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Quark (2/13)



  1. Hello!

    I am very pleased to receive this message from you and I hope you and me might find some common topics to be discussed.

    Best regards, Anvbar

  2. Hello!

    I am very pleased to receive this message from you and I hope you and me might find some common topics to be discussed.

    Best regards, Anvbar

  3. Any planet in the Solar System is habitable, if you consider yourself as a giant molecule. Small molecules are habitants of any planet or moon.
  4. Do you really need to understand calculus? A lot of people cope without it. There are things which a human can't understand during his living period of time because of insufficient mental resourses.
  5. No doubt that defiant behaviour and crime are strictly connected with genes fluctuations and principles of quantum mechanics first of all the Heisenberg principle. Therefore any form of rehabilitation is impossible. On the other hand it is absolutely insensate to spend people's money on whole penitentiary system, to build expensive prisons etc. Isn't there a better solution? Maybe a cheap crematorium would do? Here in Russia any form of incarceration makes a hardener criminal.For instance the first prison term is considered as a necessary step to become a real criminal.
  6. I think equal living standards are impossible because this contradicts with the laws of thermodynamics and statistical physics. Remember the normal distribution.
  7. That's the point. The obvious logical conclusion is to electrocute them at once.
  8. By my opinion first of all it is necessary to determine the crime itself.
  9. A somewhat backward approach to the human race improvement I reckon. A straightforward (and drastic in some respects) way is to genetically modify our offsprings in order to eliminate hereditary diseases and to improve mental and body abilities. The approach might dramatically change the whole declining situation in a short period of time.
  10. Have you seen it?
  11. I have no self esteem problems but I am not ambitious. I presume personal remarks are irrelevant here. Robots might be better structures than humans to be evolved and expanded. Humans are tightly bonded to the Earth and its environment and must be significantly modified to live outside the planet.
  12. The entire idea is not horrific but sane and carefully elaborated. Is a human the best molecular structure to be expanded to the whole universe? I doubt very much.
  13. Are you shure the integral is findable?
  14. Is there a proved method to choose individuals who deserve to be immortalized? People are of varying quality, both physiclly and mentally. I don't see an expert to decide how to evaluate human quality except a computer.
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