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Alan McDougall

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Everything posted by Alan McDougall

  1. Before we argue about how life came into existence in our universe, please give a good unambiguous, definition/ description of what life really is, and exactly how it differs from the inanimate
  2. Most religions believe God is infinite in power, intelligence and is everywhere Omni-Everything is you like. At this level God must be "Inscrutable" to little puny mortal humans like us.
  3. Hi in my opinion the New Atheism preached all over the globe by Richard Dawking, Hitchens( Died this yer) and many others is a religion, because it is based on faith not fact, and just like other religions out there, their gospel simply cannot be proved Alan
  4. Your avatar picture lells me all I need know about you! "I DO NOT KNOW HOW EVERYTHING BEGAN"
  5. Disagree as much as you want to, this question will never be answered; it is totally beyond our human intellect to do this in my opinion. After all we don’t even know what life really is, or have a definition of life. We talk about fundamental particles but in reality, have absolutely no idea or concept of how they came into existence, or how they vanish from existence
  6. I meant you were absolutely alone, no other living things to relate to, not even a mirrow to look at your image. The question in this post is much more difficult and profound that my hypothetical very lonely being, From our point of view, we will, simply, never be able to know or establish be scientific method or otherwise exactly how "Existence, came to Exist"?.
  7. Hi, Moontanman, I admit my post was just wild speculation, as yours also must also be on this unanswerable question of how everything started? It is something like one trying to know exactly the process of being born (birh process) to the last person (woman) on some bleak world, who died in bringing you into the world. Assuming you are alone , in this hypothetical world ,She is dead and gone and you are alone, so how can you ever know for sure how you actuially came into the world?
  8. There are only three fundamental realities in the universe, force, consciousness, and matter/energy. That is all that we can see around us of which everything is made in the universe and includes our own bodies. To separate consciousness and matter raises more questions than answers and would deepen the mystery of this phenomenon. Science has already established the fact, that there are no such things as "solid objects." Quantum Physicists have found in their research, that particles behave as though they are intelligent because they seem to know how to communicate with each other over great distances maybe instantaniously but certantly at excess of the speed of light. Each particle somehow knows their place in the order of things. Atoms are known to not only behave as particles but as wave forms of energy as well. When they behave as a wave form, they defy known physical laws and known methods of measurements which are attributes of the Space/Time Continuum. The wave forms of atoms are not material by nature, but might be a manifestation of a great Consciousness, a non-local field of intelligence, that science knows very little about at the moment. Even when an atom manifests as a particle, it is still not as "material" as we think it is because sometimes it is at two places at the same time. It becomes impossible to measure, or make any sense out of known physical laws. In its creative aspect, the mind, or god or, I think might generate enormous waves of vibratory energy through the effort of its will and manifests the sub-atomic and atomic particles of which all manifested matter in the universe is made. All manifested matter is subject to its will and efforts and behave according to firmly established known, and unknown laws of physics which are yet to be uncovered by science. There is nothing that can escape its mind, because all manifested matter solely exists within the infinite mind of the all. No human qualities can be ascribed to it. There is nothing that can be added or subtracted from its Infinity, because it has no boundaries or edges in space to add or subtract from. It does not learn anything because it knows everything. It is no respecter of beliefs, skin color, social standing, religion, government, country, and does not favor anybody or anything. it is unconditional in the manifestation of life and the love it has for its creation. Man has the responsibility to understand the final result of his or her choices which follow firmly established unconditional universal rules which behave as a door that swings in both directions. Death and the grave can only apply to the physical body which is subject to the law of entropy. There is an aspect of us that is non material, is not subject to entropy and gives life to the body. Entropy belongs to the realm of the Space/Time Continuum and can be overruled by the higher Mental LAW. When this unconditional Mental Law is knowingly utilized, it will cause a paradigm shift in the body and bring vibrant Life and health. No matter what we do or where we go, "the all" is an inescapable reality in the universe and holds all the secrets to life, matter, and phenomena within its mind. What mind is and where it is situated has been debated for centuries. Rarely two philosophers agree on one definition or location for mind. Rene Descartes, French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician said that there is a total and absolute distinction between mental and material substance and that mind is situated in the pineal gland, of course this has been proved false.. Endocrinologist Ernest Gelhorn thinks that mind is an activity of the entire nervous system. Hughlings Jackson, a neurologist, thinks that consciousness and mind are the same, whereas Percival Bailey, director of the Psychiatric Research Institute, disagrees. Mind is nonmaterial and cannot become part of a material brain, pineal gland or amygdala. We can go through every nerve cell, analyze electrochemically, spectroscopically, mass-photographically, electronically, and, using all known tests, we will not find any indication of mind. There is no single location for the mind. The human mind is distributed throughout the human body and its environment. Every cell has its own mind and has the ability to function independently or jointly with all the cells of the body. Neuron are capable of deciding whether to transmit information to another nerve cell and, if it will, to which one among the thousands of cells with which it is in contact. Similarly, endocrine cells decide whether they will respond to a demand for a particular enzyme by cells in another far corner of the body. Sponge cells exhibit a similar capacity of awareness. When a piece of sponge is ground up and individual cells are suspended in solution, they will come together and become a complete sponge within a few hours. This indicates that each cell has a mind of its own to decide to combine with another sponge cell and with which of the thousands of cells floating in solution. Just as each of the thousand pieces of a splintered mirror will show the same reflection of an object as the whole mirror, each cell reflects our mind and each cell in the universe reflects the universal mind. In my opinion, there might exist a sourt of supermind, that oversees, harmonises and sustains our beautiful universe.
  9. With respect your post does not address the subject at hand,'How did everything begin?" Your god could just be an advanced alien of some sort thus your "C" is only a sentient being , baffled as to why is exists!
  10. I am talking about length, I don't think you can go on subdividing a line forever of to nearer and nearer infinitely smaller and smaller divisions. There must be a limit and at present Planks Constant as it refers to length seems the best answer.
  11. Please then give a smaller scale of units in which our reality has meaning?
  12. The M-theory states that strings of energy could grow into larger membranes or branes even up to the size of the universe. It also goes on to state that these strings need to vibrate in more than three dimensions (six) plus another dimension , namely time.
  13. Hi I went to the link and read the short description of an Ekpyrotic universe, the problem with this idea, is the one way flow of entropy, which in my opinion, would prevent an eternal periodic universe I don't get what you are trying to say in that long post?
  14. Seeing this is a scientific forum , maybe we should take god out of the equation, so let me pose the following. What came before the big bang, of course if it happened? Is our universe just one of an infinite number of universes? Is what we call "Existence" both eternal and infinite? Did the universe really have a beginning? Etc?
  15. I am very sorry Moontanman!, it is obvious you to anyone that you are not a spammer,! it was very late over here in South Africa where I live and I only briefly looked at the unusual word (brobdingnagian) without thinking beyond my obviously very short nose I promise this will not happen again. I did not even take the time to notice the source of the comment and feel ridiculousness.
  16. I regret that statement of mine:unsure: , I thought wrongly that you were the one who is constantly advertising and spaming on our forum , especially in this debate I constantly get the following type of garbage in my email in-box , which is supposed to inform me there has been a response to the debate. I will report it again of course! This is what I got as an example
  17. As far as known physics, your statement above underlined in green is incorrect Plank divided both length and time into discrete quanta, thus, according to this very enlightened physicists you cannot go on breaking down time into infinitesimally smaller and smaller discrete units as you suppose The smallest possible unit of discrete time is the Planks Constant of .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001s This is an unimaginably tiny infinitesimal of time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_length The Planck length is about 10−20 times the diameter of a proton, and thus is exceedingly small; it is considered the smallest length known/possible, also see quantum foam.
  18. Hi michel, I also postulate that time might be an illusion, by which for instance we need to measure movement. When you go into the mystery of time it can get very complicated because time is so interlinked with most of our life events
  19. How can you make a statement ("Time does not flow like a river") as if it were fact, please give me proof and reference?
  20. Now that is a huge statement from a great intellect, sadly misspelled!
  21. I will go down any rat hole I want to without your permission, dear fellow.. If god exists? he/it must be infinitely more intelligent than you or I. We might be closer to a virus, that this entity is. to us. Yet people pontificate about somethings beyond human comprehension, such as what is existence? and did it have a cause? and did this cause have a cause?. Or is there an uncaused cause? an Alpha- Point? if you like, without an Omega Point?. You know this for sure?
  22. If you could just read what wrote in my post 175, you will see that I stated that Plank time is thought to be wre reality takes hold in our universe (The same meaning yours "any physical meaning") So if my post does not contribute much then so does your) I admit my post 175 was very long, but it showed all the discrete time packages, used by science at present.
  23. You are actually referring to God, but are to shy to say it, however I agree with you , because up to now it is the only answer that has any meaning, in my opinion, of course?
  24. We do try to measure discrete units of time , by our clocks to mathematical constructs Various Wikipedia articles: 1 attosecond – the time it takes for light to travel the length of three hydrogen atoms A googol has 100 zeros. A googolplex is 10 to the 10th to the 100th. There are so many zeroes in a googolplex, if you wrote a zero on every atom in the universe, it still wouldn't be enough 0s Planks constant is the smallest measure of time , some speculate that this is the briefest period in which reality can exist? 5.39106(32) × 10−44 s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_%28time%29 A googolplex is 10 to the 10th to the 100th. There are so many zeroes in a googolplex, if you wrote a zero on every atom in the universe, it still wouldn't be enough 0s Planks constant is the smallest theoretical measure of time ≈ 5.39106(32) × 10−44 s Multiple Symbol Definition Comparative examples & common units Orders of magnitude 10−44 tP The time required for light to travel one Planck length 5.4×10-20 ys = 5.4×10-44 s: One Planck time tP = ≈ 5.4×10-44 s[1] is the briefest physically meaningful span of time. It is the unit of time in the natural units system known as Planck units. 10−20 ys, 10−19 ys (10−44 s, 10−43 s) 10−24 1 yoctosecond ys[2] Yoctosecond, (yocto- + second), is one septillionth (short scale) of a second. 0.3 ys: mean life of the W and Z bosons.[3][4][a] 0.5 ys: time for top quark decay, according to the Standard Model. 1 ys: time taken for a quark to emit a gluon. 23 ys: half-life of 7H. 1 ys and less, 10 ys, 100 ys 10−21 1 zeptosecond zs Zeptosecond, (zepto- + second), is one sextillionth (short scale) of one second. 7 zs: half-life of helium-9's outer neutron in the second nuclear halo. 17 zs: approximate period of electromagnetic radiation at the boundary between gamma rays and X-rays. 300 zs: approximate typical cycle time of X-rays, on the boundary between hard and soft X-rays. 500 zs: current resolution of tools used to measure speed of chemical bonding[5] 1 zs, 10 zs, 100 zs 10−18 1 attosecond as One quintillionth of one second 12 attoseconds: shortest measured period of time.[6] 1 as, 10 as, 100 as 10−15 1 femtosecond fs One quadrillionth of one second Cycle time for 390 nanometre light, transition from visible light to ultraviolet 1 fs, 10 fs, 100 fs 10−12 1 picosecond ps One trillionth of one second 1 ps: half-life of a bottom quark 4 ps: Time to execute one machine cycle by an IBM Silicon-Germanium transistor 1 ps, 10 ps, 100 ps 10−9 1 nanosecond ns One billionth of one second 1 ns: Time to execute one machine cycle by a 1 GHz microprocessor 1 ns: Light travels 30 centimetres (12 in) 1 ns, 10 ns, 100 ns 10−6 1 microsecond µs One millionth of one second 1 µs: Time to execute one machine cycle by an Intel 80186 microprocessor 4–16 µs: Time to execute one machine cycle by a 1960s minicomputer 1 µs, 10 µs, 100 µs 10−3 1 millisecond ms One thousandth of one second 4–8 ms: typical seek time for a computer hard disk 100–400 ms (=0.1–0.4 s): Blink of an eye[7] 18–300 ms (=0.02–0.3 s): Human reflex response to visual stimuli 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms 100 1 second s 1 s: 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.[8] 60 s: 1 minute 1 s, 10 s, 100 s 103 1 kilosecond (16.7 minutes) ks 3.6 ks: 3600 s or 1 hour 86.4 ks: 86 400 s or 1 day 604.8 ks: 1 week 103 s, 104 s, 105 s 106 1 megasecond (11.6 days) Ms 2.6 Ms: approximately 1 month 31.6 Ms: approximately 1 year ≈ 107.50 s 106 s, 107 s, 108 s 109 1 gigasecond (32 years) Gs 2.1 Gs: average human life expectancy at birth (2011 estimate)[9] 3.16 Gs: approximately 1 century 31.6 Gs: approximately 1 millennium 109 s, 1010 s, 1011 s 1012 1 terasecond (32 000 years) Ts 6 Ts: time since the appearance of Homo sapiens (approximately) 1012 s, 1013 s, 1014 s 1015 1 petasecond (32 million years) Ps 7.1–7.9 Ps: 1 galactic year (225-250 million years)[10] 143 Ps: the age of the Earth[11][12][13] 144 Ps: the approximate age of the Solar system[14] and the Sun.[15] 430 Ps: the approximate age of the Universe 1015 s, 1016 s, 1017 s 1018 1 exasecond (32 billion years) Es 312 Es: Estimated lifespan of a 0.1 solar mass red dwarf star. 1018 s, 1019 s, 1020 s 1021 1 zettasecond (32 trillion years) Zs 3 Zs: Estimated duration of Stelliferous Era. 9.8 Zs: the lifetime of Brahma in Hindu mythology 1021 s, 1022 s, 1023 s 1024 1 yottasecond (32 quadrillion years) Ys 1.6416 Ys: Estimated half-life of the meta-stable 20983Bi radioactive isotope. 6.616×1050 Ys: Time required for a 1 solar mass black hole to evaporate completely due to Hawking radiation, if nothing more falls in. 1024 s, 1025 s, 1026 s and more
  25. The Zeno Paradox has been solved? Planks Constants indicate that you cannot subdivide and subdivide getting infinitely smaller like suggested, Planck's constant, symbolized h, relates the energy in one quantum (photon) of electromagnetic radiation to the frequency of that radiation. In the International System of units (SI), the constant is equal to approximately 6.626176 x 10-34 joule-seconds. In the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) or small-unit metric system, it is equal to approximately 6.626176 x 10-27 erg-seconds.
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