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Everything posted by TheSolarist
Bignose & Klaynos, I now realize that I am wrong about what I said before relating to Kinetic energy and magnetism, and have been doing a great deal of reading to bring my limited knowledge up to date. Furthermore, my writing skills clearly need looking at, as I seem to just clump together information in the hope that it makes some sort of sense. However, I'm glad that you all made me realize this by having me examine my ideas myself, rather than just telling me outright with no explanation. So I will not be posting anymore of my wild claims, instead I will take the time to follow other posts and ask questions if this is ok. This does not mean I've given up on things, just not jumping in the deep end without first learning how to swim.
OK, what I am talking about is not gulf balls, cars or any other objects, my speculation is about the planets of this solar system and their energy. But in answer to your question about the gulf ball, NO it cannot have a polarized magnetic field as it is a non-metallic solid object, although it has Kinetic energy that you give it when hit by a gulf club, and how much Kinetic energy depends on how hard you hit it. Now as far as the Planets are concerned they are in orbital motion due to the gravitational Force of the Sun, therefore they have Kinetic energy with associated angular momentum and spin. Yes this Kinetic energy is converted internally to other forms of energy, which in the case of planets with a magnetic field assists in the convection of thermal energy creating thermal currents within the liquid metallic core. These internal convection currents establish an Electrical Charge, resulting in that planet's polarized magnetic field determined by the speed of its spin. Without the Kinetic Energy associated with motion, there would be no Electrical current to create a Magnetic Field............ My question to you then is, if a planet were to lose its Kinetic energy of motion including spin, it just stopped dead in space, would it still have a polarized magnetic field?? Now to make this very clear, what I mean about polarized is in exactly what it means, like a bar magnet with positive and negative ends. If you really need me to provide reference then here are a couple out of hundreds available under 'solar system' and 'planetary magnetic fields', found on google for example. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/lookingatearth/29dec_magneticfield.html http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/05/070503160126.htm http://www.iki.rssi.ru/mirrors/stern/earthmag/planetmg.htm http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/The_Magnetic_Fields_of_Planets_and_Stars_999.html It has just occurred to me that perhaps I should be in an Astronomy forum.
Ok, that is bad writing on my part, but I'm learning as I go, which is why I wanted to float my ideas on this forum where all the brains are and less religion to get constructive feedback. So as the planets are objects of mass and moving through space at a certain speed, they must produce some form of Kinetic energy. In addition to this most of the planets have a magnetic field that extends beyond their mass, indicating that they must be electrically charged in a similar way as an electron creates a magnetic field as it spins about it's axis. But this is exactly what I was hoping for, to re-examine my speculations and get my ideas into a better focus, for example, after having to search the net for validation, I have discovered that the planets have emissions of electrons and Jupiter as one has emissions of much more energy than it gets from the Sun. Although I have much to learn, I still believe that my speculative ideas on planetery energy influences on Earth may have had something to do with the evolution of life. How, I don't quite know, but then neither does anyone else have a definite answer so I keep looking, I can't help it it's just my quest.
I have taken the time to read through the site you suggested, and could find nothing to say that Kinetic energy of an object does not exist. Like I said it is just a value of perception, since the Relativity of Kinetic energy is still there regardless of any frame of reference. My whole point at the start was to suggest that the energy from solar system planets may have had influence over the evolution of life, through the Kinetic energy of individual planets with chemical, heat, electromagnetic radiation, nuclear forces from potential energy (gravitational, electric, elastic, etc.). Although I may not be as experienced as you all in these areas, I do know that the energy in the universe is constant, although it cannot be destroyed it can be converted from one form into another i.e, Potential to Kinetic relative to mass and velocity. Therefore the Kinetic energy still exists in every body of matter moving through space at a certain speed, regardless of your point of observation and perception.
But is this not just a value of perception? Regardles of the preferred frame of reference, either a body of mass moving through space has Kinetic energy or it does not. Forget about people, they are not the issue here, what happens to the Potential energy of a body of mass moving through space at a certain speed if it is not converted into Kinetic energy?? What happens when a body of mass collides with another if it has no Kinetic energy?? Its like driving a car along a road at 100mph and you hit a brick wall, the Kinetic energy of the car would most likely demolish the wall and the car, compared to a car driving at 10mph which would only result in minor damage to the car and a few chips off the wall. You cannot say that because the car you are in is you reference frame that it has no Kinetic energy, when the car hits the wall the results will always be the same regardless of where you are. I clearly do not understand your notion of frames of reference and how this could make the Kinetic energy of an object void, has physics changed so much that it ignores the very principles of its foundation.
Looks like this is all way beyond me. So if I'm on ball 1 being the reference, only the other ball has Kinetic energy at that time. Then if I jump onto the other ball 2 the Kinetic energy comes with me from ball 1. If that were the case, then in reality both balls do have Kinetic energy moving through space, is that what it means???
There is no rest frame associated with the Sun, Earth or the planets as they are all moving through space at a certain speed. Everything has Kinetic energy, the Frame of Reference is only relevant if you want to know how much Kinetic energy a body of mass has. If electrons had no spin then they would have no magnetic field associated with their electric charge, which was discovered by Paul Driac in the 1930's. see web site below...... http://plus.maths.org/issue22/features/spin/index.html Illumination is not the issue, it it the process of Photosynthesis converting light into energy required for life to exist, if there was no Sun light (Energy Radiation) then life could not have evolved the way it has on Earth. Furthermore, this energy radiation needs to be regulated by some means to avoid destroying living cells, which is achieved by the specific characteristics of the Earth's orbital spin and it's relationship with the Sun and Moon and is why only Earth has life. Of course temperature is a requirement, but if it is too hot like Venus or too cold like Neptune, then life could not exist either and therefore thermal regulation is also necessary. Yes, and this is where geometry comes into the equation, why do you think these creationists and Inteligent Design ideas claim that God created everything, because science cannot explain it. Apart from random creation which is a hit or miss situation, i.e, it either happens or it does not. There is only one other explanation in my 'unscientific' opinion for such complex designs found in the shape of things, and that is through the geometry of the solar system and my speculative energy influences on the Earth. Every shape can be found through the geometry of the 360-degree radius, which can be mapped out using the mathematical calculations of Astrology. Not all energy radiated is heat and light, like you said it depends on the chemical structure of the planets, electromagnetic energy is not restricted by such greenhouse effects. Each planet has a range of different energy radiation levels determined by their mass, composition, distance from the Sun and orbital speed, and includes the electromagnetic spectrum, gravitational energy, Kinetic energy, thermal energy etc,. Since as you say that photons have a velocity greater than the Sun's escape velovity, the rest are more likely to be subjected to the Sun's gravitational field and not escape. Therefore this 'Interplanetary dust' could carry the energy between planets, in addition to other 'Carrier Waves' capable of transfering energy within the solar system. Most Cosmic energy that bombards the Earth will never be swamped by the photons from the Sun, since they will strike the dark side of the Earth influenced only by magnetic fields. The reference below is new to me from what I knew several years ago, but the 11 year cycle has remained unchanged. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/news/news/releases/2003/03-097.html Jupiter orbit and sunspots http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/980127d.html Yes, but I was not talking about people in a room that was your idea, this whole discussion is about what may or may not have happened to kick start life on Earth. Rust is a corrosion of metal caused by environmental conditions, it still cannot combine with other metal (unless you used super glue), ICE on the other hand is not a metal, if you had the time you could breath on an ice cube and melt it then just pour it in with other water which can then be frozen again. . A magnetic field is such a weaker force that exerts influence on electrically charged material for example. I'm thinking of the strong and weak nuclear forces in atoms. Perhaps we would be able to measure greater forces, but I'm speculating about weaker forces. Wish I'd never jumped into the deep end with so much info, its taken me ages to go through this, but I'm enjoying it......
In my 'unscientific' view, the planets are moving through space and therefore must generate a specific Kinetic energy relative to their mass and velocity, thus creating a magnetic field surrounding that mass and giving it a Charge accordingly. The Earth spins about it's axis tilted at an angle as it orbits the Sun giving it angular momentum, and since the Earth's magnetic axis and it's rotation axis are so close together and often become aligned due to Earth's 'wobble' factor then the spin is intrinsic like an electron. The term positive and negative can generally be defined as opposite forces, which can include anything having a spectral range between the two opposite ends. The opposite of light is dark with intermediate levels of colour, and the opposite of hot is cold with intermediate thermal levels. Since Light and heat are essential elements for life to exist, any variations between positive and negative conditions will influence living cells. The energy from the Sun is greater when the Earth is closest and therefore less when further away along the eliptical orbit, and when the Moon passes in between the Earth and Sun during an eclipse the energy from the Sun is blocked. If complex atoms can be stripped of their protons, neutrons and electrons one by one, you would be left with the most basic Hydrogen atom. Likewise if you add the same one by one you can construct the complex atoms. Gravity is not the issue here, it is the energy influences from the Sun that interacts with the Earth and Moon, which in combination influences living things. Sunlight influences a flower to open and close, and as far as I am aware the cycles of the Moon influences the female menstruation cycles. Assuming that all bodies of mass moving through space at a certain speed generates a certain Kinetic energy, and that the physical characteristics of that mass radiates a certain electromagnetic energy then each planet in orbit of the Sun can be no different. That energy must go somewhere as it cannot be destroyed, it must therefore fall into the pull of the Sun's gravity passing every other planet in the process. On the part of the 12 nearest Star Constellations that influence the Sun's orbital motion, they also radiate specific energy, such as light photons, which must reach this solar system for it to be seen on Earth. Furthermore, the Earth is constantly being bombarded by Cosmic energy, which must have some degree of influence on the living organisms. Yes, but the effect is caused by the 11 year cycle of the Sun's orbital motion as it passes each Star Constellation in turn, and the additional interaction with the orbital planets. The gravitational pull of other planets would have no effect on Earth people, but the combination of Astrological Cosmic energy bombarding the Earth could cause changes. Just my observations, see my new video now ulpoaded on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckJjbLpodaE Metal for example cannot join with other metals unless it is heated beyond it's limit and melts, only then can it be combined to create an alloy of such. Life atoms on the other hand, do not require this extreme force in order for it to change it's form. (Hence my speculation that a much weaker force must be present to influence these atoms to behave the way that they do, i.e, energy from the orbital planets). My point exactly. Nothing happens without a reason, and as science cannot explain how the 'Nuclear Processes' of life were kick started in the first place, my speculation is that external forces present within the solar system reaching the Earth have something to do with it. Its either that or perhaps there is some dude up there playing around with us. I realize that my knowledge is limited, but most of my ideas make logical sense to me, although my science may not be up to standard I'm trying to look outside the box. You see I think science looks far too deep into the workings of atoms and too far out into space, looking for answers that could well be right in front of them.
For many years now, like 30, I have been trying to work out what kind of mechanism could have started the evolution of life on Earth, and since I cannot accept the God concept and science has been unable to identify anything specific I decided to come up with my own idea. However, I am not a scientist and have no formal qualifications in this area, but what knowledge I do have is from years of research study, my own life experience and common sense with a vivid imagination. The following is just a small portion of my complex idea, and perhaps best represents the scientific possibilities to support the idea. I believe that the solar system is just a gigantic Atom, operating on the same energy principles as atoms but having only a single horizontal orbital plane. Therefore each planet is just a Negatively charged particle in orbit of the Positively charged Sun, and each orbital ring represents a different energy level like atoms. If this were the case, then the number of Negative orbital planets would determine certain characteristics relative to the solar system as a whole, just as it does in atoms with chemical characteristics like Hydrogen, Oxygen and so on. The fact that each planet moves through space at a certain speed determines Kinetic energy, and that each planet has a different chemical and mineral composition determines their specific physical energy. In addition to this there is the combination of gravitational forces between each planet and the Sun, which itself is influenced by the 12 nearest Star Constellations as it moves through space at a certain speed. The point is that the solar system should be seen as a generator of interactive energy, which can be combined just like any other mixture of energy influence to create any specific outcome. Now the Earth also generates a specific energy relative to its orbital position with intrinsic spin, exposed to the Sun's energy with alternating periods of Light and Dark, Hot and Cold over 24hrs times the 12 month orbital rotation. Thus one half of the Earth will be in Light for 12 hrs and the other in Dark for 12hrs, creating two opposite states between Positive and Negative conditions. In addition to this the Earth's Moon further regulates this alternating state on Earth, where the 28 day orbital cycle interacts with the Sun's energy and eclipses the Sun over different parts of the Earth. Although at certain times these alternating periods will change slightly because of the Earth's eliptical orbit, and also the angle of it's intrinsic spin exposing the North and South poles to longer or shorter periods of Light and Dark. This complex arrangement of influences between the Sun, Earth and the Moon creates a unique set of circumstances, where this Triad of forces interacts with certain Atoms on the Earth's surface. The most common atom being that of Hydrogen sustained by the Sun itself, upon which all other atoms are integral structural multiples. Although there are essentially two types of atoms; those that are Inert have their outer electron shells complete, and those that are reactive are deficient of one or more electrons in their outer shell. In addition to this there are a number of Isotopes, which are the same atoms but are either missing or have an extra Neutron making them slightly different. However, my knowledge of atomic physics is limited to the very basics, and all I know is that reactive atoms join together essentially attempting to complete their deficiency by sharing one or more outer electrons with other reactive atoms. Life on Earth is based on such reactive formations between atoms that create complex molecules, exposed to the same Triad of forces from the Sun, Earth and Moon (For example as a flower opens when the Sun rises and closes when the Sun sets into darkness, and the Moon influences the motion of water at high and low tides). Now imagine if all the other planets had a similar (but less powerful) effect on the surface of Earth, regulated by the cycle of their orbits and alignments along the horizontal ecliptic plane they could in fact influence the 'Life Atoms' to behave accordingly. Similarly the 12 Star Constellations through their influence over the Sun, should react just as atoms do when the proton is exposed to external forces influencing the energy levels of orbital electrons. That's not to say that the planets will change their orbital levels like atoms, but may otherwise cause changes within the planet's energy creating certain conditions. This may be the cause of Sunspots as a result of the Sun's differential rotation, being pulled along by each constellation in the Sun's orbital cycle and it's interaction with orbital planets. Whatever the cause of Sunspots the effects on Earth have been recognized by science, where the lack of Sunspots have had a dramatic impact of our climate in the past such as the "little ice age" for example. Although this all seems fairly scientific in substance, as I mentioned at the start, this is only a small portion of my theory and the rest is pure speculation. Since Astrology is not a recognized science as such, not the hocus pocus found in your local newspaper, but the geometry involved with the orbital rotations of each planet of the 360-degree radius and their influences on the Earth. The rest actually goes into the strange occurences of numbers that seem to be present in the geometric structure of things on Earth, and uses this to suggest that it cannot be a coincidence that life is based on these very same geometric patterns. (As above So below) Thus, the 360-degree rotation can be represented by the 12 Star points of the solar sphere in space, as 4 groups of 3 x 10 x 3 = 90 x 4 = 360 degrees, and so the 10 orbital bodies of our solar system will be aligned with each single degree of rotation every orbital cycle. The Earth seems to replicate these calculations in its position of 3rd orbital, taking 360 days of 12 months with 4 seasons, which is adjusted accordingly due to the Moon's 28 day orbit of Earth and the elliptical orbit of both round the Sun adding 5.4 days to the journey. Therefore, the driving force behind the evolution of life on Earth may be directly related to this numerical geometry, where Life Atoms are deficient in outer electrons and strive to become complete as one by sharing with others. Thus influenced by the complex array of cosmic energy only found on Earth, and so continue to multiply by replicating their IMAGE in accordance with the cycle of energy influences in time through the 360-degrees of geometry. The general definition of life is given as, 'the force existing in living things, which gives them the ability to change with the passing of time'. Such as sharing with others to become complete, evolving from one state into another under the influence of external cosmic forces. To help try and explain this theory I have created a short video animation following events from the Big Bang, and a series of 24 jpg slides showing the geometric similarities in the evolution of life on the Earth. The video can be seen on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WciZMEfqP10 My other video on youtube explores my idea of how religion came about through misinterpretation of the environment at the beginning of human evolution, seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb9CAkH7CJY I will also be uploading the series of slides mentioned in video format soon. Well thats all for now, I need some sleep.............