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Everything posted by jdurg

  1. I'm not actually sure about this, but I believe that some of the nitrates you mentioned above will have a pretty high content of water in it. As a result, the water will hinder the oxidizer's ability to 'oxidize', therefore making it not as suitable. (Since the water of hydration won't allow as intimate a mixing). Plus, you would figure that the higher charge on the cation would create a stronger attraction to the nitrate ion itself. (Therefore making it harder to pull the (NO3)- ion away from the metal ion, thus making it less effective). Now i'm not expert on this and experimentation is always the best method, but I don't think it will be any more effective, and may be a little less effective.
  2. Top 10 signs that you're getting 'old'. 1: You can remember something you did 20 years ago, but you can’t remember something you did 20 minutes ago. 2: Bands that you’ve always listened to on ‘Modern Rock’ stations are now being played on the ‘Classic Rock’ stations. 3: When it snows, instead of thinking about how you’re going to go outside and play in the snow, you’re thinking about having to go outside and drive in the snow. 4: Instead of summer vacation being two months, you’re lucky if it’s two weeks. 5: Instead of young people calling you by your first name, they call you Mr./Mrs. and your last name. 6: Instead of looking forward to the weekend so you can go out and party, you look forward to the weekend so you can clean your house/apartment and sleep. 7: You suddenly realize that your favorite athlete is younger than you are. 8: Events that you saw happen are now being written about in History Books. 9: Sitcoms you watched all the time are now being shown on Nickelodeon’s ‘TV Land’. 10: “When I grow up I’m going to…..” is replaced by “When I retire I’m going to…..”
  3. Actually, the proper term would be 2-4-6-trinitrotoluene.
  4. I agree 100%! I did nothing for so long and it only got worse. I told teachers about what was going on, and the people who picked on me just become sneakier or waited until the busride home. The fight I got into was the only fight I have ever been involved in during my entire life. (I'm almost 25 years old now). I am not a strong individual, nor have I ever been. I've always been the kid who feared gym class because I could never do a pushup or a pull-up, or anything that required strength. I was a weakling. That's also why I was probably picked on so much. Because bullies figured that I wouldn't fight back, or if I did they could beat the crap out of me. I was completely shocked when I took on those two brats with relatively little damage done to me. I think it shocked every one else as well. The only way I was able to do that was because of complete emotion. Four or five years of rage had built up inside of me and I just let it loose. It's kind of scary looking back on that. I think that's another reason why you can't just bottle it up and hope it will pass. There are many ways to 'take a stand' against bullies. Psychological methods work just as well as physical. However, if you just rely on physical (like I did), you could really wind up hurting someone. (I hate to think what I could have done if I was a stronger person or didn't have some sense of sanity left in me). But I do agree that whomever said 'Ignore them and they'll go away' obviously never dealt with any bullies in their life.
  5. Good ol' bullies. The bane of every kid's childhood existance. When I went to elementary school I was severely bullied. It all came out of nowhere too, and started with one kid who I generally considered a friend. (I still have no clue why he turned into an outright prick). Anyway, throughout school him and his cronies would kick my legs out from under me as I walked, make up stories that I was swearing and telling them to the teacher, and pretty soon everybody followed in since they thought it was funny. I was soon outnumbered by the entire school who got a kick out of making my life miserable. It got to the point where I would fake being sick just so I didn't have to go to school and deal with it. This happened all throughout 5th and 6th grade, and continued into middle school. Finally, one day in 7th grade I had as much as I could take. In the past, I was so scared about retalliating and getting in trouble with my parents and the school, but at this point I didn't care. I felt that the benefits of my retaliation would feel much better than the grounding/suspension I would get. One day I was feeling pretty ill with a cold but went to school anyway. I had gone to the bathroom and on my way back to class there was one of the pesky dick-heads who had been harassing me. He tried to start something with me and picked the wrong day. After he tried to trip me, I turned around and started wailing on him. I threw him to the ground and started beating the living crap out of him. I kept slamming his head into the ground and punching him in the balls and in the gut, with an occasional shot to the face. One of his 'friends' was walking by and started hitting me, so I took him on too. Sure I got a few shots to my head and my back, but I took out the both of them. They were a bloody mess and were crying so hard it felt great. The initial bully I was beating on wound up needing stiches, and the second one had a few black eyes. I had a pretty swollen side of my face and some bruises all over, but I didn't feel a thing. I felt great for fighting back and causing severe pain to those two dildos. Sure I got in trouble at school, but since the administration knew that I was generally a good kid and never caused much trouble, I only got 'suspended' for that following Friday. (The beating took place on a Thursday). I probably would have stayed home anyway since I was pretty sore and my hand was killing me from all the punching. My parents weren't too happy, but they oddly enough didn't punish me. I guess they knew the crap I was going through and was shocked that I could fight back like that. Never again was I bullied in school. People were actually shocked that I would fight back and to that severity. The kid I severely beat on was out of school for a week and never even spoke to me ever again. THAT was what felt great. I think he realized that he had taken it too far and he could wind up far worse in the future. So while I don't advocate violence, if you're getting picked on constantly in both a verbal and physical manner, and people think of you as a 'weakling who won't fight back', sometimes violence is needed. In my case, nobody thought I would fight back so they felt as if they could pick on me without any fear of recourse. Finally, I did fight back and suddenly people saw that they could get severely hurt if they pushed the wrong buttons. I wasn't a strong kid and I'm not really a physically strong adult, but it's AMAZING what you can do when you are incredibly enraged and past your breaking point.
  6. Mg(OH)2, also known as 'Milk Of Magnesia'. (Good old fashioned antacid). CaO is also known as lime which is used to adjust the pH of your lawn.
  7. Don't forget NaOCl, H2S (for those who don't know how to cook eggs properly), Mg(OH)2, CaO, etc. etc.
  8. Those good ol' radiation badges. My dad works at a nuclear power plant, so he has to carry one of those around. I was thinking of taking it while he's asleep and putting it next to my rubidium and potassium samples, as well as my rock of pitchblende. lol. Then I realized that he'd be forced to stay home for a good long while. Suddenly the humor in that joke was lost. heh.
  9. THAT's the word I was trying to think of. Deposition.
  10. Going from solid to gas is defined as sublimation, and I believe the reverse process is described as crystalization. (Though people usually add 'from a gas' when describing the process. I.E. Iodine Vapor).
  11. The temperature will get as cold as solid CO2 is. So you'd have to look up the temperature at which solid CO2 begins to sublimate, and that's how cold the temperature will be at equillibrium.
  12. Well, you have to take into account the cost as well. SiO2 is so incredibly cheap it's not funny. Go to a beach and there are TONS of SiO2 at your disposal. For the other metals you had mentioned, you first have to refine them, then produce them in a powdered form. In the long run, the cost of extracting those metals from their ores, then making them into a powder, would be more expensive than the methods they use now. That's one thing that a lot people seem to forget about when looking into industrial processing. On a small scale, it may seem easier to do something in one manner, but on a larger scale the one or two penny increase in price is magnified to a large extent.
  13. The first proton will deprotonate nearly 100%, so when calculating the pH of H2SO4 it is common practice to just use that solitary proton. The amount of dissociation of HSO4- into H+ and SO4(2-) is negligible on the overall pH. However, if you really wanted to get anal-retentive and get the exact pH, you'd have to get the Ka of HSO4- and use the I.C.E. chart while taking into account the concentration of the H+ ions in solution due to the first deprotonation.
  14. Well, in that case all you would have to do is collect your piss in a bucket for a few days. Then let it dry out and 'process' itself until it becomes rancid. Then take that pasty, rancid urine and cook it with some pure carbon. (A.K.A. charcoal). While this is going on, you should have a distillation apparatus so that the white phosphorus that is formed will collect inside a separate vial.
  15. jdurg

    Medicinal Marijuana

    As I've stated before, I'm kind of halfway in between on the recreational use. For medical purposes, I'm all for it. There may be far more medicinal benefits from marijuana than we know about, but as long as it's a Schedule 1 drug we will never know. For recreational use, that's kind of difficult. Both sides have VERY strong arguments. I'd say 'go for it' in terms of legalization, but sadly society today would just abuse it and add more problems. (You'd have people using it while driving, while taking care of kids, while hunting, etc. etc.) I just think that there would be many 'idiots' who would not be responsible with it and would cause a lot of problems for those of us who would be responsible. Marijuana does affect your memory. I smoked it like crazy when I was in college. During that time, my short term memory was very foggy. I had a lot of trouble remembering simple things and stuff I was 'learning' in class. Upon graduation, I quit smoking pot and my memory slowly came back. I'm now finally back to how it was before I started smoking pot. (And it's been a few years since I quit smoking it). I think that people could use it responsibly and not create any more problems, but the majority could not. With the problems alcohol is causing, is it really worth it to add more problems for the police force to deal with? Now, if they were to legalize it for house-use only, and any public use would be just as illegal as it is now, then perhaps it could work. It would basically be like it is now, but if you are in your own home it would be fine. The police would still treat it the same as they do know, but they wouldn't be knocking down your door cuz they smell pot. That solution may be a valid one, but I still say that more thorough testing needs to be done by independent parties to get the truth on marijuana and its effects. (When I smoked pot, I loved it. I enjoyed it far more than I enjoyed alcohol. While I kind of regret using it, I also don't regret a moment of it. It's kind of hard to explain. If I could choose between drinking alcohol or smoking pot, it would be smoking pot. But since I don't have a choice, to me a job and a career is more important than getting high).
  16. Chlorine plus hydroxide does produce the hypochlorite ion. Basically, that's how bleach is made on the industrial scale. When you generate chlorine using some hypochlorite and acid, you're just doing the reverse.
  17. jdurg

    Medicinal Marijuana

    As has been stated, marijuana does not need to be smoked to be effective. In fact, the drug Marinol and Dronabinol are in pill forms since the gastroentereal absorbtion of it is slower, and over a longer period of time. The only thing that smoking does is allow for a quicker absorption into the body. However, the active ingredient could be designed for administration in a nebulizer form which would remove the harfmul effects of the smoking. (Saying that pot cigarettes aren't as nasty as tobbacco cigarettes is like saying that a pistol shot to the head is less deadly than a rifle shot to your head. Either way, you're dead). For cancer patients with a severe lack of appetite or in severe pain, doctors have prescribed Dronabinol/Marinol to relieve those problems. Sadly, the federal government suggests that other drugs are used since they don't want it publicly known that they approve of a marijuana based treatment. (I only found out while working in a drug testing laboratory. One of the forms where a subject lists all prescription drugs they were on had Dronabinol listed. I looked it up in the big drug reference book and it stated that Dronabionol is a refined extract from the Cannabis plant). So in order for this drug to be approved for use in the USA, the FDA had to have seen clinical trials performed with it. Therefore, safety data does exist for marijuana. This is why having it classified as a 'Schedule 1' drug is completely wrong. In my past, I used marijuana quite a bit. I can see the benefits and drawbacks of having it legalized. That is why I say that if it ever were to get legalized, it would have to be VERY gradually and with a lot of studies. First, limit it to 21+ year olds and only for use in your own home. Any use while driving our out in public would be an arrestable offense. Severely restrict its use at first. Then either keep it strict, or loosen it up. But first, it should be reclassified as a Schedule 2 drug so that more medical studies and general research can be done on it. (Right now, to get approval to do research on a Schedule 1 drug is prohibitavely expensive. All of the licenses and permissions you need to get makes it not worth the trouble. Move it down to Schedule 2 and I think you'd see a lot more research done on it.)
  18. jdurg

    Medicinal Marijuana

    Okay, I need to make a minor correction. There are three criteria needed to make a drug 'Schedule 1'. 1): High potential for abuse. 2): No known medical benefit of use. 3): No safety data about the drug. So actually, physical addiction and mental addiction are considered the same. Now what's really funny is that if you go here http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/scheduling.html you can see the hypocracy of our government. Marijuana and all related compounds are classified as schedule 1. However, plenty of safety data exists about the active ingredients in pot, and there is plenty of confirmed medical benefit. However, drugs like cocain, raw opium, PCP, and some other 'nasties' are in a lower schedule than pot. Meanwhile, the government approves of the manufacturing and usage of Marinol/Dronabinol which is just refined marijuana extract! Sometimes I don't understand this government's reasoning.
  19. jdurg

    Stem Cells

    I think that as cancer research goes on, we may find out more and more about how our cells work. For instance, with diabetes I've always wondered why they can't get the islet cells in the pancreas to re-grow. I wonder why they can't investigate the cells of pancreatic cancer to see if any of them are islet cells. Then they could figure out a way to 'turn on' those cells again so that they can re-grow, then turn them off so they aren't a 'cancer'.
  20. jdurg

    Medicinal Marijuana

    Yes. In fact, it already is in the forms of the drugs Marinol and Dronabinol. Those drugs' active ingredient is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol; the active ingredient in marijuana. So the United States Government is actually hypocritical in calling 'pot' a Level 1 drug. (Level 1 drugs are those substances which have a high potential for physical addiction and no medical use/benefit at all). So in reality, there is no good reason why it shouldn't be legal.
  21. I was very fortunate to have a very good high school chemistry teacher. She always showed great demos, and if she wasn't performing them, she'd have a video/Laserdisc of the more dangerous ones. She really trusted me and let me do almost anything I wanted. (She wouldn't let me do NI3, nor much else with halogens since she was a bit timid about halogens). But she always let me back into the main chemical closet and let me help her dispose of some of the really old junk. (I only wish I could have gone and help dispose of some of the old chemicals when I was making my element collection. When I was in high school, I remember seeing a quarter pound log of white phosphorus back there). In my senior year, she let me come in during my study hall, even we she had another class in there, and just do random experiments. It was really fun.
  22. I think lead is the most dangerous because if you accelerate to a high rate of speed with the help of a gunpowder, it can kill you pretty instantly.
  23. Whether it decomposes explosively or not depends on concentration. H2O2 will decompose explosively at high conenctrations, otherwise it will passively decompose.
  24. Yes, but as the water boils gas bubbles of water will form which will cause the NH3 to leave. It's like putting a seed crystal into a supersaturated solution. As soon as that crystal is introduced, it all ppts out. With the ammonia gas, even if it did become supersaturated as soon as one 'seed' bubble forms, it will all evaporate out.
  25. Ricin D's LD50 is 248 picograms/kg. For natural Clostridium botulinum, the LD50 is 30 picograms/kg!!!!! Plutonium is 1-2 mg/kg. So Botulinum is more toxic than Ricin, but not a 100 million times.
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