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Everything posted by beecee

  1. Public manifistations? I'm rather surprised how you seem to infer that there is no left radicalisation? Have you a communist party in North America? Isn't it a matter of opinion anyway? I mean what you see as right wing radicalisation, Trump will disagree. What Trump sees as left radicalisation, you would probably disagree, along with myself. Perhaps you need to read the article in full. My view is as stated...or should I say my hypothesis is a stated. That is, the extreme of one political bias, promotes the extreme of the opposite political bias.
  2. But god would be smart enough avoid the question with some vague philosophical utterence. 😉
  3. Is it? Perhaps by the far loony right, they might. Ahhh, the old soft sciences that create so much conflict and disorder I expressed an opinion the other day...well more an hypothesis, as I wasn't really sure about it. It basically said that the extreme politics of one side, is the excuse for the extreme politics of the other side....a balancing act if you will. I found this..... https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/10/left-and-right-are-radicalizing-each-other/616914/ The Answer to Extremism Isn’t More Extremism; America’s left and right are radicalizing each other, and the precedents from overseas are deeply unsettling. Extract: But anyone who is truly worried by these tendencies should fear the consequences of a second Trump administration even more. Anyone who actually cares about academic freedom, or the future of objective reporting, or the ideas behind the statues built to honor American democrats in the country’s public squares, must hope that Trump loses. If he wins a second term, extremism on the left will not be stopped. It will not grow quieter. Instead, extremism will spread, mutate into new forms, and gradually become entrenched in more areas of American life. Radicalism of all kinds will spread, on the right as well as the left, because America will find itself deeply enmeshed in the same kind of death spiral that the country experienced in the 1850s, a form of negative politics that the British political scientist Roger Eatwell has called “cumulative extremism.” Eatwell described this phenomenon in an article about northern England in 2001, a moment when groups of radicalized white British men physically clashed with groups of radicalized British Muslims. At that time, there were deep economic, religious, and sociological sources for the violence. People in the far right felt themselves to be outside of politics, alienated from the Labour Party that most had once supported. The neighborhoods where both groups lived were poor and getting poorer. It goes on........................... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The point as I see it, is that science and the scientific method is supported by observational and experimental evidence. The humanities and other soft sciences, in the main, are all subjective. In that subjectivity, we have extreme views on both ends of the spectrum. Personally I present my views without too much concern whether they are left or right, rather that they reflect my morals and conscience and I hope are moderate in their intent. Others may disagree...that's there prerogative. I may disgree with others...that's my prerogative. Interesting finishing sentence at the conclusion of the article I posted above..... "Americans don’t have outsiders who will help us get out of this death spiral. All we have is the power to vote" We have elections coming up in Australia next month, and while generally the two main parties, (Labor and Liberal) were pretty close, (Labor slightly left of centre:Liberal, slightly right of centre) that divide has now considerably widened, particularly with the advent of covid.
  4. Actually a very good question, and no apologies needed. It's only on the occasions that some ask questions like this, with a hidden agenda and with no intention of accepting or learning from the replies.
  5. While GR certainly fails us at the quantum/Planck level, (just as Newtonian fails us at other levels covered by GR) it is generally accepted that the infinite qualities of space/time curvature and density do not eventuate, which leaves us to rationally consider a "surface of sorts" at or below that level, where GR isn't accurate enough to ascertain. Could this possibly be the quantum model of gravity? Will we ever have a validated QTG, considering that we can never see beyond the EH? And the loop QTG and String theory and other derivitives are still speculative in nature. Just some passing thoughts.
  6. I'm not Oriental, but I am pretty gay. Gay as in light hearted and carefree nature 😅...or if you like, happy as a pig in shit, hoping that's not insulting to any pigs!
  7. Learning more every day......... https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/25/politics/supreme-court-justice-minorities-history-trnd/index.html Of the 114 Supreme Court justices in US history, all but 6 have been White men
  8. Yep, agreed....time essentially evolved as space evolved may be more correct.
  9. Sure, she has an opinion. But again, and I'l shout it from the tree tops....if we have 9 white male Americans on your supreme court, and a vacancy occurs, and among all the qualified candidates, is a black female American, wouldn't it be appropriate, wouldn't it be morally correct, to instill into the American people in general, that justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done, and that while all judges idealistically should represent all Americans, that a female black American be considered, as long as she fits the bill of being as quailfied as the other candidates? Again, I see it as a non event.
  10. Interesting. Just a point....I have often heard that the universe as we see it today, was all compressed to within the volume of an atomic nucleus at the BB. I see that as misleading. What was or could be termed as being compressed to within that volume was just space, time and the four forces in a phase of unification we call the superforce. As pressures and temperatures dropped with expansion, different phases and decoupling of that superforce, gave rise to what we see today.
  11. As an official fossil and an old bastard, I take on change as I see it...some I accept, others I don't, or if you like that which is old, isn't necessarilly bad, and thatwhich is 'new, isn't necessarilly good or better. I still hate heavy metal, rap crap and know nothing about music beyond the 80's. I prefer the Greek Angel and the King. Perhaps what needs and should be considered is the "intent" of which you used the word. My best mates often call me an old bastard, and I reciprocate in kind. But if some young punk called me an old bastard walking along the street, I probably would object and express my objection objectively!
  12. Yes correctness certainly is much more respectful, and speaking as an outsider ( you know a non American) and taking into account my limited knowledge on American politics, I have taken the approach that Ketanji (hope I pronounced that right) being qualified for the position, and Biden understanding the general lack of representation on the judges panel of black females, decided that it would be appropriate to appoint her. Which you obviously agree with. I make that decision/opinion without fear nor favour from either left or right, but on moral grounds and justice seeing to be done. No, I gave a factual account of a 40ish something female bank clerk that I asked a question of re money transfer, and who went out of her way to put me on the right path, and I replied "great thanks love, you're a bloody angel" she in turn replied " that's OK sweety with a broad grin on her dial. Or how about the paramedic addressing my Mrs as "love" and "sweety" ? Should I have accosted him? corrected him? Pulled him into gear? The tangent you speak of and mispronouncement of her name I am not aware of but agree. And I am also not aware of the any referral by some offensive colonial term...perhaps I missed it, as I have not fully followed this thread, and simply expressed my feelings that the objection to Biden announcing he was going to elect a black female, is a storm in a teacup by those pushing that objection.....Incidentally and more then likley I probably would agree with the term you are referring to as being insulting, racist and wrong. Instead you prefer to take me apart because I feel on some occasions that political correctness can be taken too far...going from the sublime to the ridiculious in fact. I also have another 'theory" That the rise of right wing loonies like Trump and our very own ScoMo, can be put down to the application of the extreme left political agenda by some.....a balancing act if you will. I prefer to take what I see as a reasonable approach, irrespective of the politcal spectrum. I was once when a Union delegate, referred to as a rotten right wing bosses stooge at the end of a five week strike...the same arvo, I was referred to by another as a dirty commo bastard!! Apologies if this is all off topic, but any way again, I see the appointement and the pre announcing of the appointment of a black female to the panel, as just and appropriate for the reasons I have given previously.
  13. Obviously. Only if your evidence is shown to be interpreted correctly, without any errors. Otherwise, you are simply pissing into the wind. This is a public forum. If I have anything more to add, I will.
  14. I am never purposely offensive to anyone if I can help it. I'm simply saying that sometimes political correctness can be taken too far, and have given a few examples. Don't worry about me. We are having elections in Australia in late May, and I am doing my little part in getting rid of all the dumbfucks and arsehats in Australian political life.
  15. https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/objective-consciousness You are joyful, you are kind, you are energetic, you are determined, you’re clear, you’re awake, you’re completely absorbed in your experience, you’re peaceful. All these qualities are present together in the objective level, as the diamond consciousness, or the objective consciousness. https://ndpr.nd.edu/reviews/subjective-consciousness-a-self-representational-theory/#:~:text=Subjective character is that feature,which the subject is aware. Subjective character is that feature of a conscious state by virtue of which there is something it is like for the subject. But being “for the subject”, according to Kriegel, means being something of which the subject is aware. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The rabbit hole of the soft sciences!!! Simply and elegantly put, (imvho of course!) consciousness is defined as a state of awareness and responsiveness to one's surroundings."
  16. Wow!!!! I'm no scientist so I won't comment on your lengthy, alternative explanations for scientific observations that have been made over 300 years....( others will surely comment on your methodology) other then we should expect to see you in Stockholm in November? 🥱
  17. And with all due respect, considering that the choice of the black female was one being discriminated against for a couple of hundred years or so, and considering that she is qualified anyway, and considering there is no other black female on that panel of judges, I see Biden's prempt as a rather non event. 🤣 Ahh, I could go on and on about political correctness, in many instances being taken too far, and going from the sublime to the ridiculoius. I had this feminazi tell me I was a sexist because I addressed a female bank clerk and others as "love"....or that a manhole cover was equally disciminatory speech...or the paramedics that addressed my wife as "love" when I called them to her after a severe asthma attack...I could go on and on and on and on.........
  18. https://phys.org/news/2022-04-space-blocs-future-international-cooperation.html Space Blocs: The future of international cooperation in space is splitting along lines of power on Earth: Even during times of conflict on the ground, space has historically been an arena of collaboration among nations. But trends in the past decade suggest that the nature of cooperation in space is shifting, and fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine has highlighted these changes. 'm an international relations scholar who studies power distributions in space—who the main players are, what capabilities they possess and whom they decide to cooperate with. Some scholars predict a future in which single states pursue various levels of dominance, while others foresee a scenario in which commercial entities bring nations together. more at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis-accords/index.html Principles for a Safe, Peaceful, and Prosperous Future Through Artemis, NASA aims to land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, heralding a new era for space exploration and utilization. While NASA is leading the Artemis missions, international partnerships will play a key role in achieving a sustainable and robust presence on the Moon while preparing to conduct a historic human mission to Mars. With numerous countries and private sector players conducting missions and operations in cislunar space, it’s critical to establish a common set of principles to govern the civil exploration and use of outer space. The Artemis Accords will describe a shared vision for principles, grounded in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, to create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science, and commercial activities for all of humanity to enjoy. More than a dozen countries have signed the Artemis Accords. https://www.nasa.gov/gateway/overview The Gateway will be an outpost orbiting the Moon that provides vital support for a long-term human return to the lunar surface, as well as a staging point for deep space exploration. It is a critical component of NASA’s Artemis program. The Gateway is a vital part of NASA’s deep space exploration plans, along with the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, Orion spacecraft, and human landing system that will send astronauts to the Moon. Gaining new experiences on and around the Moon will prepare NASA to send the first humans to Mars in the coming years, and the Gateway will play a vital role in this process. It is a destination for astronaut expeditions and science investigations, as well as a port for deep space transportation such as landers en route to the lunar surface or spacecraft embarking to destinations beyond the Moon. NASA has focused Gateway development on the initial critical elements required to support the landing – the Power and Propulsion Element, the Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) and logistics capabilities. more.......................... https://www.space.com/russia-china-moon-research-station-agreement Russia and China just agreed to build a research station on the moon together: China and Russia plan to build a lunar research station together. Leaders of the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and Roscosmos, Russia's federal space agency, signed a memorandum of understanding Tuesday (March 9) on the construction of a moon outpost called the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). more at link..............
  19. Australia and New Zealand. While mistakes in the early days were made, generally lockdowns along with near full vaccination levels, mandatory masks on public transport, and social distancing, limited the effects of covid. Those mistakes were with limited vaccine orders, which would have seen the effects in Aust and NZ even more limited. PhilGeis said:"In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument." Yes, a huge load of..............
  20. Can't argue with that. While right/wrong is certainly subjective, it should not be ignored that a victim's views and opinions on right and wrong are far more valid then the perpetrator/s views. And of course as any self respecting criminal and law breaker knows, they wouldn't be openly expressing their own moral standings if pinched for breaking an important law. On the other hand, in most democratic socieities, right and wrong are objectively defined, by the following..... (1)The laws of the land. (2) The authority and courts of the land elected to uphold those laws, and dish out the required fair and reasonable punishment. (3) And of course the society that has elected that authority, and consequently under that umbrella. But I have expressed all those views in the justice/punishment. The Black female contender has been elected, and all that have contributed to this thread have actually agree she is qualified. The difference simply being the prior announcement of that choice. I don't see it as wrong. As an outsider, and as I have expressed earlier, I see a female and non white choice, as simply needed to cover all contingencies, so to speak.
  21. beecee

    Is this just ?

    In short, nothing is perfect, but the present generally democratic western style workable justice systems, are by far, the best we have, along with their checks and balances such as paroles, suspended sentences, and such. The problem of course exists with those criminals and misfits that chose to thumb their noses at such reformation/rehabilitation attempts. So much so, that there is now much tightening up of these attempts at leniency by the courts in NSW. This is obviously making it much harder for the young impulsive first time offender that may benefit from such attempts. The object of course of any justice system in the first instance, is to protect the general public and potential victims, from such societal misfits.
  22. Thanks for that...just thinking of the grandkids!!!
  23. I had all the Bayko sets and would spend hours constructing the bungalows, town halls and such, and would proudly have it displayed on the cabinet or TV set (an old 21 inch one) for weeks at a time. My mate had the meccano sets and we would spend our quite (sometimes) lazy Sunday arvos constructing our pieces together. Seriously though, is there anything like this for kids today? I'm certainly not impressed with Lago.
  24. While essentially I disagree with your general thoughts on this matter, the above is of course correct, and I can certainly relate to that. And by the same token, the newly discovered or recognised forms of political correctness, is also sometimes taken too far...imo of course! And again, of course to many, that would indeed be what would be understood by some. But perhaps we need to widen our area of thinking, and understand that in the past, the white male has indeed been in an elevated position, and that woman and non whites have been discriminated against. Therefore, again imo, if we have a non white woman, of equal qualifications, wouldn't it be morally correct to recognise that while morally all judges should judge without fear or favour, and irrespective of colour or background, they are also human? (and most humans do have biases) So recognising that justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done, what is wrong then in chosing a female non white that is qualified? And further more, what is wrong with Biden chosing a morally honest approach, and informing his constituents, that these are the grounds and reasons for his choice, which seems to be your bone of contention. Again, as an aside, I would like to hear more from the VP, Harris on this and other matters. You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you aint ever going to please all of the people all of the time.
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