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Everything posted by TAPn

  1. TAPn

    need help!!

    Ok look I don't really know to much about this but I need to ask someone what they think and maybe some answers will spawn. Ok I was watching a show on Apollo 11 and when they took of it made the flag spin round and round. My idea is well this could prove some thing. Well if the flag is still moving it proves Newton's first law of motion because the flag wouldn't be acted upon by another force which forces it to continue to move. But if the flag isn't moving it would mean either A. Newton's Laws of Motion are flawed. or B. There is some kind of force acting upon the flag which brings it to a stop. This has been on my mind for a while and I didn't know who to ask. Remember I am still in high school and my ideas could be wrong. So please answer. Sorry if I didn't post it in the right place well i guess with my first post i didn't really state what i was asking. I was wondering if my logic is correct and if anyone knows if the flag on the moon is still waving or not.
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