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Everything posted by beecee

  1. Whatever. As yet you havn't revealed whether you have seen the movie or not, let alone gauge how close it is to what actually transpired, which again seems pretty close in actual fact, according to history.
  2. I really admire your persistence and courage against such arrogance and ignorance.
  3. In Sydney we use what is known as an Opal card prepaid to get around on all public transport. This bloke came up with I believe something similar to what you are suggesting... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-27/sydney-bio-hacker-has-opal-travel-card-implanted-into-hand/8656174 Sydney man has Opal card implanted into hand to make catching public transport easier By Nick Dole Updated 27 Jun 2017, 6:47pm "If you have ever been caught fumbling for your Opal card at the ticket gate, a Sydney man may have found the solution. He had the chip from an Opal card inserted into his hand and is now tapping on using the technology that is implanted underneath his skin. Bio-hacker Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow, his legal name, had the Opal near-field communication (NFC) chip cut down and encased in bio-compatible plastic, measuring 10 millimetres by 6 millimetres. He then had the device implanted just beneath the skin on the side of his left hand. "It gives me an ability that not everyone else has, so if someone stole my wallet I could still get home," he said. He is able to use the Opal just like other users, including topping the card up on his smartphone."
  4. Take what as a yes? Who is Edgar? This thread is about the movie concerning the Nuclear furnace that exploded in Chernobyl and the after effects and how close the movie is to what actually transpired, which was it appears pretty close. Feynman might have made some comment on the disaster but what has that to do with this?
  5. Can you elaborate and/or explain further?
  6. Of course you would et pet, but again your pedant record speaks for itself. https://www.google.com/search?q=pedantic&oq=pedant&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.2327j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 pedantic. The definition of pedantic is someone who is very concerned with the details of a subject and tends to overly show off their knowledge. An example of someone who is pedantic is a person at a party who bores everyone while talking at length about the origin and details of a particular piece of pottery. And of course the accident could have been far worse then the near catastrophic accident and containment that did occur. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant's_Foot_(Chernobyl) https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know/there-radioactive-elephants-foot-slowly-burning-hole-ground The Elephant's Foot had penetrated through at least 2 m (6 ft 7 in) of concrete to reach its current location.[2] There were fears that it might continue to penetrate deeper into the ground and come into contact with groundwater, contaminating the area's drinking water and leading to illnesses and deaths;[10] however, as of 2016, the mass has not moved significantly since its discovery and is estimated to be only slightly warmer than its environment due to heat from the ongoing nuclear decay
  7. https://phys.org/news/2019-06-microbes-climate-conversation-major-consequences.html JUNE 18, 2019 Leaving microbes out of climate change conversation has major consequences, experts warn by University of New South Wales: More than 30 microbiologists from 9 countries have issued a warning to humanity—they are calling for the world to stop ignoring an 'unseen majority' in Earth's biodiversity and ecosystem when addressing climate change. 'Scientist's warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change' was published today in the journal Nature Reviews Microbiology. Professor Rick Cavicchioli, microbiologist at the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at UNSW Sydney, has led the global effort. With their statement, the researchers are hoping to raise awareness both for how microbes can influence climate change and how they will be impacted by it—calling for including microbes in climate change research, increasing the use of research involving innovative technologies, and improving education in classrooms. more at link................ the paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-019-0222-5 Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change: Abstract: In the Anthropocene, in which we now live, climate change is impacting most life on Earth. Microorganisms support the existence of all higher trophic life forms. To understand how humans and other life forms on Earth (including those we are yet to discover) can withstand anthropogenic climate change, it is vital to incorporate knowledge of the microbial ‘unseen majority’. We must learn not just how microorganisms affect climate change (including production and consumption of greenhouse gases) but also how they will be affected by climate change and other human activities. This Consensus Statement documents the central role and global importance of microorganisms in climate change biology. It also puts humanity on notice that the impact of climate change will depend heavily on responses of microorganisms, which are essential for achieving an environmentally sustainable future.
  8. I encourage you to do exactly that. Also my comment "Correct and accurate on all counts" was entirely in relation to what pavelcherepan said here...... Not withstanding some pedant, one point that I did raise was an inference in the movie that radiation poisoning was contagious. I thought that was incorrect but was rightly challenged by pavelcherepan on that score. as follows...... In summing and in my opinion, this was a well acted excellent movie/series, that appears as reasonably factual and portrays an historical event as close to the truth as any movie can/may achieve.
  9. I've had similar debates re time and whether it exists or is real. My argument has always been, even when Einstein mistakenly thought the universe was static [his motivation for the CC] time was still passing. The correct answer to the question though is that the space/time/universe of which we are apart, is all there is....a universe that in effect can be reasonably explained as evolving from "nothing" Nothing being redefined as the quantum foam from whence the BB arose.
  10. That was my first thought. But then I remember the photos of the after effects of when comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 left and they are/were similar. Here.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Shoemaker–Levy_9#Impacts Jupiter in ultraviolet (about 2.5 hours after R's impact). The black dot near the top is Io transiting Jupiter ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'Here's another from... https://www.google.com/search?q=photo+jupiter+after+comet+shoemaker+levy+9+left&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=AEbXmGUHkZkiQM%3A%2CkUjRdLI1ry5cJM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQazQWNhxJ7M_Sjz9cB1v7eXPnFhQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipsfC-tPbiAhUhSo8KHQEuDFgQ9QEwFnoECAAQCA#imgrc=PCQYazxzJt8_4M:&vet=1
  11. Did you see the movie? If you have, then you can gauge for yourself, rightly or wrongly how factual it was. And then if you so desire, you could gauge your opinion by researching the known facts and history. I'm reasonably confident that the message/question I originally asked is reasonable.
  12. Like I said, I researched as much as I could without leaving the country and found the movie to be pretty well based on fact and accurate on most counts. Did you see the movie? Not sure what your point was in the first place. As I said, do you really need to be there to have a reasonable picture of what happened? We can be reasonably sure that a near catastrophic accident occurred, people died and are dying, an attempted cover up of the accident by the former USSR. And that among most other things seemed to be accurately portrayed. Precisely.
  13. After doing some research and reading up on historical accounts, I have no reason to change my mind....The movie for all intents and purposes, seemed overall pretty well factual where it counts.
  14. My apologies for apparently taking this off track with the second photo. On examining the photo again, I believe it simply maybe another deep seated storm composed similar to Jupiter's giant red spot, and with a calm center similar to what we see with hurricanes and such on Earth.which from last reports seems to be slowly dissipating. Or possibly the remnants of a large asteroid/comet collision? [We did I recall see similar when Shoemaker/Levy 9 broke up and hit Jupiter a while back.
  15. We dont know if there is any outside the universe. We can only speculate at this time. Scientifically, all we are able to determine is our own spacetime universe.
  16. If that were only true! As I said, acquire the knowledge already established and what is inside the box. Ideas need to be verified and validated by either observational or experimental evidence, that can be repeated and repeated again and again. Doing science is why we as a species are where we are today as far as technology goes. Doing science is adhering to the scientific methodology.
  17. I think the first answer has summed it up rather nicely. The dictionary defines xenophobia as a deep rooted fear against foreigners or that which is different or unfamiliar, and would probably also include "culture". And it seems this irrational fear/hatred has been with us for bloody centuries and is often promoted and supported by religious sects. Perhaps we all need to recall the words of a great American...Don't judge a man by the colour of his skin, but by the content of his character....or words to that effect.
  18. https://phys.org/news/2019-06-earth-like-exoplanets-red-dwarf-teegarden.html New Earth-like exoplanets discovered around red dwarf Teegarden star: An international team led by the University of Göttingen (Germany) with participation by researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) have discovered, using the CARMENES high-resolution spectrograph at the Calar Alto Observatory (Almería) two new planets like the Earth around one of the closest stars within our galactic neighbourhood. The Teegarden star is only 12.5 light yearsaway. It is a red dwarf in the direction of the constellation of Aries. Its surface temperature is 2,700 degrees C, and its mass is only one-tenth that of the sun. Even though it is so near, its faintness impeded its discovery until 2003. more at link.....
  19. I like the following answer There is also a hint of a "don't care" attitude by some. Some I know for instance are just not concerned about rising sea levels and low lying Pacific Islands....others know that the probability of real life changing effects, will not affect them in their lifetime...a "f&^% you, I'm alright Jack" attitude. Forum's such as this are venues for discussion on climate change...It's what people need to do to convince those not sure about the issue, how valid the issue really is. Othwise the real anti global warming nuts would have a field day! Listen to Brian Cox [towards the end] argue the case for global warming and climate change with a complete ignorant nut.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxEGHW6Lbu8 What are you personally doing about the issue, other then debating it here?
  20. I believe you get them for being unnecessarily pedantic, refusing to answer questions directly and seemingly trying to be purposely argumentative. Let me ask you a question now...Do you believe the poster who initiated this thread has yet put forward any reasonably scientific idea that could be discussed? Taking into account that this is a science forum. Remember your early comment that you are a person who thinks outside the box? Remember the reply you received? First know what is inside the box, before attempting to go outside it. Try reading some basic physics books, with basic physics ideas and principals and postulates that have been shown to be correct over the course of time. Then learn from other members here that do know a thing or two about science. Science did not advance to where it is today, based on ideas pulled out of someone's rear end.
  21. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/888/1/012054 Benefits of Gd for High Energy Neutrinos in SuperK-Gd: Abstract: The SuperK-Gd project is the approved upgrade of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) detector in order to enable it to efficiently (> 80%) detect thermal neutrons by dissolving 0.2% of gadolinium sulphate (Gd2(SO4)3) into its water. This ability has also significant advantages in the analysis of high energy (> 102 MeV) neutrinos in SK, namely atmospheric and long baseline neutrinos from T2K. Here we present the improvements due to the use of the tagged final state neutrons in the separation of the interacting neutrinos and antineutrinos, the distinction between Neutral Current and Charged Current neutrino interactions, and the neutrino energy reconstruction. We study the impact of those features on both, atmospheric and long baseline neutrino oscillation analyses. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: http://theconversation.com/benefits-of-knowing-more-about-neutrinos-which-pass-through-our-bodies-unnoticed-49025 Benefits of knowing more about neutrinos which pass through our bodies unnoticed: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6796-2 The Super-Kamiokande experiment: Abstract Super-Kamiokande is a gigantic and versatile detector able to detect neutrinos with energies between a few MeV and a few hundred GeV. Super-K started data taking on 1st of April in 1996 after 5 years construction period and obtained compelling evidence of atmospheric neutrino oscillations in 1998, shortly after the beginning of the experiment. In 2001 SNO in Canada together with the Super-K data established that solar neutrinos are also oscillating. Following those historical discoveries, numerous intriguing results have been obtained by Super-K, like the discovery of oscillatory behavior, tau appearance in the atmospheric neutrinos, the matter effect of the solar neutrinos through the earth. The Super-K detector has also been used as a far detector of the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, K2K and T2K. In this article, we report mostly on the studies of the neutrino oscillations by Super-K in a historical context. The prospects for the future of Super-K are also described. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In essence, the gathering of knowledge with relation to the evolution of the universe. Pretty handy if you ask me.
  22. You certainly won't get an argument from me.
  23. Here is another link to a series of videos illustrating the workings and modifications that have taken place with this extraordinary experiment.......... http://www-sk.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/sk/library/video-e.html
  24. Inside the ‘secret underground lair’ where scientists are searching the galaxies – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-17/inside-super-kamiokande-360-tour/11209104 My apologies if the above format does not work for some....... Interesting to note that before some needed modification, in 2001, about 6,600 of the photo-multiplier tubes in the Super-Kamiokande detector imploded, due to a type of chain reaction, as the shock wave from the concussion of each imploding tube cracked its neighbours. more info here.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamioka_Observatory#Nobel_prize_2 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00598-9 27 FEBRUARY 2019: Gigantic Japanese detector prepares to catch neutrinos from supernovae: Recent upgrades to the Super-Kamiokande neutrino observatory will allow it to trace the history of exploding stars: Eleven thousand giant orange eyes confront the lucky few who have entered the Super-Kamiokande underground neutrino observatory in Japan — by far the largest neutrino detector of its kind in the world. A chance to see these light sensors is rare because they are usually submerged in 50,000 tonnes of purified water. But a major revamp of Super-K that was completed in January offered a rare chance to peer inside this grand cathedral of science. more at link......
  25. Here is another article illustrating the effects of climate change.... https://phys.org/news/2019-06-climate-held-arctic-ice.html Climate talks held as Arctic ice melts, concerns grow: Diplomats and climate experts gathered Monday in Germany for U.N.-hosted talks on climate change amid growing public pressure for governments to act faster against global warming. here is a magnificent photo illustrating climate change effect....... Over the weekend, a picture taken by Danish climate researchers showing sled dogs on the ice in northwest Greenland with their paws in melted ice water was widely shared on social media. Greenland's ice melting season normally runs from June to August but the Danish Meteorological Institute said this year's melting started on April 30, the second-earliest time on record going back to 1980. more at link..... from the same link is another photo that probably illustrates the hysterics and sensationalism played out on both sides....... So yes, sensationalism and hysterics are continued to be played out on both sides, including the author of the piece in the OP from whence this was split from. And dispite some dilly dallying around, I'm rather pleased that we are all agreed on the science of climate change and its already seen affects on Earth, but also again I still say if we are to err, we must err on the side of caution. It's not us here that will be weathering the increasingly global effects of climate change, its our children and their children.
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