I read an abstract which mentioned "amino peptide", could anyone tell me what does the "amino peptide" mean in that article(I can not read Russian)?? I am puzzled:Is there any peptide with only N-end or C-end??
Cultivation of Haemophilus influenzae, serotype B, in amino peptide-based semisynthetic nutrient medium]
[Article in Russian]
Orlova OE, Vaneeva NP, L'vov VL, Iastrebova NE, Elkina SI, Sergeev VV, Kalina NG, Zakharova NE.
Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, State Research Center-Institute of Immunology, Moscow, Russia.
The work shows the possibility of the cultivation of H. influenzae, serotype b, in semisynthetic nutrient medium with amino peptide as the only source of amino acids, glucose--as the main source of carbon and energy and containing, in addition, the necessary growth factors and vitamins.