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Everything posted by beecee

  1. Good! will make a point of watching that.
  2. Over the last year or so, I have been lucky enough to have watched three documentaries on different aspects of life and the little blue Orb we live on. Perhaps others may also enjoy..... The first is called "Love and Bananas: An Elephant Story. If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye well there's something wrong. This woman is incredible! The second is called "Chasing Ice" with some of the most spectacular scenery you can imagine..... It is out on dvd....real food for thought. The third is called "Blackfish" on a Orca or Killer Whale in captivity.... All three are well worth buying on dvd, or watching on Netflix. I have listed them in the order and way they affected me and added to my view/s on life and our little blue orb.
  3. I'm pretty sure everyone means well in this thread.
  4. https://earthlymission.com/dinosaur-mummy-science-discovery-nodosaur-intact-canada/?fbclid=IwAR2wWqKTY7lykqaIexocCP6L16aepPxOVr1dXe-bVywjNbJldL54l3fjgdM Scientists are hailing it as the best-preserved dinosaur specimen ever discovered. That’s why you cannot see its bones – they remain covered by intact skin and armor. This dinosaur was built like a tank. A member of a newly discovered species called nodosaur, it was an enormous four-legged herbivore protected by a spiky, plated armor. It weighed approximately 3,000 pounds. To give you an idea of how intact the mummified nodosaur is: it still weighs 2,500 pounds! more at link................
  5. Yes, to put it mildly. How uncommon? Thankfully, fairly uncommon otherwise none of us would be safe, but still highly disturbing, and imho, the Police in charge of this should be, and probably will be in time thrown out of the force. Just as imho anyone shown to have made any false allegation of rape or sexual assault, should experience the same punishment as a genuine sexual assaulter or rapist. On the overwhelmingly higher genuine cases of sexual assault and rape, and domestic violence of any kind, at least in Australia, our screens are always displaying messages of ringing the Police or a particular hot line for any women experiencing such depravity. It's advertised on the sides of our buses and even taxis also. Not sure how much good it has done, but certainly the general populace is now far more aware of such criminality.
  6. Agreed. The video I just provided of the full episode says it all. The 6 minute mark is the first this family knew anything about any charges against them. The 45/50 minutes maybe too long for some, but that from the 6 minute mark for a couple of minutes totally illustrates and details the dramatic raid and arrest, and thrown into jail, without any interview or investigation whatsoever.
  7. I have immense respect for all Law Officers and those in other emergency services. They put themselves in the line of extreme danger every day. Last year's Australia's East coast bush fires is a good example, where sadly three American fire fighters were killed when their tanker exploded, while they were simply helping us Aussies out. By the same token, there are always bad eggs and sometimes emotional reactions or lack of action in some cases. The Blue Mountain's family and the Police involved in that "non investigation" was a travesty of justice. The following is the full episode of that 60 minute account and the Interviews with the victims that were alleged to have committed a terrible crime. My previous link was not the full episode and I ask anyone who doubts the total lack of investigation by Police in this case to watch. Again to make my position clear, which is [1] the accuser of rape or sexual assault needs to be believed. [2] The object/person being accused, needs to be investigated and interviewed first before being thrown into jail. This was not the case in this instant. Obviously this is an emotive subject, and the actions of many men against women needs to be addressed, fully and fairly, and any perpetrator that is found guilty, thrown into jail. By the same token, any serious accusation by anyone against another, that is found to be false, should face the same punishment as any perpetrator of any sexual assault or rape. Again here is the full 50 minute program worth watching....
  8. In the minority sure, but put yourself in the situation of the family from the Blue Mountains, or the bloke in my other link, and there are at least two other relatively recent cases in NSW Australia, where false accusations of sexual assault and/or rape have been made. https://www.ladbible.com/news/news-sydney-man-falsely-accuses-him-of-indecent-assault-loses-everything-20190507 This poor bloke stopped to help a female in distress. And of course on the other side of the coin and certainly more frequent, we have some absolutely horrible examples of genuine sexual assault and rape. One prominent one in Sydney a few years ago was.... https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/bilal-skaf-15-facts-about-the-crimes-that-shook-sydney-to-its-core-15-years-ago/news-story/d8a6f6c53b88e05328cfbe2909d7224f How can we genuinely make sure that proper investigations take place before a family like those poor devils in the Blue Mountain case, do not have to serve 7 months behind bars for something they are totally innocent of.
  9. Perhaps the Barristers and Lawyers, need to be educated more on obtaining truth and reality, rather then a win at any cost? OK, Won't argue with that. Still, with my first link, I assumed on the 1 hour investigative program, that there was absolutely no evidence that showed anything had been committed at all, other then the words of two children, with the help of a religiously fanatical Mother.
  10. As in zero but still part of GR as originally formulated? Dark Energy?
  11. I watched the actual show on Sunday night, and some of the facts arising were....no images and such found on any computers....no injuries found on any children...physically impossible were some of the allegations like lifting a child up by his penis...nothing other then the children's and the Mother's say so. There house and surroundings were invaded in the early hours of the morning by Police elite swat teams, based on no more then the two children's and Mother's say so. It was in my opinion one of the most disturbing events of our "justice system" I have ever witnessed. If you can get the whole show, I suggest you watch it.
  12. Despite my two links, I have not voted in this poll. Any sexual assault, real sexual assault, needs to be dealt with in the strongest possible terms, just as anyone vindictively falsely accusing another of that heinous crime, should also be dealt with in the strongest possible terms. My first harrowing example of a whole family being put through hell, because of the automatic belief in what two children [goaded by their sick fanatically religious Mother] is an example of accusers of rape or sexual assault being automatically 100% believed, is a great example of injustices that can occur. As an old bastard I often indulge in casual banter with shop assistants, bank tellers and the like.....eg: an actual case: [To 50ish year old female bank teller] In trying to transfer some money to different bank and company for home alterations, and being advised by this helpful Teller as to the best way to go about it. Me: Gee thanks for your help Love, you're a bloody Angel! Her: [Laughing out loud] No problem sweety, glad to be of assistance!. Why did I mention this? Because I was roundly bullied by what I call a feminazi, that what I did could be construed as sexual assault. The bank Tellers reply was strangely ignored. The same feminazi likewise poured out her evil interpretation at my recent old boys reunion at my local club, because of the following conversation......There were 9 of us, being looked after by two female bar attendants who were constantly indulging in casual banter with all of us and with many references to each other as 'love" "sweety" etc etc, and which I, in relating the story said that both girls [ages 25ish and 30ish] kept us 9 blokes well lubricated. Objection was taken against the word "lubricated". Again accused of it being taken as sexual assault. Why am I mentioning this? Possibly because of examples of feminism and the 'me too' movement going too far?
  13. 'Here's another....... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-17/canberra-woman-jailed-for-false-rape-claim/10723908 Canberra woman Sarah-Jane Parkinson jailed for making false rape claim against ex-partner: A former prison guard who spent months behind bars for a fake rape has told a court how his ex-partner's crime nearly drove him to suicide, changed who he was and "shattered" his faith in the legal system. Sarah-Jane Parkinson, 28, was on Thursday sentenced to more than three years in jail in the ACT Magistrates Court for the false claim made in 2014, in which she went as far as to stage a crime scene.
  14. We have recently had a disturbing case in NSW concerning this...... https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/blue-mountains-circus-family-breaks-silence-over-false-child-sex-abuse-charges/news-story/8613a9156877d0cca3e2d3148767c5d8 This whole family were isolated from each other, and spent 7 months behind bars before the case was dropped and they were cleared. Quite disturbing in my opinion.
  15. Can someone give me more info re the CC [Cosmological Constant] and its relationship with GR? Was it always a part of GR ? Was Einstein's "greatest blunder" simply the act of giving it a particular value? Or was it just an additional term Einstein added to avoid what GR was telling him? [that is the universe was dynamic which went against the beliefs of the day and showed Albert was actually human]
  16. Just had this posted to me by an old mate...frightening, horrible, disturbing, hard to believe.... https://anightatthegarden.com/ from the link..... “As chilling and disorienting to watch as the most inventive full-length horror movie.” –The New Yorker “In a scant six minutes of archival footage, director Marshall Curry delivers an emotional wallop.” –NPR “In the current climate of intolerance, this footage is especially chilling.” –The New York Times “A taut, dramatic seven-minute film.” –The Washington Post “Eerily relevant.” –Rolling Stone “Strictly remarkable.” –Los Angeles Times In 1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in New York’s Madison Square Garden to celebrate the rise of Nazism – an event largely forgotten from American history. A NIGHT AT THE GARDEN, made entirely from archival footage filmed that night, transports audiences to this chilling gathering and shines a light on the power of demagoguery and anti-Semitism in the United States.
  17. As already mentioned the relevant aspect with MOND, was that it doesn't explain all, and needs to be fudged differently depending on galactic type...or as someone put, like a blanket that cannot cover both your head and your tootsies at the same time. The most convincing aspect of DM is still the Bullet cluster anomaly, I think, which to me anyway, is pretty strong. https://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/starsgalaxies/dark_matter_proven.html
  18. Yeah my Mum was going to be forced into a nursing home and she gave them more then a piece of her mind and told them what to do. It was only that she decided to sell and move into a unit not far from me that they reconsidered. Our health care system though also inspected the unit, and installed railings in the bathroom, and other areas to facilitate here getting around easier, and she never really needed to use the stove with delivery of those already made meals at a small cost.
  19. Sadly, the facts are simply that in society [and this forum] It is compulsory that we need lawmakers, policemen, judges, and yes, even the odd moderator or two!
  20. In my time here in spurts, I find the moderation reasonable, even though at one time I had to cop the rough end of the pineapple for three days?😤. The important thing is consistency in the application of rules and regulations. This horribly is missed out on other forums in particular instances. Religious claims are a ticklish one, but also in my opinion, generally driven by dishonesty and the desire to conduct crusades against science in many circumstances. The people conducting these crusades know what is in store, just as I would if I burst into Church next Sunday, preaching the merits of the BB and how nothing being unstable, thus gave rise to the Universe/space/time.
  21. Eloquently put, and the way I see it also. The first unstable orbit would be about 2 Schwarzchild radius? Any thrust is going to send them into the BH, or beyond that 2xS radius. 1.5 Schwarzchild radius is the photon sphere for a Schwarzchild BH.
  22. Light has no rest mass as it is never at rest...it does though have momentum, which explains solar sails etc. Even with nuclear fission...it is not matter that is changed into energy per se...it is the release of "binding energy" holding sub atomic particles together.
  23. I'm ready to be corrected on this as an amateur, but time near the EH of a BH is not seen to stop. eg: If you watching from a safe distance, watched the more intrepid me approaching a BH's EH, you would simply see me further and further redshifted...get a more powerful 'scope, and you would see me redshifted even further, in fact to infinity and fading from view. Whereas from my point of view, I would cross the EH, and via tidal gravitational effects, be spaghettified and then ripped asunder into my most fundamental particles as I approached the singularity. Favourite TV show? Star Trek..movie? 2001: A Space Oddysey.
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