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Everything posted by xohailey

  1. I really appreciate any help I can get - experienced answers only please! OK here is the deal - my lab professor mixed two bacteria in a broth tube, one is gram negative, one is gram positive. Before running tests on the two separate bacteria, I need to isolate them into an "Uknown A" and a "Unknown B" - after they are isolated we are then supposed to take the isolated bacteria and put each in a agar slant tube. The first day of this project I put my sterilized loop in the broth - and then did a streak plate on each of the following agar dishes: mannitol salt, EMB, and TSA. I then put them in the incubator - on Wednesday I returned to lab, the results were: TSA Plate - growth, white colonies, also 2 yellow dots (is this contamination?) Mannitol Salt Plate - NO GROWTH EMB Plate - growth *** EMB plates only grow gram negative, I did a gram stain to ensure that this bacteria culture was pure and it seems to be pure (is this correct?) *** Then I made a agar slant tube of my gram negative bacteria, assuming this is pure. How do I isolate my gram positive? Do I just get this off the TSA plate and double check its gram positive? PLEASE HELP! Thank You
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