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What prompted primitive man to become bipedal?
pantheon replied to gib65's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
Before we go heading off into bipedalism to far we have to use a degree of rationalism primitive man had to develop a system of removing him or her self from danger as time flowed i think the characteristics of life may have been an adaptive process which darwin explains .these processes take time animals adapt to there environment in the same way. Habitation in early evolution may have been a common bonding within a tribulistic setting. But our we not in some way similar, sit up straight we tell our children ,posture . This in itself may also attribute to the fact that if people become overweight to the extent of damaging there back in some way ,the early learning process of man may have resulted in the more active participants within a system learning that . Well counter balance the argument and say four legged animals move a lot faster a leopard for instance . If we look at children they start off on all fours and then hey presto there off and running. we show similar traits in some degree to our early ancestors , migration like the nomadic people in search of food , we have the same primitive needs in a modern setting athletics for instance people wanting to reach there physical peak , we look at hair for instance people who live in a colder environment tend to have more hair ,its kept electroylisis studios busy . so adaptive processes are there evolving and devolving i would say so the hotter environmet would definetly be a likely cause of less hair . What of size we find by early discoveries of primates a smaller skeletol structure im not suggesting that the was a huge debate about size being important did we grow bigger as time went on . we need to look at modern day diversity of race and track back or find a starting point by which evidence suggests that people of this period looked and lived in a system appertaining to this , the colouration of skin the adaptive processes of the human biological mechanisms to transmutate. natural selection and genetics. why bipedal adaptive genetic , transmutation , intelligence , and necessity. -
Can we forget the science for a minute we can go on forever and a day . In the begining there was creation wether you hold true to the single atom containing the building blocks of life or purely evolutionist theory. Our we missing the point evolution yes darwin yes how did it all get going. Can we think beyond creationism and what before that before the universes creation? Are we subscribing to pure evolution and not conforming to deliberate creation and everything going according to it . Come on you can play with as many chemicals for as long as you like but what about religion is it a creation of some fundamentalist viewpoint what about christianity . My thoughts on the matter are subscribing purely to intelligence , natural selection crossing the species barriers and evolving reactions yes life moves on but does it do it by accident or is it deliberate. Why then do we have a whole range of accounts that stem to religion we are dismissing thousands of people that have stood testiment to a higher being and supernatural forces, without wanting to go into ghostbusting territory , are we only beginning to learn more through intelligence . If we discover something new we dont say it didnt exist before we learn and then we move on . Science and time alike stop for no man or women as the case maybe , but do we miss so much in that race for higher intelligence . Backtrack for a minute . lets Say the universe was created according to genesis and im no expert on this by the way , lets suppose god wanted a bit of fun being the creator of so much everything according to plan im having some time out and im going to have a bit of fun . Thats what baffles us god has a sense of humour and he has kept us tied up in knots over it for an age . God the creator has set us up for his own amusement its like reading the funnys in the daily newspaper listening in to some of the purely evolutionist theorists and that is not a put down. Lets suppose having taken some time out from creation lets call it a tea break and a bit of fun. Introduce a species were from a higher intelligence lets crash land a mating pair of aliens from another part of the universe so pro creation. Things went a little bit wrong with the evolutionary process so iyll introduce adam and eve and iyll leave the best of the primitive race in also . Higher intelligence and evolution . So if we believe that the is other forms of intelligence in the universe , read the bible it tells us that the is so religion recognizes this . Have we moved to fast having read much of the bible and learnt much from science we have to introduce higher intelligence into the equation of evolution . Atheists have there place aswell . Lets suppose something else time , In what time man has existed in our planet how long have we been here 11 secs in that 500 billion years or whatever time we consider . Whos to say time is linear lets say time is circular if we subscribe to this we hav a real job finding the join dont we . The way we all seem to be going on this planet is we will be lucky to reach twelve seconds alters your perception of time really doesnt it . Lets introduce somethink else who controls time if we look at a stopwatch and click the little button it stops the clock then click again and restart . Our we doomed to failure well lets look at that satanists might say lets raise hell and bring about the end lets not worry about the environment who cares the may not say that also , but then again dont many people in christianity think along the same lines in the end game we have the mercifull bountys bestowed upon us , thats not to say were in a egg and spoon race and there will be a prize ceremony at the end. Time its an important function evolution its an important function intelligence masterplans important function . Freewill participate as you will . Kind regards pantheon.
one of the needs of the modern age is that both men and women want the good things in life money a big house better job etc etc etc . love is one way of forming a good relationship but is it both ways if one side pulls to far generally speaking the other side pulls back , i suppose im trying to say its not a tug of war over your bank book or credit card , im sure there are so many more people wanting a good start in life by virtue of the fact if you tie the knot its not neccesarly for love nor money it has in someways has to be both. The problem that both men and women have is that people who have a lack of money tend to gravitate towards those that do , but is that gold digging ? did before you attained your new found wealth gravitate towards money yourself. love versus money come on women love shopping its an inbuilt part of the female pyschi, its natural it stimulates economys and it makes for the feel good factor . If you fear the gold diggers they become enemys its got to be balance . One piece of advice dont advertise for someone who has at least 1.4 mill . happy hunting , pantheon .
Having just come to the end of a 11 year solar cycle ,and being in the southern hemisphere at the winter equinox of the 21st of december i felt the effects of a slight shudder in the effect of gravity a momentary blip.It became apparent that in the chilean region the had been an earthquake and a eruption of volcano llama in the december period . Having located the fault line closest to chile which runs up the west coast ,so the techtonics are moving east In trying to understand the effects of continenetal drift could this "conjunction shudder effect " be due to the electromagnetic effect of the sun at a given point in a solar cycle and the earths position in its rotational cycle that has a bearence on the techtonics creating a shudder effect .This then surely effects the convection currents within the earths core. What concerns me is in my lack of knowledge on the subject is this a natural phonomenon or is it a natural recurring cycle or is it due to global warming.Ie the melting of the northern polar ice is this then creating shudder and will it reoccur . Kind regards pantheon (Iwelcome your views)
is the an answer to the ever increasing population ? famine ,disease and warfare contribute to de population by environmental , political instability and agricultural demise . Do we adopt a rational approach to procrastination ie have less children . Im sure the would be less rational and responsible people re-producing . But the people who adopt the attitudes that i want a big family without due consideration to the future welfare would certainly not be the people in the rational group . If we look at the female biology we could find that it is a chemical clock beconning on the necessity to have there chemical , emotional needs satisfied . Science can go some way to explaning this through biological time . To counter balance the argument it is the advancement in science and medicine thats contributed to people living longer of the survey displayed would it be far better to look at social groups who or what group reproduces most and why . If the world cant sustain the population does famine , disease and warfare become the result . I just think personally that the is a balance to be struck in social grouping do we find that the is a balance or is the a ever increasing number of irresponsible people re-producing , without the statistical approach can we solve the riddle . If however we adopt the inevitable approach ie who cares we then enter the irrational group , so what can we do the environmental issue is the great debate now and certainly for the future , will overpopulation bring about our demise ? sustainable development seems to be the buzz word and the is a great deal of spin added to it , but look if we develop in a sustainable way we still increase the population that rather implies that is the at current growth rates in population a way that we can develop in a sustainable fashion and who decides this anyway . Im afraid you may like what im going to say yes the is a problem of over population and i have to be completely honest it has to fall to the irrational group of people who cannot provide for there spouses and therefore cannot develop in a sustainable fashion but hey we all have the right to a loving caring family regardless.The environment is more akin to world governments providing a cleaner and safer environment and that has to filter down to everyone . Kind regards Pantheon