high explosive just like nitroglycerine and TNT are. In sufficient quantities, it can cause a great deal of damage to people and property. A pile of it no bigger than a chocolate chip cookie can be enough to blow a window out of its frame. I liken the 'kewlness' factor of it to sodium metal. People typically see a small bit set off and suddenly think that if they double or triple the amount they'll see a better explosion. They fail to realize that the power increases exponentially and instead of a 'better explosion', they get a powerful detonation that injures many. As for how the NI3 gets onto the stand, it's synthesized there. In a water/ammonia solution, NI3 is stabilized so it can be moved around and manipulated. The compound is synthesized, placed onto the filter paper on the ring stand and then allowed to dry. Upon drying it is sensitized to the point where a sharp fart can set it off. I think we've discussed as much as we can about NI3 without crossing any lines here at the forums. I'm not sure how much more can be added to this discussion.
  12. I believe that you can also look at the electronegativities of the metals. The lower in magnitude the electronegativity is, the greater the reducer it is. Look at fluorine gas as an example. It has the highest electronegativity, therefore it is the worst reducing agent in existance. Cesium is one of the best reducers because it has such a miniscule electronegativity.
  13. Positively charge ions always are named first, and negatively charged monatomic ions always end in -ide. So sodium sulfide says that you have a negatively charged sulfur and a positively charged sodium. With polyatomic ions, it all depends on the oxidation state of the least prevalant element. So for NO2 and NO3, you have nitrite for the lower oxidation state, and nitrate for the higher oxidation state of nitrogen. Either way, however, the positively charged species is named first and the negatively charged one is last.
  14. I think if you go to http://www.cas.org you can lookup any chemical you want.
  15. Actually woelen, NI3 itself has been isolated but in microscale quantities. The procedure needed to make chemically pure NI3 isn't something that a home chemist, or really a sane chemist, would do so there's no need for me to reproduce it here. If you really are curious, an exhaustive search through google will bring up what you're looking for. Pure NI3 is a red-brown powder which is insanely sensitive. If you take a look at the size of the nitrogen atom, you'll notice that it's very small. Meanwhile, the Iodine atom is pretty large. NI3 is structurally analagous to NH3 with three nitrogen-other bonds and a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen. When you have three iodine atoms and a lone pair fighting for space on the teency-weency nitrogen atom, it puts a great deal of strain and instability on the N-I bonds. It's remarkable that the compound even forms at all! (As NBr3 won't even remain together for any sufficient time to be studies, and NCl3 is notoriously dangerous, but does exist. NF3 is pretty much an inert gas as the Fluorine atom is incredibly small). So the main reason for the instability of nitrogen triiodide has to do with the weak N-I bonds and the 'fighting' that goes on for space around the Nitrogen molecule. The presence of ammonia and water is able to stabilize the compound by forming complexes which relieve some strain from the N-I bonds. When the ammonia and water leave, however, then the incredibly impure NI3 remains and once one of those goes off it sets up a chain reaction which decomposes everything else too. It's really quite remarkable.
  16. Apple seeds, like peach pits and some other fruit 'seeds', contain an organic cyanogen called amygdalin. Amygdalin is a glucoside which is broken down by various enzymes and hydrochloric acid into numerous compounds, one of which being hydrogen cyanide. In many cases, such as apricot and peach pits, the enzymes needed to break down the amygdalin are also present but in different cells. So if the whole pit is digested or 'mushed' in the stomach, the reactions occur and HCN gets released. For apple seeds, you need to eat quite a few of them in order to start feeling the effects. But if you took a pound of apples and ate all the seeds after chewing on them, you'd get pretty ill.
  17. Pure acid does NOT contain water. Tell me where the water is in pure sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Tell me where it is in pure acetic acid (CH3COOH). How about pure benzoic acid? Pure acids do not have to have water in them. For the oxygen in water, they have oxygen adsorbant materials which can absorb oxygen gas. The water is heated to drive all the gas out, and the change in mass of the adsorbant is detected.
  18. Really, if you want to know what cyanide gas smells like, take a whiff of super glue. While it's not the same thing, it's structurally pretty similar as super glue is made of cyanoacrylate which has the cyanide group on there. The smell is about as close as you want to get to smelling actual cyanide gas.
  19. Even if you don't ingest a lethal dose, the sublethal doses of cyanides are nasty as well. (Had to do a chemical inventory of my college my freshman year as part of my work study program. Spent a LOT of time down in the damp, musty chemical supply room where the cyanides and thiocyanides, and cyanates were stored. The smell of bitter almonds was pretty intense, and after a few hours down there in the poorly ventillated room I had a VICIOUS headache that lasted for a few days and had the energy to do nothing. Shortly after my exposure, high powered ventillation fans were installed in the room to ventillate all the gases that had accumulated. The stuff is nasty stuff that should not be toyed with).
  20. I beg to differ YT. Sodium triiodide DOES exist, yet at the same time it doesn't. Elemental iodine mixed in with an iodide salt forms the red-brown triiodide ion. So if you have some water, some NaI, and some I2 and mix them all together you'll get a solution of sodium triiodide. I'm not sure if it will remain together if you evaporate the water, but in solution you definitely have a conglomeration of [Na]+ and [i3]-. As for nitrogen triiodide, you are quite correct. It is a contact explosive that is taken far too lightly by far too many people.
  21. Experimentation. You do an experiment and find out the answer. For solubility, you just keep adding until it will hold no more, all the while keeping track of much you have added. For the acid question, pure sulfuric acid has ZERO OH- ions in it. Pure acetic acid has none. Pure phosphoric acid has none. Hydrogen chloride gas has none. Pure HF has none. Electrically you can measure how many OH- ions are in a pure water solution. Also, in pure water, for every H+ ion there is an OH- ion. This ratio of OH- ions to water molecules is constant for pure water. Upon adding weak acids and bases, this ratio changes a bit and can be measured electrically.
  22. Yeah, gold is actually pretty reactive, but the Au(+) ion is very easily reduced back into gold metal. So when you put gold into a normal acidic solution, some of it will dissolve but it will immediately go right back to metallic gold as the Au(+) ion quickly eats up electrons and forms a metal again. With the chloride ion present, you can stabilize the Au ions by forming the AuCl4(-) anion. Gold is much 'happier' in the +3 oxidation state and the chloride ions are able to stabilize the gold, thus allowing more gold to go into solution and the net effect is your gold is dissolved. The problem is, you need a pretty good oxidizing agent to put gold into a +3 state; hence why nitric acid is used.
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